Leaves of Life, for Daily Inspiration. Margaret Bird Steinmetz

Leaves of Life, for Daily Inspiration - Margaret Bird Steinmetz

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my crimes forgive; And since I soon must cease to live, Instruct me how to die. —Lord Byron. Knowledge, whether it descend from divine inspiration or spring from human sense, would soon perish and vanish to oblivion if it were not preserved in books, traditions, conferences, and places appointed. —Francis Bacon. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein. —Revelation 1. 3. Almighty God, I would have thy counsel as I read the words and follow the deeds of helpful lives, that I may be inspired to nobler activities. Give me the desire to know more of thy holy word, that I may have a better knowledge of life. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-THIRDTable of Contents John Hancock born 1737.William Pitt died 1806.Charles Kingsley died 1875.Paul Gustave Doré died 1883. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful. Welcome it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower, and thank Him for it, who is the fountain of all loveliness. —Charles Kingsley. Nature never did betray The heart that loved her; 'tis her privilege Through all the years of this life, to lead, From joy to joy; for she can so impress With quietness and beauty, and so feed With lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues, * * * * * Nor all the dreary intercourse of daily life, Shall e'er prevail against us or disturb Our cheerful faith, that all which we behold Is full of blessings.—William Wordsworth.Is not God in the height of heaven? And behold the height of the stars, how high they are! And thou sayest, What doth God know? Can he judge through the thick darkness?—Job 22. 12, 13. Lord God, I pray that I may not overlook thy blessings of beauty while endeavoring to perform my duties. Guide me that I may not struggle to be where thou wouldst not have me go. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-FOURTHTable of Contents Charles Earl of Dorset born 1637.Frederick the Great born 1712.Charles James Fox born 1749.The great Gods pass through the great Time-hall, Stately and high; The little men climb the low clay wall To gape and spy; "We wait for the Gods," the little men cry, "But these are our brothers passing by." The great Gods pass through the great Time-hall; Who can see? The little men nod by the low clay wall, So tired they be; '"Tis weary waiting for Gods," they yawn, "There's a world o' men, but the Gods are gone." —A. H. Begbie. But their eyes were holden that they should not know him. —Luke 24. 16. My Father, may I be careful of getting weary and missing the best through the need of rest. Intensify my desire for the songs and glorious ways, that I may not settle into dullness and slumber, while others pass on in the light. I pray for a keener sense of the possessions made possible by the deeds and cares of noble men and women. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-FIFTHTable of Contents Robert Burns born 1759.Lord Frederick Leighton died 1896.Daniel Maclise born 1811.When ranting round in pleasure's ring Religion may be blinded: Or if she gie a random sting, It may be little minded: But when on life we're Tempest-driv'n— A conscience but a canker, A correspondence fixed wi' Heav'n, Is sure a noble anchor. —Robert Burns. Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever; Do noble things, not dream them, all day long: And so make life, death, and that vast forever One grand sweet song. —Charles Kingsley. O Lord, by these things men live; And wholly therein is the life of my spirit: Wherefore recover thou me, and make me to live. —Isaiah 38. 16. Gracious Father, grant that I may not be willing to spend my life for trivial needs, for thou dost measure me for what I am, and boldest me for what I lose in waste. Be with me in my judgment of what is best, that I may make the most of my life. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-SIXTHTable of Contents Lord George Sackville born 1716.Benjamin Robert Haydon born 1786.Mary Mapes Dodge born 1838.General Gordon (Chinese Gordon) killed 1885.Ave Maria! blessed be the hour, That time, the clime, the spot, where I so oft Have felt that moment in its fullest power Sink o'er the earth so beautiful and soft, While swung the deep bell in the distant tower Or the faint dying day-hymn stole aloft, And not a breath crept through the rosy air, And yet the forest leaves seemed stirred with prayer. —Lord Byron. I am quite happy, thank God, and like Lawrence, I have tried to do my duty. —General Gordon (just before death). For in the day of trouble he will keep me secretly in his pavilion: In the covert of his tabernacle will he hide me; He will lift me up upon a rock.—Psalm 27. 5. Heavenly Father, teach me how to breathe in the sweetness of life. Reveal to me the life that will bring peace to the soul. May I not be dismayed, but find the "Peace that passeth all understanding," the perfect peace that comes from thee. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-SEVENTHTable of Contents Johannes Wolfgang Mozart born 1756.A. W. von Schlegel born 1767.David Friedrich Strauss born 1808. To keep young, every day read a poem, hear a choice piece of music, view a fine painting, and, if possible, do a good action. Man's highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances, and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them. —Goethe. Let us not always say, "Spite of this flesh to-day I strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!" As the bird wings and sings, Let us cry, "All good things Are ours, nor soul helps flesh more now than flesh helps soul!"—Robert Browning. Surely goodness and loving-kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. —Psalm 23. 6. Loving Father, help me to foresee that it is what I care for to-day that determines how I will find old age. May I not bring my closing years to weariness and lonesomeness, but may I have the restfulness that comes with communing with thee. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-EIGHTHTable of Contents Charlemagne died 814.Sir Francis Drake died 1596.Peter the Great died 1725.Charles George Gordon (Chinese Gordon) born 1833. He only is advancing in life whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker, and whose spirit is entering into living peace. And the men who have this life in them are the true lords and kings of the earth—they, and they only. —John Ruskin. Just where you stand in the conflict, There is your place! Just where you think you are useless, Hide not your face! God placed you there for a purpose, What e'er it be; Think you he has chosen you for it: Work loyally.—Anonymous. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! —Romans 11. 33. My Father, I thank thee that thou hast endowed me with a will; help me to use it aright. May I have the knowledge of what thou dost demand of my soul, that I may do my best with what thou hast given me. Help me that I may reach out for the highest ideals of life. Amen. JANUARY TWENTY-NINTHTable of Contents Emanuel Swedenborg born 1688.Thomas Paine born 1737.Adelaide Ristori born 1822.William McKinley, Ohio, twenty-fourth President United States, born 1843. God will keep no nation in supreme place that will not do supreme duty. —William McKinley. Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us. —Thomas Paine. The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another. —George Eliot. Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, Upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself. So shall we not go back from thee: Quicken thou us, and we will call upon thy name.—Psalm 80. 17, 18. My Father, I pray that I may be just and be given to kindness. May I be conscious of my virtues, and use them to overcome my faults. May I hear clearly thy call that I may be sure of the way as I lead others to duty and happiness. Amen. JANUARY THIRTIETHTable of Contents Archbishop Butler born 1774.Walter Savage Landor born 1775.Henri Rochefort born 1830.Why, why repine, my pensive friend, At pleasures slipped away? Some the stern fates will never lend, And all refuse to stay. I see the rainbow in the sky, The dew upon the grass; I see them and I ask not why They glimmer or they pass. With folded arms I linger not To call them back; 'twere vain; In this, or in some other spot, I know they'll shine again. —Walter Savage Landor. When disappointment comes meet it, but do not carry it along with you; nor fetter your spirit by changeless haste. "Memory will always pursue some precious instance of itself," which will bring either renewed confidence or resignation. —M. B. S. For thou shalt forget thy misery; Thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed
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