The Geological History of Plants. Sir John William Dawson

The Geological History of Plants - Sir John William Dawson

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true Algæ. I have specimens of fragments similar to his P. virgatus, which show distinct carbonaceous films, and others from the Quebec group, which seem to be cylindrical tubes now flattened, and which have contained spindle-shaped sporangia of large size. Tortuous and curved flattened stems, or fronds, from the Upper Silurian limestone of Gaspé, also show organic matter.

      Respecting the forms referred to Licrophycus by Billings, containing stems or semi-cylindrical markings springing from a common base, I have been in great doubt. I have not seen any specimens containing unequivocal organic matter, and am inclined to think that most of them, if not the whole, are casts of worm-burrows, with trails radiating from them.

      Though I have confined myself in this notice to plants, or supposed plants, of the Lower Palæozoic, it may be well to mention the remarkable Cauda-Galli fucoids, referred by Hall to the genus Spirophyton, and which are characteristic of the oldest Erian beds. The specimens which I have seen from New York, from Gaspé, and from Brazil, leave no doubt in my mind that these were really marine plants, and that the form of a spiral frond, assigned to them by Hall, is perfectly correct. They must have been very abundant and very graceful plants of the early Erian, immediately after the close of the Silurian period.

      Fig. 14.—Silurian vegetation restored. Protannularia, Berwynia, Nematophyton, Sphenophyllum, Arthrostigma, Psilophyton.

      Referring to the land vegetation of the older rocks, it is difficult to picture its nature and appearance. We may imagine the shallow waters filled with aquatic or amphibious Rhizocarpean plants, vast meadows or brakes of the delicate Psilophyton and the starry Protannularia and some tall trees, perhaps looking like gigantic club-mosses, or possibly with broad, flabby leaves, mostly cellular in texture, and resembling Algæ transferred to the air. Imagination can, however, scarcely realise this strange and grotesque vegetation, which, though possibly copious and luxuriant, must have been simple and monotonous in aspect, and, though it must have produced spores and seeds and even fruits, these were probably all of the types seen in the modern acrogens and gymnosperms.

      “In garments green, indistinct in the twilight,

       They stand like Druids of old, with voices sad and prophetic.”

      Prophetic they truly were, as we shall find, of the more varied forests of succeeding times, and they may also help us to realise the aspect of that still older vegetation, which is fossilised in the Laurentian graphite; though it is not impossible that this last may have been of higher and more varied types, and that the Cambrian and Silurian may have been times of depression in the vegetable world, as they certainly were in the submergence of much of the land.

      These primeval woods served at least to clothe the nakedness of the new-born land, and they may have sheltered and nourished forms of land-life still unknown to us, as we find as yet only a few insects and scorpions in the Silurian. They possibly also served to abstract from the atmosphere some portion of its superabundant carbonic acid harmful to animal life, and they stored up supplies of graphite, of petroleum, and of illuminating gas, useful to man at the present day. We may write of them and draw their forms with, the carbon which they themselves supplied.


      Examination of Prototaxites (Nematophyton), by Prof. Penhallow, of McGill University.

      Prof. Penhallow, having kindly consented to re-examine my specimens, has furnished me with elaborate notes of his facts and conclusions, of which the following is a summary, but which it is hoped will be published in full:

      "1. Concentric Layers.—The inner face of each of these is composed of relatively large tubes, having diameters from 13·6 to 34·6 micro-millimetres. The outer face has tubes ranging from 13·8 to 27·6 mm. The average diameter in the lower surface approaches to 34, that in the outer to 13·8. There is, however, no abrupt termination to the surface of the layers, though in some specimens they separate easily, with shining surfaces.

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