Telescopic Work for Starlight Evenings. William F. Denning
performances of some of our finest telescopes must suffice for the present in assisting us to estimate their value as instruments of discovery. And it must be admitted that, on the whole, these appliances have been disappointing. The record of their successes is by no means an extended one, and in some individual cases absolute failure is unmistakable. We must judge of large glasses by their revelations; their capacity must be estimated by results. We often meet with glowing descriptions of colossal telescopes: their advantages are specified and their performances extolled to such a degree that expectation is raised to the highest pitch. But it is not always that such praise is justified by facts. The fruit of their employment is rarely prolific to the extent anticipated, because the observers have been defeated in their efforts by impediments which inseparably attend the use of such huge constructions.
Our atmosphere is always in a state of unrest. Its condition is subject to many variations. Heat, radiated or evolved from terrestrial objects, rises in waves and floats along with the wind. These vapours exercise a property of refraction, with the result that, as they pass in front of celestial objects, the latter at once become subject to a rapid series of contortions in detail. Their outlines appear tremulous, and all the features are involved in a rippling effect that seriously compromises the definition. Delicate markings are quite effaced on a disk which is thus in a state of ebullition; and on such occasions observers are rarely able to attain their ends. Telescopic work is, in fact, best deferred until a time when the air has become more tranquil. In large instruments these disturbances are very troublesome, as they increase proportionately with aperture. They are so pronounced and so persistent as to practically annul the advantage of considerable light-grasping power; for unless the images are fairly well defined, mere brightness counts for nothing. Reflectors are peculiarly susceptible to this obstacle; moreover, the open tube, the fact that rays from an object pass twice through its length, and that a certain amount of heat radiated from the observer must travel across the mouth of the tube all serve to impair the definition. A speculum, to act well, must be of coincident temperature in every part. This is not always the case, owing to the variableness of the weather or to unequal exposure of the speculum. Large refractors, though decidedly less liable to atmospheric influences, are yet so much at the mercy of them that one of the first and most important things discussed in regard to a new instrument is that of a desirable site for it.
The great weight of large objectives and specula tends to endanger the perfect consistency and durableness of their figure, and imposes a severe strain upon their cellular mounting. The glasses must obviously assume a variety of bearings during active employment. This introduces a possible cause of defective performance; for in some instances definition has been found unequal, according to the position of the glass. Specula are very likely to be affected in this manner, as they are loosely deposited in their cells to allow of expansion, and the adjustment is easily deranged. The slightest flaw in the mounting of objectives immediately makes itself apparent in faulty images. Special precautions are of course taken to prevent flexure and other errors of the kind alluded to, and modern adaptations may be said to have nearly eliminated them; but there is always a little outstanding danger, from the ease with which glasses may be distorted or their adjustment become unsettled.
Another difficulty formerly urged against telescopes of great size was the trouble of managing them; but this objection can scarcely be applied to the fine instruments of the present day, which are so contrived as to be nearly as tractable as small ones. A century ago, glass of the requisite purity for large objectives could not be obtained; but this difficulty appears also to have quite disappeared. And the process of figuring lenses of considerable diameter is now effected with the same confidence and success as that of greatly inferior sizes.
Let us now turn for a moment to the consideration of small instruments, premising that in this category are included all those up to about 12-inches aperture. Modern advances have quite altered our ideas as to what may be regarded as large and small telescopes. Sixty-five years ago the Dorpat refractor, with a 9½-inch objective by Fraunhofer, was considered a prodigy of its class; now it occupies a very minor place relatively to the 30-inch and 36-inch objectives at Nice, Pulkowa, and Mount Hamilton.
Prof. Hall remarked, in 1885:—“There is too much scepticism on the part of those who are observing with large instruments in regard to what can be seen with small ones.” This is undoubtedly true; but a mere prejudice or opinion of this sort cannot affect the question we are discussing, as it is one essentially relying upon facts.
Small instruments have done a vast amount of useful work in every field of astronomical observation. Even in the realm of nebulæ, which, more than any other, requires great penetrating power, D’Arrest showed what could be effected with small aperture. Burnham, with only a 6-inch refractor, has equally distinguished himself in another branch; for he has discovered more double stars than any previous observer. Dawes was one of the most successful amateurs of his day, though his instrumental means never exceeded an 8-inch glass. But we need not particularize further. It will be best to get a general result from the collective evidence of past years. We find that nearly all the comets, planetoids, double stars, &c. owe their first detection to comparatively small instruments. Our knowledge of sun-spots, lunar and planetary features is also very largely derived from similar sources. There is no department but what is indebted more or less to the services of small telescopes: the good work they have done is due to their excellent defining powers and to the facility with which they may be used.
Fig. 11.
Refracting-Telescope, by Browning.
We have already said that the record of discoveries made with really large instruments is limited; but it should also be remarked that until quite recently the number of such instruments has been very small. And not always, perhaps, have the best men had the control of them. Virtually the observer himself constitutes the most important part of his telescope: it is useless having a glass of great capacity at one end of a tube, and a man of small capacity at the other. Two different observers essentially alter the character of an instrument, according to their individual skill in utilizing its powers.
Large telescopes are invariably constructed for the special purpose of discovering unknown orbs and gleaning new facts from the firmament. But in attempting to carry out this design, obstacles of a grave nature confront the observer. The comparatively tranquil and sharply definite images seen in small instruments disappear, and in their places forms are presented much more brilliant and expansive, it is true, but involved in glare and subject to constant agitation, which serve to obliterate most of the details. The observer becomes conscious that what he has gained in light has been lost in definition. At times—perhaps on one occasion in fifty—this experience is different; the atmosphere has apparently assumed a state of quiescence, and objects are seen in a great telescope with the same clearness of detail as in smaller ones. It is then the observer fully realizes that his instrument, though generally ineffective, is not itself in fault, and that it would do valuable work were the normal condition of the air suitable to the exercise of its capacity.
Those who have effected discoveries with large instruments have done so in spite of the impediment alluded to. Relying mainly upon great illuminating power, bad or indifferent definition has been tolerated; and they have succeeded in detecting minute satellites, faint nebulæ, clusters, and small companions to double stars. Telescopes of great aperture are at home in this kind of work. But when we come to consider discoveries on the surfaces of the Sun, Moon, and planets, the case is entirely different; the diligent use of small appliances appears to have left little for the larger constructions to do. There are some thousands of drawings of the objects named, made by observers employing telescopes from 3 up to 72 inches in diameter; and a careful inspection shows that the smaller instruments have not been outdone in this interesting field of observation. In point of fact they rather appear to have had the advantage, and the reason of this is perhaps sufficiently palpable. The details on a bright planetary object are apt to become obliterated in the glare of a large instrument. Even with a small telescope objects like Venus and Jupiter are best seen at about the time of sunset, and before their excessive brilliancy on the dark sky is enabled to act prejudicially in effacing the delicate markings. Probably this is one of the causes which, in combination with the undulations of the atmosphere,