How It Flies; or, The Conquest of the Air. Richard Ferris
we should probably give as an illustration the bird. This would be because the bird is so closely associated in our thoughts with flying that we can hardly think of the one without the other.
It is natural, therefore, that since men first had the desire to fly they should study the form and motions of the birds in the air, and try to copy them. Our ancestors built immense flopping wings, into the frames of which they fastened themselves, and with great muscular exertion of arms and legs strove to attain the results that the bird gets by apparently similar motions.
However, this mental coupling of the bird with the laws of flight has been unfortunate for the achievement of flight by man. And this is true even to the present day, with its hundreds of successful flying machines that are not in the least like a bird. This wrongly coupled idea is so strong that scientific publications print pages of research by eminent contributors into the flight of birds, with the attempt to deduce lessons therefrom for the instruction of the builders and navigators of flying machines.
These arguments are based on the belief that Nature never makes a mistake; that she made the bird to fly, and therefore the bird must be the most perfect model for the successful flying machine. But the truth is, the bird was not made primarily to fly, any more than man was made to walk. Flying is an incident in the life of a bird, just as walking is an incident in the life of a man. Flying is simply a bird’s way of getting about from place to place, on business or on pleasure, as the case may be.
Santos-Dumont, in his fascinating book, My Air-Ships, points out the folly of blindly following Nature by showing that logically such a procedure would compel us to build our locomotives on the plan of gigantic horses, with huge iron legs which would go galloping about the country in a ridiculously terrible fashion; and to construct our steamships on the plan of giant whales, with monstrous flapping fins and wildly lashing tails.
Sir Hiram Maxim says something akin to this in his work, Artificial and Natural Flight: “It appears to me that there is nothing in Nature which is more efficient, or gets a better grip on the water, than a well-made screw propeller; and no doubt there would have been fish with screw propellers, providing Dame Nature could have made an animal in two pieces. It is very evident that no living creature could be made in two pieces, and two pieces are necessary if one part is stationary and the other revolves; however, the tails and fins very often approximate to the action of propeller blades; they turn first to the right and then to the left, producing a sculling effect which is practically the same. This argument might also be used against locomotives. In all Nature we do not find an animal travelling on wheels, but it is quite possible that a locomotive might be made that would walk on legs at the rate of two or three miles an hour. But locomotives with wheels are able to travel at least three times as fast as the fleetest animal with legs, and to continue doing so for many hours at a time, even when attached to a very heavy load. In order to build a flying machine with flapping wings, to exactly imitate birds, a very complicated system of levers, cams, cranks, etc., would have to be employed, and these of themselves would weigh more than the wings would be able to lift.”
As with the man-contrived locomotive, so the perfected airship will be evolved from man’s understanding of the obstacles to his navigation of the air, and his overcoming of them by his inventive genius. This will not be in Nature’s way, but in man’s own way, and with cleverly designed machinery such as he has used to accomplish other seeming impossibilities. With the clearing up of wrong conceptions, the path will be open to more rapid and more enduring progress.
When we consider the problem of flying, the first obstacle we encounter is the attraction which the earth has for us and for all other objects on its surface. This we call weight, and we are accustomed to measure it in pounds.
Let us take, for example, a man whose body is attracted by the earth with a force, or weight, of 150 pounds. To enable him to rise into the air, means must be contrived not only to counteract his weight, but to lift him—a force a little greater than 150 pounds must be exerted. We may attach to him a bag filled with some gas (as hydrogen) for which the earth has less attraction than it has for air, and which the air will push out of the way and upward until a place above the earth is reached where the attraction of air and gas is equal. A bag of this gas large enough to be pushed upward with a force equal to the weight of the man, plus the weight of the bag, and a little more for lifting power, will carry the man up. This is the principle of the ordinary balloon.
Rising in the air is not flying. It is a necessary step, but real flying is to travel from place to place through the air. To accomplish this, some mechanism, or machinery, is needed to propel the man after he has been lifted into the air. Such machinery will have weight, and the bag of gas must be enlarged to counterbalance it. When this is done, the man and the bag of gas may move through the air, and with suitable rudders he may direct his course. This combination of the lifting bag of gas and the propelling machinery constitutes the dirigible balloon, or airship.
Degen’s apparatus to lift the man and his flying mechanism with the aid of a gas-balloon. See Chapter IV.
The airship is affected equally with the balloon by prevailing winds. A breeze blowing 10 miles an hour will carry a balloon at nearly that speed in the direction in which it is blowing. Suppose the aeronaut wishes to sail in the opposite direction? If the machinery will propel his airship only 10 miles an hour in a calm, it will virtually stand still in the 10-mile breeze. If the machinery will propel his airship 20 miles an hour in a calm, the ship will travel 10 miles an hour—as related to places on the earth’s surface—against the wind. But so far as the air is concerned, his speed through it is 20 miles an hour, and each increase of speed meets increased resistance from the air, and requires a greater expenditure of power to overcome. To reduce this resistance to the least possible amount, the globular form of the early balloon has been variously modified. Most modern airships have a “cigar-shaped” gas bag, so called because the ends look like the tip of a cigar. As far as is known, this is the balloon that offers less resistance to the air than any other.
Another mechanical means of getting up into the air was suggested by the flying of kites, a pastime dating back at least 2,000 years, perhaps longer. Ordinarily, a kite will not fly in a calm, but with even a little breeze it will mount into the air by the upward thrust of the rushing breeze against its inclined surface, being prevented from blowing away (drifting) by the pull of the kite-string. The same effect will be produced in a dead calm if the operator, holding the string, runs at a speed equal to that of the breeze—with this important difference: not only will the kite rise in the air, but it will travel in the direction in which the operator is running, a part of the energy of the runner’s pull upon the string producing a forward motion, provided he holds the string taut. If we suppose the pull on the string to be replaced by an engine and revolving propeller in the kite, exerting the same force, we have exactly the principle of the aeroplane.
As it is of the greatest importance to possess a clear understanding of the natural processes we propose to use, let us refer to any text-book on physics, and review briefly some of the natural laws relating to motion and force which apply to the problem of flight:
(a) Force is that power which changes or tends to change the position of a body, whether it is in motion or at rest.
(b) A given force will produce the same effect, whether the body on which it acts is acted upon by that force alone, or by other forces at the same time.
(c) A force may be represented graphically by a straight line—the point at which the force is applied being the beginning of the line; the direction of the force being expressed by the direction of the line; and the magnitude of the force being expressed by the length of the line.
(d) Two or more forces acting upon a body are called component forces, and the single force which would produce the same effect is called the resultant.
(e) When two component forces act in different directions the resultant may be found by applying the principle of the parallelogram of forces—the lines (c) representing