Nestorius and His Place in the History of Christian Doctrine. Friedrich 1858-1928 Loofs

Nestorius and His Place in the History of Christian Doctrine - Friedrich 1858-1928 Loofs

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Nestorian but was perfectly orthodox[51]. This thesis and the Treatise of Heraclides on which it is based are indeed both able to awaken our interest in Nestorius.

      These questions, you see, are not only raised by Professor Bethune-Baker; but we, too, have to raise them, when we are considering the material we find in the sources.

      Hence I hope that, while dealing with these questions, I shall succeed in gaining your further interest during the course of the next three lectures.

      In the next lecture we shall see that really to no other heretic has been done such great injustice as to Nestorius. The last two lectures will deal with the doctrine of Nestorius and his position in the history of dogma.

      1  1 Comp. Socrates, h. e. 7, 32, 6 ed. Gaisford ii, 806; Evagrius, h. e. 1, 7 ed. Bidez and Parmentier, p. 14, 6.

      2  Cod. Theodos. 16, 5, 66; Mansi, v, 413 f.

      3  J. S. Assemani, Bibliotheca orientalis, iii, 1, p. 35 f.

      4  Comp. Hauck's Real-Encyklopädie, xxiv, 242, 56 ff.

      5  h. e. 1, 7 ed. Bidez and Parmentier, pp. 12 ff.

      6  Ch. Lupus, Ad Ephesinum concilium variorum patrum epistolae, 1682 = Mansi, v, 731–1022.

      7  Bibliotheca Casinensis, i, 49–84.

      8  h. e. 1, 7, pp. 12, 24 f.

      9  We had, it is true, the Anathematisms of Nestorius against Cyril's Anathematisms, and a fragment of his λογίδια; but the Anathematisms probably were attached to a letter, and the λογίδια (short discourses) perhaps belonged to the Book of homilies and sermons.

      10  Nestoriana. Die Fragmente des Nestorius, gesammelt, untersucht und herausgegeben von F. Loofs. Mit Beiträgen von Stanley A. Cook und G. Kampffmeyer, Halle, 1905.

      11  S. Haidacher, Rede des Nestorius über Hebr. 3. 1, überliefert unter dem Nachlass des hl. Chrysostomus (Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie, xxix, 1905, pp. 192–195).

      12  Die Christologie des Nestorius, Kempten, 1910.

      13  Comp. Leontius, adversus fraudes Apollinaristarum; Migne, ser. graec. 86, 1947–1976.

      14  Comp. the preceding note and Nestorius' ad Constantinopolitanos (F. Nau, Nestorius, Le Livre d'Héraclide, p. 374).

      15  e.g. R. in Patrologia orientalis, iv, 1, 1906.

      16  The sixth book of the select letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antiochia in the Syriac version etc., 2 vols., London, 1902–1904; Hymns in Patrologia orientalis, vi, 1, 1910.

      17  Comp. Hauck's Real-Encyklopädie, xxiv, 311.

      18  Comp. my Nestoriana, p. 4.

      19  Nestorius, Le Livre d'Héraclide de Damas, ed. P. Bedjan, Paris, 1910; Nestorius, Le Livre d'Héraclide de Damas, traduit en Français par F. Nau, Paris, 1910.

      20  Bedjan, p. 4; Nau, p. 3.

      21  h. e.

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