The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany. Arthur F. J. Remy

The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany - Arthur F. J. Remy

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Quotations are from this edition.

      Hammer, Jos. von. Geschichte der schönen Redekünşte Persiens, mit einer Blüthenlese aus zweyhundert persischen Dichtern. Wien, 1818.

      Heine. Heinrich Heines sämtliche Werke in 12 Bden. Stuttgart (Cotta), s. a.

      Herder. Sämmtliche Werke, ed. Bernhard Suphan. 32 Bde. Berlin, 1877.

      Hitōpadēśa. The Hitōpades'a of Nārāyana Pandit, ed. Godabole and Parab. 3d ed. Nirṇ. Sāg. Press. Bombay, 1890.

       Quotations are from this edition.

      Jackson, A.V. Williams. Zoroaster, the Prophet of ancient Iran. New York, 1899.

      Mohl. See Shāh Nāmah.

      Piper, Paul. Höfische Epik. 4 pts. KDNL. iv.

      —— Spielmannsdichtung. 2 pts. KDNL. ii.

      Platen. Platens sämtliche Werke. Stuttgart (Cotta), s. a.

       References are based on this edition.

      Rückert. Friedrich Rückert's gesammelte poetische Werke. 12 Bde. Fkft. a. M., 1882.

       References are based on this edition.

      Schack, Ad. Friedr. Graf von. Gesammelte Werke. 3 Aufl. 10 Bde. Stuttgart, 1897.

      Shāh Nāmah. Firdusii Liber Regium qui inscribitur Shah Name, ed. Vullers (et Landauer). Tom. 3. Lugd. 1877–1884.

      —— Le Livre des Rois par Abou'l Kasim Firdousi, traduit et commenté par Jules Mohl. 7 vols. Paris, 1876–1878.

       Table of Contents

BLVS. Bibliothek des Litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. Tübingen.
Böhtl. Otto Böhtlingk, Indische Sprüche, St. Petersburg, 1870–1873. 2 Aufl. 3 Bde.
Grdr. iran. Phil. Grundriss der iranischen Philologie.
Gul. Gulistān, ed. Platts.
H. Hāfiḍ, ed. Brockhaus.
H.E. Höfische Epik, ed. Piper in KDNL.
JAOS. Journal American Oriental Society.
KDNL. Deutsche National-Litteratur, ed. Jos. Kürschner. (Berlin) u. Stuttgart.
K.S. Translations of the Gulistān and Bahāristān, printed for the Kama Shastra Society.
Red. Geschichte der schönen Redekünste Persiens.
Sh. N. Shāh Nāmah.
ZDMG. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.

       Table of Contents

      For the transcription of Sanskrit words the system of the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft has been followed; for that of Persian words the system of the Grundriss der iranischen Philologie has been adopted, with some variations however, e.g. ع is indicated by ʻ. To be consistent, such familiar names as Hāfiz and Nizāmī appear as Hāfiḍ and Nidāmī; Omar Khayyām as ʻUmar Xayyām; and the word ghazal, the German Ghasele, is written γazal.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      Information of Mediæval Europe Concerning India and Persia—Travellers—India and Persia in Mediæval German Poetry.