Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings. William F. Denning

Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings - William F. Denning

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previous efforts in the way of telescopic construction. There are some who doubt that such enormous instruments are really necessary, and question whether the results obtained with them are sufficient return for the great expense involved in their erection. Large instruments require large observatories; and the latter must be at some distance from a town, and in a locality where the atmosphere is favourable. Nothing can be done with great aperture in the presence of smoke and other vapours, which, as they cross the field, become ruinous to definition. Moreover, a big instrument is not to be manipulated with the same facility as a small one: and when anything goes wrong with it, its rectification may be a serious matter, owing to the size. Such telescopes need constant attention if they would be kept in thorough working order. On the other hand, small instruments involve little outlay, they are very portable, and require little space. They may be employed in or out of doors, according to the inclination and convenience of the observer. They are controlled with the greatest ease, and seldom get out of adjustment. They are less susceptible to atmospheric influences than larger instruments, and hence may be used more frequently with success and at places by no means favourably situated in this respect. Finally, their defining powers are of such excellent character as to compensate in a measure for feeble illumination.

      In discussing this question it will be advisable to glance at the performances of certain instruments of considerable size.

      The introduction of really large glasses dates from a century ago, when Sir W. Herschel mounted his reflector, 4 feet in aperture, at Slough. He discovered two of the inner satellites of Saturn very soon after it was completed; but apart from this the instrument seems to have achieved little. Herschel remarked that on August 28, 1789, when he brought the great instrument to the parallel of Saturn, he saw the spots upon the planet better than he had ever seen them before. The night was probably an exceptionally good one, for we do not find this praise reiterated. Indeed, Herschel appears to have practically discarded his large instrument for others of less size. He found that with his small specula of 7-ft. focus and 6·3-in. aperture he had “light sufficient to see the belts of Saturn completely well, and that here the maximum of distinctness might be much easier obtained than where large apertures are concerned.” Even in his sweeps for nebulæ he employed a speculum of 20-ft. focus and 18½-in. aperture in preference to his 4-ft. instrument, though on objects of this nature light-grasping power is essentially necessary. The labour and loss of time involved in controlling the large telescope probably led to its being laid aside for more ready means, though Herschel was not the man to spare trouble when an object was to be gained. His life was spent in gleaning new facts from the sky; and had the 4-foot served his purpose better than smaller instruments, no trifling obstacle would have deterred him from its constant employment. But his aim was to accomplish as much as possible in every available hour when the stars were shining, and experience doubtless taught him to rely chiefly upon his smaller appliances as being the most serviceable. The Le Mairean form, or “Front view,” which Herschel adopted for the large instrument may quite possibly have been in some degree responsible for its bad definition.

      Lord Rosse’s 6-foot Reflecting-Telescope.

      Lord Rosse’s 6-ft. reflector has now been used for nearly half a century, and its results ought to furnish us with good evidence as to the value of such instruments. It has done important work on the nebulæ, especially in the re-observation of the objects in Sir J. Herschel’s Catalogues of 1833 and 1864. To this instrument is due the discovery of spiral nebulæ; and perhaps this achievement is its best. But when we reflect on the length of its service, we are led to wonder that so little has been accomplished. For thirty years the satellites of Mars eluded its grasp, and then fell a prize to one of the large American telescopes. The bright planets5 have been sometimes submitted to its powers, and careful drawings executed by good observers; but they show no extent of detail beyond what may be discerned in a small telescope. This does not necessarily impugn the figure of the large speculum, the performance of which is entirely dependent upon the condition of the air. The late Dr. Robinson, of Armagh, who had the direction of the instrument for sometime, wrote in 1871:—“A stream of heated air passing before the telescope, the agitation and hygrometric state of the atmosphere, and any differences of temperature between the speculum and the air in the tube are all capable of injuring or even destroying definition, though the speculum were absolutely perfect. The effect of these disturbances is, in reflectors, as the cube of their apertures; and hence there are few hours in the year when the 6-foot can display its full powers.” Another of the regular observers, Mr. G. J. Stoney, wrote in 1878:—“The usual appearance [of the double star γ2 Andromedæ] with the best mirrors was a single bright mass of blue light some seconds in diameter and boiling violently.” On the best nights, however, “the disturbance of the air would seem now and then suddenly to cease for perhaps half a second, and the star would then instantly become two very minute round specks of white light, with an interval between which, from recollection, I would estimate as equal to the diameter of either of them, or perhaps slightly less. The instrument would have furnished this appearance uninterruptedly if the state of the air had permitted.” The present observer in charge, Dr. Boeddicker, wrote the author in 1889:—“There can be no doubt that on favourable nights the definition of the 6-foot is equal to that of any instrument, as is fully shown by Dr. Copeland’s drawings of Jupiter published in the ‘Monthly Notices’ for March 1874. It appears to me, however, that the advantage in going from the 3-foot to the 6-foot is not so great in the case of planets as in the case of nebulæ; yet, as to the Moon, the detail revealed by the 6-foot on a first-class night is simply astounding. The large telescope is a Newtonian mounted on a universal joint. For the outlying portions of the great drawing of the Orion nebula it was used as a Herschelian. As to powers profitably to be used, I find no advantage in going beyond 600; yet formerly on short occasions (not longer than perhaps 1 hour a night) very much higher powers (over 1000) have been successfully employed by my predecessors.”

      Mr. Lassell’s 4-foot reflector was taken to Malta, and while there its owner, assisted by Mr. Marth, discovered a large number of nebulæ with it, but it appears to have done nothing else. His 2-foot reflector, which he had employed in previous years, seems to have been his most effective instrument; for with this he discovered Ariel and Umbriel, the two inner satellites of Uranus, Hyperion, the faintest satellite of Saturn, and the only known satellite of Neptune. He also was one of the first to distinguish the crape ring of Saturn. Mr. Lassell had many years of experience in the use of large reflectors; and in 1871 he wrote:—“There are formidable and, I fear, insurmountable difficulties attending the construction of telescopes of large size. … These are, primarily, the errors and disturbances of the atmosphere and the flexure of the object-glasses or specula. The visible errors of the atmosphere are, I believe, generally in proportion to the aperture of the telescope. … Up to the size [referring to an 8-in. O.-G.] in question, seasons of tranquil sky may be found when its errors are scarcely appreciable; but when we go much beyond this limit (say to 2 feet and upwards), both these difficulties become truly formidable. It is true that the defect of flexure may be in some degree eliminated, but that of atmospheric disturbance is quite unassailable. These circumstances will always make large telescopes proportionately less powerful than smaller ones; but notwithstanding these disadvantages they will, on some heavenly objects, reveal more than any small ones can.” Mr. Lassell’s last sentence refers to “delineations of the forms of the fainter nebulæ,” to “seeing the inner satellites of Uranus, the satellite of Neptune, and the seventh satellite of Saturn.” He mentions that, when at Malta, he “saw, in the 2-foot equatoreal, with a power of 1027, the two components of γ2 Andromedæ distinctly separated to the distance of a neat diameter of the smaller one. Now, no telescope of anything like 8-inches diameter could exhibit the star in this style.”


      The large Cooke refractor of 24·8-inches aperture, which has been mounted for about twenty years at Gateshead, has a singularly barren record. Its atmospheric surroundings appear to have rendered it impotent. The owner of this fine and costly instrument wrote the author in 1885:—“Atmosphere has an immense deal to do with definition. I have only had one fine night since 1870! I then saw what I have never seen since.”


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