The Boston Terrier and All About It. Edward Axtell

The Boston Terrier and All About It - Edward Axtell

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bone and well muscled; pasterns short and strong. 4 FORELEGS: Wide apart, straight and well muscled. 5 HINDLEGS: Set true; bent at stifles; short from hocks to feet; hocks turning neither in nor out; thighs strong and well muscled. 4 HINDLEGS: Straight, quite long from stifle to hock (which should turn neither in nor out), short and straight from hock to pasterns. Thighs well muscled. Hocks not too prominent. 5 FEET: Round, small and compact, and turned neither in nor out; toes well arched. LEG AND FEET FAULTS: Loose shoulders or elbows; hind legs too straight at stifles; hocks too prominent; long or weak pasterns; splay feet. 2 FEET: Small, nearly round, and turned neither in nor out. Toes compact and arched. 5 TAIL: Set-on low; short, fine and tapering; straight or screw; devoid of fringe or coarse hair, and not carried above horizontal. TAIL FAULTS: A long or gaily carried tail; extremely gnarled or curled against body. (Note: The preferred tail should not exceed in length approximately half the distance from set-on to hock.) 10 TAIL: Set-on low, short, fine and tapering, devoid of fringe or coarse hair, and not carried above the horizontal. 4 COLOR: Brindle with white markings. 8 COLOR: Any color, brindle, evenly marked with white, strongly preferred. 10 IDEAL MARKINGS: White muzzle, even white blaze over head, collar, breast, part or whole of forelegs and hindlegs below hocks. COLOR AND MARKINGS FAULTS: All white; absence of white markings; preponderance of white on body; without the proper proportion of brindle and white on head; or any variations detracting from the general appearance. 4 MARKINGS: White muzzle, blaze on face, collar, chest and feet. 3 COAT: Short, smooth, bright and fine in texture. COAT FAULTS: Long or coarse; lacking lustre. 3 COAT: Fine in texture, short, bright and not too hard. 100 100 WEIGHTS: Not exceeding 27 pounds, divided as follows: Lightweight: Under 17 pounds.Middleweight: 17 and not exceeding 22 pounds.Heavyweight: 22 and not exceeding 27 pounds. WEIGHT: Lightweight class, 12 and not to exceed 17 pounds; middleweight class, 17 and not to exceed 22 pounds; heavyweight class, 22 and not to exceed 28 pounds. DISQUALIFICATIONS: Solid black, black and tan, liver and mouse colors. Docked tail and any artificial means used to deceive the judge. DISQUALIFICATIONS: Docked tail and any artificial means used to deceive the judge.

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