Riding and Driving. Collier Price

Riding and Driving - Collier Price

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The Hind Legs are committed to a Certain Stride in the Gallop before the Horse goes into Air 126 87. Gallop Right. The change must be begun by the hind legs as soon as they are free from the ground. The last seven photographs by M. F. A. 126 88. The Wheel in the Gallop. In two paths, the hind feet on a small inner circle 131 89. The Pirouette Wheel. The inner hind leg remains in place as a pivot 131 90. Backing. Taking advantage of the impulse produced by the whip tap to carry the mass to the rear. Photograph by M. F. A. 135 91. Backing. The same principles are observed. Photograph by M. F. A. 135 92. Jumping In Hand. Photograph by M. F. A. 138 93. The Narrow Hurdle. Photograph by M. F. A. 138 94. Jumping In Hand. Photograph by M. F. A. 138 95. Jumping a Narrow Hurdle. Photograph by M. F. A. 142 96. Jumping a Narrow Hurdle. Photograph by M. F. A. 142 97. Hurdle-racing. Photograph by R. H. Cox 151 98. Thistledown. Four years old. Property of Mr. A. E. Ash brook. Record of seven feet one and three-quarters inches. Photograph by E. N. Williams 151 99. Denny Racking. Property of Mr. J. S. Neane. Photograph by the author 154 100. Denny at the Running Walk. Photograph by the author 154 101. Casting a Horse without Apparatus. Photograph by M.F.A. 154



I. Protorohippus 167
II. Development of Horse's Foot From Toes to One 167
III. Neohipparion 170
IV. Skull of Horse Eight Years Old 170
V. Teeth of Horse 195
VI. Teeth of Horse 197
VII. Polo Pony 199
VIII. Light-harness Horse 199
IX. Harness Type 202
X. Flying Cloud, Harness Type 202
XI. Children's Pony 204
XII. Children's Pony 204
XIII. Good Shoulders, Legs, and Feet 206
XIV. Heavy-harness Types 206
XV. Stable Plan 219
XVI. Skeleton of the Horse 245
XVII. Internal Parts of the Horse 245
XVIII. External Parts of the Horse 252
XIX. Foot of the Horse 252
XX. Bridoon Bit; Double-ring Snaffle-bit; Half-cheek Jointed Snaffle-bit 261
XXI. Bit found on Acropolis; date, 500 b.c. 261
XXII. Single Harness 263
XXIII. Elbow-bit; Liverpool Bit; Buxton Bit; Gig-bit 266
XXIV. Swale's Patent Bit 268
XXV. Brush Burr 268
XXVI. Plain Burr 268

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