Stargazing: Past and Present. Sir Norman Lockyer

Stargazing: Past and Present - Sir Norman Lockyer

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aware of the true system of the universe; he thought the earth fixed, as Ptolemy and others did; but whether we suppose the earth to be movable in the middle of the vault of stars or stationary, in either case that position is absolutely immaterial in ascertaining the right ascension of stars. If one takes the terrestrial globe, and looks upon the meridians, it is at once clear that the distance from meridian to meridian remains unaltered, whether the globe is still or turning round: so the stars maintain their relative positions to each other, whether we consider the earth in motion or the sphere in which the stars are placed to revolve round it.

      Fig. 17.—Tycho Brahe’s System.

      The introduction of clocks gave Tycho the invention of the next instrument, which was the transit circle. At this time the pendulum had not been invented; but it struck him and others that there was no necessity for having two or more circles rotating about an axis parallel to the earth’s axis, as in the astrolabes or armillæ, but only to have one circle in the plane of the meridian of the place. So that, by the diurnal movement of the earth round its own axis, all the stars in the heavens would gradually and seriatim be brought to be visible along the arc of the circle, so he arranged matters in the following way.

      The stars were observed through a hole in a wall and through an eyehole, sliding on a fixed arc. The number of degrees marked at the eyehole on the arc at once gave the altitude of the heavenly bodies as seen through that hole. If a star was very high, it would be necessary for an observer to place his eye low down to be able to see it. If it were near the horizon, he would have to travel up to the top of this circle to determine its altitude, and having done that, and knowing the latitude of the place of observation, the observer will be able to determine the position of the star with reference to the celestial equator. The actual moment at which the star was seen was noted by the clock, and the time that the sun had passed the hole being also previously noted, the length of time between the transits was known; and as the stars appear to transit or pass the meridian every twenty-four hours, it was at once known what part of the heavens was intercepted between the sun and the star in degrees, or, as is usually the case, the right ascension of the star was left expressed in hours and minutes instead of degrees; thus he had a means of determining the two co-ordinates of any celestial body.

      The places of the comet of 1677, which Tycho discovered, and of many stars, were determined with absolute certainty; but astronomers began to be ambitious. It was necessary in using this instrument to wait till a celestial body got to the meridian. If it was missed, then they had to wait till the next day; and further, they had no opportunity whatever of observing bodies which set in the evening.

      Fig. 18.—The Quadrans Maximus reproduced from Tycho’s plate.

      Seeing, therefore, that clocks were improving, it was suggested by one of Tycho’s compeers, the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, that by an instrument arranged something like Fig. 18, it would be possible to determine the exact position of any body in the heavens when examined out of the meridian, and so they got again to extra-meridional observations.

      The instrument used by Tycho Brahe for the purpose, called the Quadrans Maximus, is represented in Fig. 18. In this there is the quadrant B, D, one pointer being placed, as shown at the bottom, near H, and the other at the top, C. These pointers or sights were directed at the star by moving the arm C, H, on the pivot A, and turning the whole arm and divided arc round on the axis N, R. The altitude of the star is then read off on the quadrant B, D, and the azimuth, or number of degrees east or west of the north and south line, is then read off on the circle Q, R, S. The screws Y, Y, served to elevate the horizontal circle, and level it exactly with the horizon, and the plummets W and V, hanging from G, were to show when the circle was level or not; for the part A, G, being at right angles to the circle should be upright when the circle is level, so that if A, G, is upright in all positions when moved round the circle in azimuth, the circle is horizontal.

      Here, then, is an instrument very different in principle from what we had before. In this case the heavens are viewed from the most general standpoint we can obtain—the horizon; but observations such as these refer to the position of the place of observation absolutely, without any reference to the position of the body with respect to the equator or the ecliptic; but knowing the latitude of the place of observation and the time, it was possible for a mathematical astronomer to reduce the co-ordinates to right ascension and declination, and so actually to look at the position of these bodies with reference to the celestial sphere.

      Tycho also had various other instruments of the same kind, differing only in the position of the quadrant D, B, and of the circle on which the azimuth was measured. These instruments are the same in principle as our modern alt-azimuth, which will be described hereafter, one form having a telescope and the other being without it.

      Fig. 19.—Tycho’s Sextant.

      Fig. 19 is yet another very important instrument invented by Tycho Brahe; it is the prototype of our modern much used sextant. It was used by Tycho Brahe for determining the distance from one body to another in a direct line; a star or the moon, say, was observed by the pointers C, A, while another was observed by the pointers N, A, by another observer. The number of degrees then between N and C gave the angular distance of the two bodies observed. This instrument was mounted at E, so that it could be turned into any position. Not only then had this instrument its representative in our present sextant, but it was used in the same way, not requiring to be fixed in any one position. We also find represented in Tycho Brahe’s book another form of the same instrument, the sight A being next the observer, instead of away from him, so that he could observe the two stars through the sights N and C without moving the eye. In this form only one observer was required instead of two as in the last.

      There was also another instrument, Fig. 6, used by this great astronomer, very similar to Ptolemy’s parallactic rules, used for measuring zenith distances, or the distances of stars from the part exactly overhead. The star or moon was observed by the sights H, I, and the angle from the upright standard D, K, given by divisions on the rod E, F, D, E being placed exactly upright by a plummet, and being also able to turn on hinges at B and C, any part of the sky could be reached. There is one more of his instruments that needs notice—he had so many of all kinds that space will not allow reference to more than a very few. This one was for measuring the altitudes of the stars as they passed the meridian; it is a more convenient form of the mural quadrant, and instead of a hole in the wall, there are sights on a movable arm, working over a divided quadrant fixed in the plane of the meridian, just like the quadrant outside the horizontal circle, so the observer had no reason to move up or down according as the star was high or low.

      Here then ends the pre-telescopic age. Tycho was one of the very last of the distinguished astronomers who used instruments without the telescope. We began with the horizon, and we have now ended with the meridian. We also end with a power of determining the position of a heavenly body to ten seconds of space, the instrument of the Greeks reading to 10´ and those of Tycho to 10˝.

      We began with the immovable earth fixed in the midst of the vault of the sky, and on this assumption Tycho Brahe made all his observations, which ended in enabling Kepler to give us the true system of the world, which was the requisite basis for the crowning triumph of Newton.


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      It is difficult to give the

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