The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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and his

       concubines; and so did also his priests spend their time with


      Mosiah 11:15

       15 And it came to pass that he planted vineyards round about in

       the land; and he built wine-presses, and made wine in abundance;

       and therefore he became a wine-bibber, and also his people.

      Mosiah 11:16

       16 And it came to pass that the Lamanites began to come in upon

       his people, upon small numbers, and to slay them in their fields,

       and while they were tending their flocks.

      Mosiah 11:17

       17 And king Noah sent guards round about the land to keep them

       off; but he did not send a sufficient number, and the Lamanites

       came upon them and killed them, and drove many of their flocks

       out of the land; thus the Lamanites began to destroy them, and to

       exercise their hatred upon them.

      Mosiah 11:18

       18 And it came to pass that king Noah sent his armies against

       them, and they were driven back, or they drove them back for a

       time; therefore, they returned rejoicing in their spoil.

      Mosiah 11:19

       19 And now, because of this great victory they were lifted up in

       the pride of their hearts; they did boast in their own strength,

       saying that their fifty could stand against thousands of the

       Lamanites; and thus they did boast, and did delight in blood, and

       the shedding of the blood of their brethren, and this because of

       the wickedness of their king and priests.

      Mosiah 11:20

       20 And it came to pass that there was a man among them whose

       name was Abinadi; and he went forth among them, and began to

       prophesy, saying: Behold, thus saith the Lord, and thus hath he

       commanded me, saying, Go forth, and say unto this people, thus

       saith the Lord—Wo be unto this people, for I have seen their

       abominations, and their wickedness, and their whoredoms; and

       except they repent I will visit them in mine anger.

      Mosiah 11:21

       21 And except they repent and turn to the Lord their God,

       behold, I will deliver them into the hands of their enemies; yea,

       and they shall be brought into bondage; and they shall be

       afflicted by the hand of their enemies.

      Mosiah 11:22

       22 And it shall come to pass that they shall know that I am the

       Lord their God, and am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of

       my people.

      Mosiah 11:23

       23 And it shall come to pass that except this people repent and

       turn unto the Lord their God, they shall be brought into bondage;

       and none shall deliver them, except it be the Lord the Almighty


      Mosiah 11:24

       24 Yea, and it shall come to pass that when they shall cry unto

       me I will be slow to hear their cries; yea, and I will suffer

       them that they be smitten by their enemies.

      Mosiah 11:25

       25 And except they repent in sackcloth and ashes, and cry

       mightily to the Lord their God, I will not hear their prayers,

       neither will I deliver them out of their afflictions; and thus

       saith the Lord, and thus hath he commanded me.

      Mosiah 11:26

       26 Now it came to pass that when Abinadi had spoken these words

       unto them they were wroth with him, and sought to take away his

       life; but the Lord delivered him out of their hands.

      Mosiah 11:27

       27 Now when king Noah had heard of the words which Abinadi had

       spoken unto the people, he was also wroth; and he said: Who is

       Abinadi, that I and my people should be judged of him, or who is

       the Lord, that shall bring upon my people such great affliction?

      Mosiah 11:28

       28 I command you to bring Abinadi hither, that I may slay him,

       for he has said these things that he might stir up my people to

       anger one with another, and to raise contentions among my people;

       therefore I will slay him.

      Mosiah 11:29

       29 Now the eyes of the people were blinded; therefore they

       hardened their hearts against the words of Abinadi, and they

       sought from that time forward to take him. And king Noah

       hardened his heart against the word of the Lord, and he did not

       repent of his evil doings.

      Mosiah 12 Chapter 12

      Mosiah 12:1

       1 And it came to pass that after the space of two years that

       Abinadi came among them in disguise, that they knew him not, and

       began to prophesy among them, saying: Thus has the Lord commanded

       me, saying—Abinadi, go and prophesy unto this my people, for

       they have hardened their hearts against my words; they have

       repented not of their evil doings; therefore, I will visit them

       in my anger, yea, in my fierce anger will I visit them in their

       iniquities and abominations.

      Mosiah 12:2

       2 Yea, wo be unto this generation! And the Lord said unto me:

       Stretch forth thy hand and prophesy saying: Thus saith the Lord,

       it shall come to pass that this generation, because of their

       iniquities, shall be brought into bondage, and shall be smitten

       on the cheek; yea, and shall be driven by men, and shall be

       slain; and the vultures of the air, and the dogs, yea, and the

       wild beasts, shall devour their flesh.

      Mosiah 12:3

       3 And it shall come to pass that the life of king Noah shall be

       valued even as a garment in a hot furnace; for he shall know that

       I am the Lord.

      Mosiah 12:4

       4 And it shall come to pass that I will smite this my people

       with sore afflictions, yea, with famine and with pestilence; and

       I will cause that they shall howl all the day long.

      Mosiah 12:5

       5 Yea, and I will cause that they shall have burdens lashed upon

       their backs; and they shall be driven before like a dumb ass.

      Mosiah 12:6

       6 And it

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