The Boston Terrier and All About It. Edward Axtell
the Ladies’ Kennel Association shows a cup and medal were offered, open to all exhibitors of Boston terriers.
In view of the fact that so many Boston Terrier Clubs are starting up all over the country, and even beyond, the following Order of Business, Constitution, By-Laws, and Official Standard, can safely be taken as models:
1 Calling meeting to order.
2 Roll call.
3 Reading of minutes.
4 Reports of officers.
5 Reports of standing committees by seniority.
6 Reports of special committees.
7 Communications.
8 Applications for membership.
9 Election of members.
10 Election of officers.
11 Unfinished business.
12 New business.
13 Welfare of the Club.Under this heading is included remarks and debates intended to promote the interests of the Club and the Boston terrier in general.
14 Adjournment.
This Association shall be known as and called the Boston Terrier Club.
The object of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the breeding and improvement of the Boston Terrier Dog, as defined by its standard.
Section 1. Applications for membership must be accompanied by the membership fee and endorsed by two members, and made at least seven days before action by the Club, to the secretary or a member of the membership committee, who shall refer it to said committee for investigation.
Sec. 2. Any member can resign from the Club by sending his resignation to the secretary in writing, and upon the acceptance of such, all his interest in the property of the Club ceases from the date of such resignation.
Sec. 3. Any member whose dues shall remain unpaid for one month after the same becomes due, shall cease to be a member, and forfeit to the Club all claims and benefits to which he would have been entitled as a member, provided that the executive committee may consider his case, and upon sufficient cause shown, reinstate him to membership upon payment of his dues.
Section 1. The officers of the Club shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and an executive committee, of which three shall constitute a quorum; said committee to consist of the above named officers and three active members chosen by the Club.
Sec. 2. Any office vacated during the year shall be filled by the executive committee.
Section 1. Nomination for officers and judges for the ensuing year shall be made either by mail or from the floor, at a meeting to be held in November, at least twenty days prior to the annual meeting, the call to contain the purpose of the meeting, after which nominations shall be closed. The secretary shall mail a ballot containing all regular nominations to each member in time to be voted at the annual meeting.
Sec. 2. The officers of the Club shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting and shall hold their respective offices for one year or until their respective successors are elected.
Sec. 3. Mail voting shall be allowed on amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws, Standard and Scale of Points.
Sec. 4. Each member shall have the right to vote on the election of officers and judges by mailing the official ballot duly marked and sealed to the secretary, and enclosed in an envelope, which envelope shall also contain the name of the member so voting.
Section 1. There shall be meetings of the Club, at which seven members present and voting shall constitute a quorum, held at Boston, Mass., at such time and place as the president may direct, but the annual meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday in December of each year.
Sec. 2. A special meeting of the Club shall be called by the president on the written application of five members in good standing.
Section 1. President.—The president shall discharge the usual duties of his office, preside at all meetings of the Club and of the executive committee, call special meetings of the Club, or of the executive committee, and enforce the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club. He may vote on amendments to the Constitution or alteration of the By-Laws and Standard or Scale of Points, on the expulsion or suspension of a member, and on election of officers and judges. But on all other matters he shall vote only in case of tie and then give the deciding vote.
Sec. 2. Vice-President.—The vice-president shall discharge all the duties of the president in the latter’s absence.
Sec. 3. Secretary.—The secretary shall have charge of all official correspondence, keep copies of all letters sent by him, and file such as he may receive, and correspond at the request of the president or executive committee on all matters appertaining to the object of the Club. He shall keep a roll of the members of the Club with their addresses.
He shall be exempt from payment of annual dues.
Sec. 4. Treasurer.—The treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due the Club and keep a correct account of the same. He shall pay all orders drawn on him by the executive committee out of the funds of the Club, when countersigned by the president, and present a report of the condition of affairs in his department at the request of the executive committee or president, and at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the executive committee.
Sec. 5. Committees.—The executive committee shall make all purchases ordered by the Club, audit the accounts of the treasurer and report the same at the annual election in December, and transact all business not otherwise provided for.
It shall have the power to appoint sub-committees for any special purpose, and to delegate to each sub-committee the powers and functions of the committee relating thereto.
The president shall be the chairman of the executive committee.
Sec. 6. Sub-Committees.—The standing sub-committees shall be a membership committee of five and a pedigree committee of three.
The membership committee shall investigate the standing of all applicants, and report to the Club for action those names it considers as desirable members.
The pedigree committee shall investigate the pedigrees of those dogs offered for registration in the Boston Terrier Stud Book.
The chairman of the pedigree committee shall have the custody of the Club stud book, and shall enter in the same the registrations allowed by the B. T. C.
The executive committee shall have the power to discipline by suspension a member found guilty