Recreations in Astronomy. Henry White Warren

Recreations in Astronomy - Henry White Warren

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30. Relative Size of Sun, as seen from Different Planets 31. Zodiacal Light 32. Corona of the Sun in 1858—Brazil 33. Corona of the Sun in 1878—Colorado 34. Solar Prominences of Flaming Hydrogen 35. Changes in Solar Cavities during Rotation 36. Solar Spot 37. Holding Telescope to see the Sun-spots 38. Orbits and Comparative Sizes of the Planets 39. Orbit of Earth, illustrating Seasons 40. Inclination of Planes of Planetary Orbits 41. Inclination of Orbits of Earth and Venus 42. Showing the Sun's Movement among the Stars 43. Passage of the Sun by Star Regulus 44. Apparent Path of Jupiter among the Stars 45. Illustrating Position of Planets 46. Apparent Movements of an Inferior Planet 47. Apparent Movements of a Superior Planet 47a. A Swarm of Meteors meeting the Earth 48. Explosion of a Bolide 49. Flight of Bolides 50. The Santa Rosa Aerolite 51. Orbit of November Meteors and the Comet of 1866 52. Aspects of Remarkable Comets 53. Phases and Apparent Dimensions of Venus 54. The Earth and Moon in Space 55. Aurora as Waving Curtains 56. Tide resulting from Centrifugal Motion 57. Lunar Landscape 58. Telescopic View of the Moon 59. Illumination of Lunar Craters and Peaks 60. Lunar Crater "Copernicus" 61. Eclipses: Shadows of Earth and Moon 62. Apparent Sizes of Mars, seen from the Earth 63. Jupiter 64. Various Positions of Jupiter's Satellites 65. View of Saturn and his Rings 66. Perturbations of Uranus 67. Map: Circumpolar Constellations 68. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in December 69. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in January 70. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in April 71. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in June 72. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in September 73. Map of Constellations on the Meridian in November 74. Southern Circumpolar Constellations 75. Aspects of Double Stars 76. Sprayed Star Cluster below η in Hercules 77. Globular Star Cluster in the Centaur 78. Great Nebula about θ Orionis 79. The Crab Nebula above ζ Tauri 80. The Ring Nebula in Lyra 81. Showing Place of Ring Nebula 82. The Horizontal Pendulum COLORED PLATE REPRESENTING VARIOUS SPECTA MAPS TO FIND THE STARS

       Table of Contents


      "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep."—Genesis i. 1, 2.

       "Not to the domes, where crumbling arch and column

       Attest the feebleness of mortal hand,

       But to that fane, most catholic and solemn,

       Which God hath planned—

       To that cathedral, boundless as our wonder,

       Whose quenchless lamps the sun and stars supply;

       Its choir the winds and waves, its organ thunder,

       Its dome the sky." H. W. LONGFELLOW.

      "The heavens are a point from the pen of His perfection;

       The world is a rose-bud from the

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