Mrs. Beeton's Dictionary of Every-Day Cookery. Mrs. Beeton
FORCEMEAT for Veal, Turkeys, Fowls, Hare, &c.
FOWL, Boiled, with Oysters. (Excellent.)
FOWLS, Broiled, and Mushroom Sauce.
FOWLS, to Bone, for Fricassees, Curries, and Pies.
FOWL, Croquettes of (an Entrée) .
FOWL AND RICE, Croquettes of (an Entrée) .
FOWLS, Fried, and French Beans.
FOWL, Hashed, Indian Fashion (an Entrée) .
FOWL, an Indian Dish of (an Entrée) .
FOWL SAUTE with Peas (an Entrée) .
FRENCH TERMS used in modern Household Cookery, explained.
FRUIT, to Bottle Fresh. (Very useful in Winter.)
FRUIT, to Bottle Fresh, with Sugar. (Very useful in Winter.)
FRUIT TURNOVERS (suitable for Pic-Nics) .
GINGER, Apple. (A Dessert Dish.)
GINGERBREAD-NUTS, Rich Sweetmeats.
GINGERBREAD-NUTS, Sunderland. (An Excellent Recipe.)