The Geological History of Plants. Sir John William Dawson

The Geological History of Plants - Sir John William Dawson

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irregular scratches seen in Protichnites lineatus by the ordinary feet, and the central furrow by the tail. It was also shown that when the Limulus uses its swimming-feet it produces impressions of the character of those named Climactichnites, from the same beds which afford Protichnites. The principal difference between Protichnites and their modern representatives is that the latter have two lateral furrows produced by the sides of the carapace, which are wanting in the former.

      Fig. 7.—Rusophycus (Rusichnites) Grenvillensis, an animal burrow of the Siluro-Cambrian, probably of a crustacean, a, Track connected with it.

      The tuberculated impressions known as Phymatoderma and Caulerpites may, as Zeiller has shown, be made by the burrowing of the mole-cricket, and fine examples occurring in the Clinton formation of Canada are probably the work of Crustacea. It is probable, however, that some of the later forms referred to these genera are really Algæ related to Caulerpa, or even branches of Conifers of the genus Brachyphyllum.

      Nereites and Planulites are tracks and burrows of worms, with or without marks of setæ, and some of the markings referred to Palæochorda, Palæophycus, and Scolithus have their places here. Many examples highly illustrative of the manner of formation of the impressions are afforded by Canadian rocks (Fig. 8).

      Fig. 8.—Palæophycus Beverlyensis (Billings), a supposed Cambrian Fucoid, but probably an animal trail.

      Fig. 9.—Astropolithon Hindii, an organism of the Lower Cambrian of Nova Scotia, possibly vegetable.

      It is worthy of note that these markings strikingly resemble the so-called Eophyton, described by Torell from the Primordial of Sweden, and by Billings from that of Newfoundland; and which also occur abundantly in the Primordial of New Brunswick. After examining a series of these markings from Sweden shown to me by Mr. Carruthers in London, and also specimens from Newfoundland and a large number in situ at St. John, I am convinced that they cannot be plants, but must be markings of the nature of Rhabdichnites. This conclusion is based on the absence of carbonaceous matter, the intimate union of the markings with the surface of the stone, their indefinite forms, their want of nodes or appendages, and their markings being always of such a nature as could be produced by scratches of a sharp instrument. Since, however, fishes are yet unknown in beds of this age, they may possibly be referred to the feet or spinous tails of swimming crustaceans. Salter has already suggested this origin for some scratches of somewhat different form found in the Primordial of Great Britain. He supposed them to have been the work of species of Hymenocaris. These marks may, however, indicate the existence of some free-swimming animals of the Primordial seas as yet unknown to us.

      Three other suggestions merit consideration in this connection. One is that Algæ and also land-plants, drifting with tides or currents, often make the most remarkable and fantastic trails. A marking of this kind has been observed by Dr. G. M. Dawson to be produced by a drifted Laminaria, and in complexity it resembled the extraordinary Ænigmichnus multiformis of Hitchcock from the Connecticut sandstones. Much more simple markings of this kind would suffice to give species of Eophyton. Another is furnished by a fact stated to the author by Prof. Morse, namely, that Lingulæ, when dislodged from their burrows, trail themselves over the bottom like worms, by means of their cirri. Colonies of these creatures, so abundant in the Primordial, may, when obliged to remove, have covered the surfaces of beds of mud with vermicular markings. The third is that the Rhabdichnite-markings resemble some of the grooves in Silurian rocks which have been referred to trails of Gasteropods, as, for instance, those from the Clinton group, described by Hall.

      [V] “Coal Flora of Pennsylvania,” vol. iii., Plate 88.

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