Physics. Willis E. Tower

Physics - Willis E. Tower

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Fig. 10 b by the circular form of the loop after the film within it has been pierced by a hot wire, Fig. 11 shows a rectangular wire form with a "rider." The tension in the film draws the rider forward.

       Fig. 11.—The rider is drawn forward. Fig. 12.—Surface tension causes the pointed shape.

      A soap bubble takes its spherical shape because this form holds the confined air within the smallest possible surface. A drop of liquid is spherical for the same reason. Many illustrations of the tension in films may be given. Users of water colors notice that a dry camel's-hair brush is bushy. (Fig. 12 A). When in water it is still bushy. (Fig. 12 B.) But when it is taken from the water and the excess is shaken from it, it is pointed as in Fig. 12 C. It is held to the pointed shape by the tension of the liquid film about the brush.

       Fig. 13.—A needle depresses the surface when floating.

      The surface of water acts as if covered by a film which coheres more strongly than the water beneath it. This is shown by the fact that a steel needle or a thin strip of metal may be floated upon the surface of water. It is supported by the surface film. (See Fig. 13.) If the film breaks the needle sinks. This film also supports the little water bugs seen running over the surface of a quiet pond in summer. The surface film is stronger in some liquids than in others. This may be shown by taking water, colored so that it can be seen, placing a thin layer of it on a white surface and dropping alcohol upon it. Wherever the alcohol drops, the water is seen to pull away from it, leaving a bare space over which the alcohol has been spread. This indicates that the alcohol has the weaker film. The film of greasy benzine is stronger than the film of the pure material. If one wishes to remove a grease spot and places pure benzine at the center of the spot, the stronger film of the greasy liquid will pull away from the pure benzine, and spread out, making a larger spot than before, while if pure benzine is placed around the grease spot, the greasy liquid at the center pulls away from the pure benzine, drawing more and more to the center, where it may be wiped up and the grease entirely removed.

       Fig. 14.—The molecule at A is held differently from one within the liquid.

      23. Explanation of the Surface Film.—Beneath the surface of a liquid each molecule is attracted by all the other molecules around it. It is attracted equally in all directions. Consequently the interior molecules move very easily over each other in any direction. A molecule at the surface, as at A, Fig. 14, is not attracted upward by other liquid molecules. Its freedom of motion is thereby hindered with the result that a molecule at the surface behaves differently from one beneath the surface. The surface molecules act as if they form an elastic skin or membrane upon the liquid surface.

       Fig. 15.—Capillary attraction in tubes.

      24. Capillarity.—A striking action of the surface film of a liquid is seen in the rise of liquids in tubes of small bore when the liquid wets them. If the liquid does not wet the tube, as when mercury is placed in glass, the liquid is depressed. It is found in general that: Liquids rise in capillary tubes when they wet them and are depressed in tubes which they do not wet; the smaller the diameter of the tube the greater the change of level. (See Fig. 15.) This action is explained as follows: The molecules of a liquid have an attraction for each other and also for the sides of a tube. The former is called "cohesion for itself," the latter is called "adhesion for the sides of the containing vessel." If the cohesion for itself is greater than the adhesion for the side of the containing vessel, the liquid is pulled away from the side and is depressed. If the adhesion is greater, the liquid is elevated. This action is called "capillary action" from the Latin word (capillus) signifying hair, since it shows best in fine hairlike tubes.

      There are many common illustrations of capillary action: oil rising in a wick; water rising in a towel or through clothes; ink in a blotter, etc. The minute spaces between the fibers composing these objects act as fine tubes. If cloth is treated with a preparation which prevents water from adhering to its fibers, the material will not be wet when water is poured upon it, because the water will not run in between the fibers; a surface film spreads over the cloth so that no water enters it. Cravenette cloth has been treated in this way and hence is waterproof.

      The action of this film may be shown by the following experiment. Dip a sieve of fine copper gauze in melted paraffin, thus coating each wire so that water will not adhere to it. Water may now be poured into the sieve, if a piece of paper is first laid in it to break the force of the water. On carefully removing the paper the surface film of the water will prevent the passage of the water through the sieve.

      25. Capillary Action in Soils.—The distribution of moisture in the soil depends largely upon capillary action. When the soil is compact the minute spaces between the soil particles act as capillary tubes, thus aiding the water to rise to the surface. As the water evaporates from the surface more of it rises by capillary action from the damper soil below. Keeping the soil loose by cultivation, makes the spaces between the particles too large for much capillary action, thus the moisture is largely prevented from rising to the surface.

      In the semi-arid regions of the West "dry farming" is successfully practised. This consists in keeping the surface covered with a "dust mulch" produced by frequent cultivation. In this way the moisture is kept below the surface, where it can be utilized during the hot dry summer by the roots of growing plants.

      Important Topics

      1. Attractive forces between liquid molecules.

      2. Cohesion (like molecules); adhesion (unlike molecules).

      3. Special effects of this force are classified as (a) capillary action, and (b) surface tension.


      1. What evidence of capillary action have you seen outside of the laboratory?

      2. What is the explanation for capillary action?

      3. Where are surface films found?

      4. What are three common effects of surface films?

      5. Explain why cravenette cloth sheds water.

      6. If a circular glass disc 10 cm. in diameter requires 50 grams of force to draw it from the water, what is the cohesion of water per square centimeter?

      7. What is the weight in grams of 1 ccm. of water? of a liter of water?

      8. Name five examples of adhesion to be found in your home.

      9. Under what conditions will a liquid wet a solid and spread over it?

      10. When will it form in drops on the surface?

      11. Explain the proper procedure for removing a grease spot with benzine.

      12. What difference is there between a liquid and a fluid?

      13. Why cannot a "soap bubble" be blown from pure water?

      14. Which are larger, the molecules of steam or those of water? Why?

      15. Why is the ground likely to be damp under a stone or board when it is dry all around?

      16. Why does any liquid in falling through the air assume the globule form?

      17. Give three examples of capillary attraction found in the home. Three out of doors.

      18. Why does cultivation of the soil prevent rapid evaporation of water from the ground?


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