Leaves of Life, for Daily Inspiration. Margaret Bird Steinmetz

Leaves of Life, for Daily Inspiration - Margaret Bird Steinmetz

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can see it. If I practice three days, the great public can see it. —Ole Bull. Those who say they will forgive but can't forget an injury simply bury the hatchet while they leave the handle out, ready for immediate use. —Dwight L. Moody. But I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself, so that I may accomplish my course. —Acts 20. 24. Almighty God, if I am uncertain, and tremble at the crossroads in doubt of the right way, may I wait and be led by thee, and follow on, even if the way be dark and rough. May I be faithful and have thy presence as thou promised at the end. Amen. FEBRUARY SIXTHTable of Contents Queen Anne of England born 1665.Aaron Burr born 1756.Sir Henry Irving born 1838. Nothing earthly will make me give up my work in despair. I encourage myself in the Lord my God and go forward. —David Livingstone. To expect defeat is nine tenths of defeat itself. —Marion Crawford. I do not see how any man can afford, for the sake of his nerves and his nap, to spare any action in which he can partake. —Ralph Waldo Emerson. Art is a jealous mistress, she requires the whole man. —Michael Angelo. Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. —1 Corinthians 16. 13. Almighty God, help me to have true conceptions, that my life may not be secured to needless purposes. May my soul be influenced by high ideals, and my work be the production of truth and not of selfishness. Protect me from evil that I may be kept pure and strong for my work. Amen. FEBRUARY SEVENTHTable of Contents Millard Fillmore, New York, thirteenth President United States born 1800.Sir Thomas More born 1478.Charles Dickens born 1812.Anne Radcliffe died 1823.Sidney Cooper died 1902. Let no man turn aside ever so slightly, from the broad path of honor, on the plausible pretense that he is justified by the goodness of his end. All good ends can be worked out by good means. —Charles Dickens. If evils come not, then our fears are vain; And if they do, fear but augments the pain.—Sir Thomas More.A human heart knows aught of littleness, Suspects no man, compares with no one's ways, Hath in one hour most glorious length of days, A recompense, a joy, a loveliness;Like eaglet keen, shoots into azure far, And always dwelling nigh is the remotest star.—William Ellery Channing.Teach me thy way, O Jehovah; I will walk in thy truth: Unite my heart to fear thy name.—Psalm 86. 11. Gracious Father, I pray that thou wilt control my impulses, and protect me from false interpretations. May I have wisdom, and search for the high and holy ways. Help me to be patient for thy purposes, and may my relations to life be triumphant in thy standards. Amen. FEBRUARY EIGHTHTable of Contents Samuel Butler born 1612.John Ruskin born 1819.General Sherman born 1820.Jules Verne born 1828.Richard Watson Gilder born 1844. If you want knowledge, you must toil for it; and if pleasure, you must toil for it. Toil is the law. Pleasure comes through toil, and not by self-indulgence and indolence. When one gets to love work his life is a happy one. —John Ruskin. Whatever sceptic could inquire for, For every why he had a wherefore.—Samuel Butler.Through love to light! O wonderful the way, That leads from darkness to the perfect day! From darkness and from sorrow of the night To morning that comes singing o'er the sea. Through love to light! through light O God to Thee! Who art the love, the eternal light of light!—Richard Watson Gilder. We must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. —John 9. 4. My Father, I pray that I may not weight my life with worthless efforts. May I be guided to the right work, and through the love of it find strength for my soul. Amen. FEBRUARY NINTHTable of Contents C. F. Volney born 1757.William Henry Harrison, Virginia, ninth President United States, born 1773.Anthony Hope (Hawkins) born 1863.George Ade born 1866. A man's own observation, what he finds good of, and what he finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health. But it is a safer conclusion to say, "This agreeth not well with me, therefore I will not continue it"; than to say, "I find no offense of this, therefore I may use it." For strength of nature in youth passeth over many excesses, which are owing a man till his age. —Francis Bacon. Though man a thinking being is defined, Few use the grand prerogative of mind. How few think justly of the thinking few! How many never think, who think they do!—Jane Taylor. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life. —James 1. 12. Almighty God, I would learn that while thou art a forgiving Lord, nature has no mercy on them that break her laws. Forgive me for all my neglect, and help me to see the way in which thou hast through mercy led me. Give me the power to endure and the strength to resist temptation. May I seek to understand thy laws, that I may not fail through ignorance. Amen. FEBRUARY TENTHTable of Contents Rev. Henry Hart Milman born 1791.Charles Lamb born 1775.Sir William Napier died 1860. Never let the most well-intended falsehood escape your lips; for Heaven, which is entirely Truth, will make the seed which you have sown of untruth to yield miseries a thousandfold. —Charles Lamb. We cannot command veracity at will; the power of seeing and reporting truly is a form of health that has to be distinctly guarded, and as an ancient rabbi has solemnly said, "The penalty of untruth is untruth." —George Eliot. The bat hangs upside down and laughs at a topsy-turvy world. —Unknown. The lip of truth shall be established for ever; But a lying tongue is but for a moment.—Proverbs 12. 19. Lord God, give me the will to hold to the truth and the strength to help keep the world true; and may I help others to look up and catch the truth from the purest light. Amen. FEBRUARY ELEVENTHTable of Contents Mary, Queen of England, born 1516.Daniel Boone born 1735.Lydia M. Child born 1802.Washington Gladden born 1836.Thomas A. Edison born 1847.Few, in the days of early youth, Trusted like me in love and truth. I've learned sad lessons from the years; But slowly and with many tears; For God made me to kindly view The world that I was passing through. And all who tempt a trusting heart From faith and hope to drift apart, May they themselves be spared the pain Of losing power to trust again! God help us all to kindly view The world that we are passing through! —Lydia M. Child.