Practical Exercises in English. Huber Gray Buehler
were (was) celebrated at the same time as those (that) of Bassanio and Portia.
11. Ethics are (is) becoming more and more prominent in the discussions of political economists.
12. Have you seen my pincers? I have mislaid it (them).
13. The proceeds was (were) given to the hospital.
14. His riches took to themselves (itself) wings.
15. This (these) scissors is (are) not sharp.
16. Please pour this (these) suds on the rose plants in the oval flowerbed.
17. His tactics was (were) much criticised by old generals.
18. The United States has (have) informed Spain that it (they) will not permit Spanish interference in the affairs of Central America.
Nouns of Foreign Origin.[19]—The following is a list of nouns of foreign origin in common use which have peculiar number forms:—
Singular. | Plural. | |
alumnus (masculine) | alumni | |
alumna (feminine) | alumnæ | |
analysis | analyses | |
bacterium | bacteria | |
beau | beaux | |
cherub | cherubim (or cherubs) | |
crisis | crises | |
curriculum | curricula | |
datum | data | |
genus (meaning "class") | genera | |
genius | { | geniuses (persons or great ability) |
genii (spirits) | ||
hypothesis | hypotheses | |
oasis | oases | |
parenthesis | parentheses | |
phenomenon | phenomena | |
seraph | seraphim (or seraphs) | |
stratum | strata | |
tableau | tableaux | |
thesis | theses |
[19] "Foundations," pp. 47–48.
1. Write the plural of: Alumna, analysis, beau, cherub, crisis, curriculum, genus, genius, hypothesis, nebula, oasis, parenthesis, phenomenon, synopsis, seraph, stratum, tableau. 2. Write the singular of: Alumni, curricula, data, bacteria, cherubim, oases, phenomena, seraphim, strata, theses.
Gender.—The following nouns of different genders are sometimes confounded or otherwise misused:—
Masculine. | Feminine. |
abbot | abbess |
actor | actress |
bachelor | spinster, maid |
buck | doe (fallow deer) |
bullock | heifer |
czar | czarina |
drake | duck |
duke | duchess |
earl | countess |
Francis | Frances |
gander | goose |
hero | heroine |
lion | lioness |
marquis, marquess | marchioness |
monk | nun |
ram | ewe |
stag, hart | hind (red deer) |
sultan | sultana |
tiger | tigress |
wizard | witch |
[20] To THE TEACHER.—To have any value this must be given as a dictation exercise.
1. Write the feminine word corresponding to: Abbot, actor, bachelor, buck, bullock, czar, duke, drake, earl, Francis, hero, lion, marquis, monk, ram, stag, sultan, hart, tiger. 2. Write the masculine word corresponding to: Spinster, duck, doe, Frances, goose, heifer, ewe, hind, witch.
[21] TO THE TEACHER.—This should be used as a dictation exercise.
Correct the following sentences:—
1. The marquess was the executor of her husband's estate.
2. He married a beautiful actor.
3. The tiger broke from its cage.
4. The duck was pluming his feathers after his swim, and the goose had wandered from his companions across the meadows.
5. The baby girl in "The Princess" may be called the real hero of the tale.
Abbreviations.—For the following