The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Doctrine Works of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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come to pass that I will send forth hail among

       them, and it shall smite them; and they shall also be smitten

       with the east wind; and insects shall pester their land also, and

       devour their grain.

      Mosiah 12:7

       7 And they shall be smitten with a great pestilence—and all

       this will I do because of their iniquities and abominations.

      Mosiah 12:8

       8 And it shall come to pass that except they repent I will

       utterly destroy them from off the face of the earth; yet they

       shall leave a record behind them, and I will preserve them for

       other nations which shall possess the land; yea, even this will I

       do that I may discover the abominations of this people to other

       nations. And many things did Abinadi prophesy against this


      Mosiah 12:9

       9 And it came to pass that they were angry with him; and they

       took him and carried him bound before the king, and said unto the

       king: Behold, we have brought a man before thee who has

       prophesied evil concerning thy people, and saith that God will

       destroy them.

      Mosiah 12:10

       10 And he also prophesieth evil concerning thy life, and saith

       that thy life shall be as a garment in a furnace of fire.

      Mosiah 12:11

       11 And again, he saith that thou shalt be as a stalk, even as a

       dry stalk of the field, which is run over by the beasts and

       trodden under foot.

      Mosiah 12:12

       12 And again, he saith thou shalt be as the blossoms of a

       thistle, which, when it is fully ripe, if the wind bloweth, it is

       driven forth upon the face of the land. And he pretendeth the

       Lord hath spoken it. And he saith all this shall come upon thee

       except thou repent, and this because of thine iniquities.

      Mosiah 12:13

       13 And now, O king, what great evil hast thou done, or what

       great sins have thy people committed, that we should be condemned

       of God or judged of this man?

      Mosiah 12:14

       14 And now, O king, behold, we are guiltless, and thou, O king,

       hast not sinned; therefore, this man has lied concerning you, and

       he has prophesied in vain.

      Mosiah 12:15

       15 And behold, we are strong, we shall not come into bondage, or

       be taken captive by our enemies; yea, and thou hast prospered in

       the land, and thou shalt also prosper.

      Mosiah 12:16

       16 Behold, here is the man, we deliver him into thy hands; thou

       mayest do with him as seemeth thee good.

      Mosiah 12:17

       17 And it came to pass that king Noah caused that Abinadi should

       be cast into prison; and he commanded that the priests should

       gather themselves together that he might hold a council with them

       what he should do with him.

      Mosiah 12:18

       18 And it came to pass that they said unto the king: Bring him

       hither that we may question him; and the king commanded that he

       should be brought before them.

      Mosiah 12:19

       19 And they began to question him, that they might cross him,

       that thereby they might have wherewith to accuse him; but he

       answered them boldly, and withstood all their questions, yea, to

       their astonishment; for he did withstand them in all their

       questions, and did confound them in all their words.

      Mosiah 12:20

       20 And it came to pass that one of them said unto him: What

       meaneth the words which are written, and which have been taught

       by our fathers, saying:

      Mosiah 12:21

       21 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that

       bringeth good tidings; that publisheth peace; that bringeth good

       tidings of good; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion,

       Thy God reigneth;

      Mosiah 12:22

       22 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together

       shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord

       shall bring again Zion;

      Mosiah 12:23

       23 Break forth into joy; sing together ye waste places of

       Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath

       redeemed Jerusalem;

      Mosiah 12:24

       24 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the

       nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of

       our God?

      Mosiah 12:25

       25 And now Abinadi said unto them: Are you priests, and pretend

       to teach this people, and to understand the spirit of

       prophesying, and yet desire to know of me what these things mean?

      Mosiah 12:26

       26 I say unto you, wo be unto you for perverting the ways of the

       Lord! For if ye understand these things ye have not taught them;

       therefore, ye have perverted the ways of the Lord.

      Mosiah 12:27

       27 Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore,

       ye have not been wise. Therefore, what teach ye this people?

      Mosiah 12:28

       28 And they said: We teach the law of Moses.

      Mosiah 12:29

       29 And again he said unto them: If ye teach the law of Moses why

       do ye not keep it? Why do ye set your hearts upon riches? Why

       do ye commit whoredoms and spend your strength with harlots, yea,

       and cause this people to commit sin, that the Lord has cause to

       send me to prophesy against this people, yea, even a great evil

       against this people?

      Mosiah 12:30

       30 Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I

       speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before God.

      Mosiah 12:31

       31 And it shall come to pass that ye shall be smitten for your

       iniquities, for ye have said that ye teach the law of Moses. And

       what know ye concerning the law of Moses? Doth salvation come by


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