Stargazing: Past and Present. Sir Norman Lockyer

Stargazing: Past and Present - Sir Norman Lockyer

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us see what we have learned from the observation of this motion, for motion there is, and the ancients must be looked on with reverence for their skill in determining it with their comparatively rude instruments. In Fig. 10, A represents the earth at the vernal equinox, and at this time the sun appears near a certain star, S, which was fixed by Aristillus; but in the time of Hipparchus the equinox happened when the sun was near a star, S´, and before it got to S. Now we know that the sun has no motion round the earth, and that the equinox simply depends on the position of the earth’s equator in reference to the ecliptic; so that in order to produce the equinox when the earth is at E and before it get to A, its usual place, all we have to do is to turn the pole of the earth through a small arc of the dotted circle, and so alter its position to that shown at F, when its equator and poles will have the same position as regards the sun as they have at A, so the equinox will happen when the earth is at E, and before it reaches A. This may be practically represented by taking an orange and putting a knitting-needle through it, and drawing a line representing the equator round it, and half immersing it in a tub of water, the surface of which represents the ecliptic. We are then able to examine these motions by moving the orange round the tub to represent the earth’s annual motion, and at the same time making the orange slowly whobble like a spinning-top just before it falls, by moving the top of the knitting-needle through a small arc of a circle in the same direction as the hands of a clock at every revolution of the orange round the centre of the tub.

      The points where the equator is cut by the surface of the water (or ecliptic) will then change, as the orange whobbles, and the line joining them, will rotate, and as the equinox happens when this line passes through the sun, it will be seen that this will take place earlier at each revolution of the orange round the tub.

      The equinox will therefore appear to happen earlier each year, so that the tropical year, or the time from equinox to equinox, is a little shorter than the sidereal year, or the time that the earth takes to travel from a certain place in its orbit to the same again; for if the earth start from an equinoctial point, the equinox will happen before it gets to the same place where the equinoctial point was at starting.

      This is called the precession of the equinoxes.

      Fig. 12.—The Vernal Equinox among the Constellations, B.C. 2170.

      Fig. 13.—Showing how the Vernal Equinox has now passed from Taurus and Aries.

      This discovery must be regarded as the greatest triumph obtained by the early stargazers, and there is much evidence to show that when the zodiac was first marked out among the central zone of stars, the Bull and not the Ram was the first of the train. Even the Ram, owing to precession, is no longer the leader, for the sign Aries is now in the constellation Pisces. The two accompanying drawings by Professor Piazzi Smyth of the position of the vernal equinox among the stars in the years 2170 B.C. and 1883 A.D. will show how precession has brought about celestial changes which have not been unaccompanied by changes of religious ideas and observances in origin connected with the stars.

      Fig. 14.—Instrument for Measuring Altitudes.

      We now come to Ptolemy. There was another instrument used by Ptolemy, and described by him, which we may mention here; it was called the Parallactic Rules, so named perhaps because that ancient astronomer used it first for the observation of the parallax of the moon. It consists of three rods, D E, D F, E F, Fig. 14, two of which formed equal sides of an isosceles triangle; and the third, which had divisions on it, made the one at the base, or was the chord of the angle at the summit. One of the equal sides, D F, was furnished with pointers, over which a person observed the star, whilst the other, D E, was placed vertically, so that they read off the divisions on E F, and then, by means of a table of chords, the angle was found; this angle was the distance of the star from the zenith. Ptolemy, wishing to observe with great accuracy the position of the moon, made himself an instrument of this kind of a considerable size; for the equal rulers were four cubits long, so that its divisions might be more obvious. He rectified its position by means of a plumb-line. Purbach, Regiomontanus, and Walther, astronomers of the fifteenth century, employed this manner of observing, which, considering the youth of astronomy, was by no means to be despised. This instrument, constructed with great care, would have sufficiently been useful as far as concerns certain measurements and would have furnished results sufficiently exact; but the part of ancient astronomy that failed was the way of measuring time with any precision.

      There were astronomers who proposed clepsydras for this purpose; but Ptolemy rejected them as very likely to introduce errors; and indeed this method is subject to much inconvenience and to irregularities difficult to prevent. However, as the measurement of time is the soul of astronomy, Ptolemy had recourse to another expedient which was very ingenious. It consisted in observing the height of the sun if it were day, or of a fixed star if it were night, at the instant of a phenomenon of which he wished to know the time of occurrence, for the place of the sun or star being known to some minutes of declination and right ascension as also was the latitude of the place, he was able to calculate the hour; thus when they observed, for example, an eclipse of the moon, it was only necessary to take care to get the height of some remarkable star at each phase of the eclipse, say at the commencement and at the end, in order to be able to conclude the true time at which it took place. This was the method adopted by astronomers until the introduction of the pendulum.


       Table of Contents

      Leaving behind us the results of the researches of Ptolemy, who succeeded Hipparchus and whose methods have been described, and passing over the astronomy of the Arabs and Persians as being little in advance of Hipparchus and Ptolemy, we come down to the sixteenth century of our era.

      Here we find ourselves in presence of the improvements in instruments effected by a man whose name is conspicuous—Tycho Brahe—a Danish nobleman who, in the year 1576, established a magnificent observatory at Huen, which may be looked upon as the next building of importance after that great edifice at Alexandria which has already been referred to.

      What Hipparchus was to the astronomy of the Ancients such was Tycho to the astronomy of the Middle Ages. As such his life merits a brief notice before we proceed to his work. He was born at Knudsthorp, near Helsingborg, in Sweden, in 1546, and went to the University of Copenhagen to prepare to study law; while there he was so struck with the prediction of an eclipse of the sun by the astrological almanacks that he gave all his spare time to the study of astronomy. In 1565 his uncle died and Tycho Brahe fell into possession of one of his uncle’s estates; and as astronomy, or astrology as it was then called, was thought degrading to a man in his position by his friends, who took offence at his pursuits and made themselves very objectionable, he left for a short stay at Wittenberg, then he went to Rostock and afterwards to Augsburg, where he constructed his large quadrant. He returned to his old country in 1571; while there, Frederick II., King of Denmark, requested him to deliver a course of lectures on astronomy and astrology and became his most liberal patron. The King granted to Tycho Brahe for life the island of Huen, lying between Denmark and Sweden, and built there a magnificent observatory and apartments for Tycho, his assistants and servants. The main building was sixty feet square, with observing towers on the north and south, and a library and museum. Tycho called this Uraniberg—the city of the heavens; and he afterwards built a smaller observatory near called by him Sternberg—city of the stars, the former being insufficiently large to contain all his instruments.

      The following is a list of these instruments as given in Sir David Brewster’s excellent memoir of Brahe, in Martyrs of Science:—

       In the South and greater Observatory.

      1. A semicircle of solid iron, covered with brass,

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