Physics. Willis E. Tower

Physics - Willis E. Tower

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as there are great differences between the elastic forces of different substances, so there are great differences in the limits of elasticity. In some substances the limit is reached with slight distortion, while others are perfectly elastic even when greatly stretched. India rubber is an example of a body having perfect elasticity through wide limits. Glass has great elastic force but its limit of elasticity is soon reached. Substances like India rubber may be said to have great "stretchability," but little elastic force. In physics, elasticity refers to the elastic force rather than to ability to endure stretching.

      31. Kinds of Elasticity.Elasticity may be shown in four ways: compression, bending or flexure, extension or stretching, twisting or torsion. The first is illustrated by squeezing a rubber eraser, the second by an automobile spring, the third by the stretching of a rubber band, the fourth by the twisting and untwisting of a string by which a weight is suspended.

      There are two kinds of elasticity: (1) elasticity of form or shape; (2) elasticity of volume. Gases and liquids possess elasticity of volume, but not of shape, while solids may have both kinds. Gases and liquids are perfectly elastic because no matter how great pressure may be applied, as soon as the pressure is removed they regain their former volume. No solid possesses perfect elasticity, because sooner or later the limit of elasticity will be reached.

      32. Hooke's Law.[A]—On examining the successive movements of the end of the rod in Art. 30, we find that they are approximately equal. Carefully conducted experiments upon the elasticity of bodies have shown that the changes in shape are directly proportional to the forces applied, provided that the limit of elasticity is not reached. This relation, discovered by Robert Hooke, is sometimes expressed as follows: "Within the limits of perfect elasticity, all changes of size or shape are directly proportional to the forces producing them."

      33. Molecular Forces and Molecular Motions.—If a solid is compressed, on releasing the pressure the body regains its former shape if it has not been compressed too far. This indicates that at a given temperature the "molecules of a solid tend to remain at a fixed distance from each other, and resist any attempt to decrease or increase this distance." This raises the question, Why does not the cohesion pull the molecules tightly together so that compression would be impossible? The reason is that heat affects the size of solid bodies. On lowering the temperature, bodies do contract, for as soon as the temperature is lowered the vibration of the molecule is lessened. On raising the temperature the molecules are pushed farther apart.

      The size of a body, then, is the result of a balance of opposing forces. The attractive force between the molecules pulling them together is cohesion, while the force which pushes them apart is due to the motions of the molecules. Raising the temperature and thus increasing the motion causes expansion; lowering the temperature decreases the molecular motion and so causes contraction. If an outside force tries to pull the body apart or to compress it this change of size is resisted by either cohesion or molecular motion.

      34. Properties of Matter.—Many differences in the physical properties of solids are due to differences between the cohesive force of different kinds of molecules. In some substances, the attraction is such that they may be rolled out in very thin sheets. Gold is the best example of this, sheets being formed ⅓00,000 of an inch thick. This property is called malleability. In other substances the cohesion permits it to be drawn out into fine threads or wire. Glass and quartz are examples of this. This property is called ductility. In some, the cohesion makes the substance excessively hard, so that it is difficult to work or scratch its surface. The diamond is the hardest substance known. Some substances are tough, others brittle. These are tested by the ability to withstand sudden shocks as the blow of a hammer.

      Important Topics

      1. Molecular forces in solids; (a) adhesion, (b) cohesion.

      2. Elasticity, Hooke's Law.

      3. Contraction on cooling.

      4. Malleability, ductility, hardness, brittleness, etc.


      1. Give an illustration of Hooke's Law from your own experience.

      2. What devices make use of it?

      3. Do solids evaporate. Give reasons.

      4. When iron is welded, is cohesion or adhesion acting?

      5. When a tin basin is soldered, is cohesion or adhesion acting?

      6. Sometimes a spring is made more elastic by tempering and made soft by annealing. Look up the two terms. How is each accomplished?

      7. Review the definitions: solid, liquid, and gas. Why do these definitions mean more to you now than formerly?

      8. If a wire is stretched 0.3 cm. on applying 4 kg. of force, what force will stretch it 0.75 cm? Explain.

      9. How long will it take under ordinary conditions for a gas molecule to cross a room? Give reasons for your answer.

      10. What is meant by the elastic limit of a body?

      11. Without reaching the elastic limit, if a beam is depressed 4 mm. under a load of 60 kg., what will be the depression under a load of 400 kg.? Of 600 kg.?

      12. Name three substances that possess elasticity of volume.

      13. Give three examples of each; elasticity of (1) compression, (2) stretching, (3) torsion, (4) flexure.

      Review Outline: Introduction and Molecules

      Physics; definition, topics considered, physical and chemical changes.

      Science; hypothesis, theory, law. Knowledge; common, scientific.

      Matter; three states, molecular theory. Mass, weight, volume.

      Metric system; units, tables, equivalents, advantages.

      Evidences of molecular motions; gases (3), liquids (5), solids (3).

      Evidences of molecular forces; liquids (3), solids (many) special properties such as: elasticity, tenacity, ductility, hardness, etc.

      Hooke's law; applications.

       Table of Contents


       Table of Contents

      35. Pressure of Liquids against Surfaces.—The sight of a great ship, perhaps built of iron and floating on water, causes one to wonder at the force that supports it. This same force is noticed when one pushes a light body, as a cork, under water. It is quite evident in such a case that a force exists sufficient to overcome the weight of the cork so that it tends to rise to the surface. Even the weight of our bodies is so far supported by water that many persons can float.

       Fig. 17.—Water forces the card against the chimney.

      The following experiment provides a means of testing this force:

      If an empty can is pushed down into water, we feel at once the force of the liquid acting against the object and tending to push it upward. It may be noticed also that so long as the can is not completely submerged the deeper the can is pushed into the water the greater is the upward force

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