British Socialism. J. Ellis Barker

British Socialism - J. Ellis Barker

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the poor, the poor the taxes have to pay,

       The poor who are starving every day,

       Who faint and die on the King's highway—

       The starving poor of Old England.

      There's the slaves of the needle and the slaves of the mine,

      Now let us cast a glance at the Socialist picture of the society of the future under Socialistic rule.

      When Socialism is introduced and private capital abolished, the golden age of the world will begin:

      When all mankind are workers,

       And no drones in the hive;

       Oh, what a happy, glorious time

       They'll have who are alive.

       This world will be a garden,

       An Eden full of bliss;

       Oh, brother—sister—won't you strive

       For such a state as this?

      There will be no starving children, no;

       Nor tramps, nor beggars then;

       No workhouses, nor prisons, and

       No slums, nor sweater's den.

       The land-grabber and the vampire,

       And the fleecer of our toil,

       Will all have ceased to crush us

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