Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
referred to furnished in duplicate.
Yours, very truly, THOMAS H. CARTER, President.
Hon. D.R. FRANCIS, President Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, City.
ST. Louis, U.S.A., October 15, 1902.
DEAR SIR: In reply to your letter of October 3 with respect to a summary of the financial condition of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, I desire to say that the attention of the proper officers of the company has been called to this request of your part, and I may assure you that the desired information will be prepared and furnished at an early date.
Yours, truly, D.R. FRANCIS, President.
Hon. THOMAS H. CARTER, President National Commission, St. Louis, Mo.
ST. Louis, U.S.A., November 1, 1902.
DEAR SIR: I am directed by President Francis to transmit to you the following information of the total receipts and disbursements of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to November 1, 1902:
As shown by the report of the treasurer, the collections on account of subscriptions to the capital stock to November 1, 1902, amount to $2,478,030.83.
The treasurer has received from the city of St. Louis the proceeds of the sale of $5,000,000 in bonds, said sale having been made in June, 1902, at a price slightly above par.
The total disbursements to November 1, 1902, as shown by the
books of the treasurer, amount to $21,284,141.01.
The outstanding obligations and contracts, including
disbursements to November 1, 1902, amount to $6,931,853.41.
There is in the hands of the treasurer, November 1, 1902, the
sum of $5,193,889.82.
Secretary Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
ST. Louis, U.S.A., November 26, 1902.
DEAR SIR: By direction of the Commission I respectfully call your attention to the following entry in the minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of the Commission held on October 2, 1902, as follows:
"President Francis was requested by the Commission to furnish a detailed statement of all outstanding contract obligations and other liabilities of the exposition for transmission to the President of the United States with the monthly report for the current month. He said the statement would be furnished the Commission as requested."
The statement referred to was not furnished to the Commission for transmission to the President of the United States with the monthly statement for the month of October. Presumably this default occurred because of your inability to have the statement prepared in season for transmission with that report. It is deemed by the Commission absolutely essential that the statement should be transmitted with the report for the month of November, to the end that it may be on file and available for examination by the President or by Congress.
You are, therefore, respectfully requested to furnish such detailed statement to the Commission at the earliest practicable date, to the end that it may be examined during the present meeting of the Commission.
The Commission desires that the statement should show the contract obligations for the several buildings, the names of the contractors, the dates fixed for payment, the amounts heretofore paid, and the date for final completion of each structure. Also all contracts existing requiring the payment of money for the acquisition of grounds and improvements to be made thereon, and for services rendered, or to be rendered, together with the amounts heretofore paid on the respective contracts, and the names of the contractors to whom payments have been or are to be made. In short, it is the desire of the Commission that the statement should give the substance of each and every contract for the payment of money made by the Exposition Company prior to November 1.
The Commission also desires that the statement should embrace an approximate estimate of the cost of all contemplated construction, improvements, and necessary expenditures connected with the exposition as contemplated by the plan and scope thereof heretofore approved.
The Commission deems the statement referred to necessary under the requirements of section 11 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1901, which requires the Commission to give a general summary of the financial condition of the exposition.
The Commission will appreciate the courtesy of the statement in duplicate.
Very respectfully,
President Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company,
St. Louis, Mo.
ST. LOUIS, November 26, 1902.
DEAR SIR: I beg to acknowledge receipt of a communication dated
November 26, signed by President Carter, requesting a detailed
statement of the financial obligations and expenditures of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company up to and including
October 31, 1902.
Secretary National Commission, City.
ST. LOUIS, U.S.A., November 26, 1902.
DEAR SIR: I send herewith a statement of the disbursements and
liabilities of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, which,
I think, meets the request made by the National Commission.
President National Commission, St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, November 29, 1902.
DEAR SIR: I send herewith the financial statement and duplicate
duly certified in accordance with the request of the National
FEBRUARY 5, 1903.
DEAR SIR: Referring to conversation had with you this morning, relative to the detailed statement of disbursements and liabilities transmitted this Commission each month, I wish to say that the statement does not furnish all the information requested.
By reference to letter addressed President Francis by President Carter under date of November 26, 1902, on the second page of which you will note this Commission desires a statement showing the contract obligations for the several buildings, the name of the contractors, the dates fixed for payment, the amounts heretofore paid, and the date for final completion of each structure. Also all contracts existing requiring the payment of money for the acquisition of grounds and improvements to be made thereon, and for services rendered or to be rendered, together with the amounts heretofore paid on the respective contracts, and the names of the contractors to whom payments have been or are to be made, giving the substance of each and every contract for the payment of money made by the Exposition Company prior to November 1. If you could have the statement include the months of November, December, and January it would be appreciated.
You will also note that it is desired that the statement should embrace an approximate estimate