Practical Exercises in English. Huber Gray Buehler

Practical Exercises in English - Huber Gray Buehler

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proposition.—"A proposal is something proposed to be done, which may be accepted or rejected. A proposition is something proposed for discussion, with a view to determining the truth or wisdom of it."[30]

      Relationship, relation.Relationship properly means "the state of being related by kindred or alliance": as, "A relationship existed between the two families." Relation is a word of much broader meaning. It does not necessarily imply kinship.

      Solicitude, solicitation.Solicitude is "anxiety"; solicitation is "the act of soliciting or earnestly asking."

      Stimulation, stimulus, stimulant.Stimulation is "the act of stimulating or inciting to action"; stimulus, originally "a goad," now denotes that which stimulates, the means by which one is incited to action; stimulant has a medical sense, being used of that which stimulates the body or any of its organs. We speak of ambition as a stimulus, of alcohol as a stimulant.


      Tell the difference in meaning between

      1. The acceptance (acceptation) of this word is doubtful.

       2. The acts (actions) of Napoleon were carefully observed.

       3. The colonel's advance (advancement) was not long delayed.

       4. Literature has been Dr. Holmes's avocation (vocation).

       5. The list of African dialects is approaching completeness (completion).

       6. The completion (completeness) of this new dictionary of the Latin language will make scholars glad.

       7. The professor advised me, when I went to Rome, to be especially careful in my observation (observance) of the religious ceremonies of Passion Week.

       8. This proposal (proposition) made both Republican and Democratic senators indignant.

       9. His mother's solicitude (solicitation) induced Washington when he was a boy to give up his intention of going to sea.

       10. Shall I give your son a stimulus (stimulant)?


      Insert the proper word in each blank, and give the reason for your choice:—

      Acceptance, acceptation. 1. The word "livery" is used in its original——. 2. This is a true saying and worthy of——. 3. The—— of a trust brings grave responsibility. 4. He sent to the President a formal—— of the position. 5. The assertion finds—— in every rank of society. 6. In its common—— "philosophy" signifies "the search after wisdom." 7. The probability of this theory justifies its full——.

      Access, accession. 8. We are denied—— to the king. 9. An—— of fever occurred at nightfall. 10. The emperor at his—— takes an oath to maintain the constitution. 11. ——to the outer court was through a massive door. 12. The only—— which the Roman Empire received was the province of Britain. 13. A sudden—— of violent, burning fever had laid Peter's mother-in-law prostrate. 14. Victoria married after her—— to the throne. 15. This allusion led to a fresh—— of feeling.

      Act, action. 16. I cannot do so cruel an——. 17. Another mode of—— was proposed by Henry Clay. 18. The fifth book of the New Testament records the——s of the Apostles. 19. To attempt resistance would be the—— of a madman. 20. The monkey imitates the——s of its master.

      Advance, advancement. 21. The—— of the expedition was impeded by bad roads. 22. ——in the army is slow. 23. The Don and his companions, in their eager——, had got entangled in deep glens. 24. My old position offered no hope of——. 25. His hopes of—— in England failing, Swift returned to Ireland.

      Allusion, illusion, delusion. 26. There were two——s in his sermon to the riots. 27. The cleverest, acutest men are often under an (a)—— about women. 28. Longfellow's "Footsteps of Angels" contains——s to the death of his wife. 29. Our judgment of people is liable to be warped by——s of the imagination. 30. Those other words of—— and folly, Liberty first and Union afterward.

      Avocation, vocation. 31. Surgeons in the army are allowed by the enemy to pursue their—— unmolested. 32. The young lawyer, surrounded by his law-books, took up his—— with enthusiasm. 33. Let your base-ball be a pastime, not a trade; let it be your——, not your——. 34. Heaven is a pious man's——, and therefore he counts earthly employments——s. 35. It seems that after his return, his disciples left him and returned to their ordinary——s.

      Completion, completeness. 36. The—— of the railroad was celebrated by a general illumination in the village. 37. The comfort of passengers is secured by the—— of the equipment of the steamers of this line. 38. We hope for the—— of our new building by September. 39. We were surprised at the—— of the collection of minerals.

      Observation, observance. 40. The—— of a few simple rules of health would have prolonged his life. 41. The North American Indian has great powers of——. 42. He insisted on the prompt—— of the regulations. 43. The Pharisees were strict in their—— of religious festivals. 44. He is arranging for a careful—— of the eclipse.


      Proposal, proposition. 45. I submit two——s for consideration by the assembly. 46. The—— that each of us relinquish something was accepted. 47. Sealed——s for building the cottage were handed in by three contractors. 48. He made a—— of marriage to her. 49. I dissent from that——. 50. A nation dedicated to the—— that all men are created equal.

      Solicitude, solicitation. 51. He made frequent—— for money and clothes. 52. My mother watched over my infancy with tender——. 53. Coriolanus yielded at the—— of his mother.

      Stimulus, stimulant, stimulation. 54. He worked hard under the—— of a desire to get rich. 55. The providential—— of conscience is always present. 56. The doctor came and administered a gentle—— to the patient.


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