The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly

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concerning the Book, called, The large Declaration.

       The Supplication of the Assembly to His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of secret Councell.

       The Act of the Lords of Councel at Edinburgh, August 30. 1639. containing the Answer of the preceding Supplication.

       The Kings Majesties Commissioners Declarations.

       Like as his Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following, of his consent to the Act of the Assembly 17. August, anent the causes of our by gone evils.

       Like as His Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following:

       Act ordaining the subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, with the Assemblies Declaration.

       Act anent Appellations.

       Act anent advising with Synods and Presbyteries before determination in Novations.

       Act anent Ministers Catechising, and Family Exercises.

       Sess. 24. Aug. 30. a meride.

       The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE.

       The Generall Assembly, Conveened at Aberdene, July 28. 1640.

       Sess. 2. July 29. 1640.

       Overtures given in by the Committee appointed by the last Assembly, anent the ordering of the Assembly-house: Which being read in audience of the Assembly they approved the same.

       Act anent the demolishing of Idolatrous Monuments.

       Act against Witches and Charmers.

       Sess. 5. Aug. 1. 1640.

       Act for censuring speakers against the Covenant.

       Sess. 10. Aug. 5. 1640.

       Act against Expectants refusing to subscribe the Covenant.

       The Generall Assembly, Holden at St. Andrews, and Edinburgh. 1641.

       Sess. 1. July 20. 1641.

       Sess. 3. July 28. 1641.

       Sess. 5. July 30. 1641.

       Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices.

       Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie.

       Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed.

       Sess. 9. Aug. 3. 1641.

       Sess. 10. August 4. 1641.

       Act against Impiety and Schisme.

       Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie.

       Act anent Novations.

       Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641.

       Overtures anent Bursars, and Expectants.

       Act Sess. 17. August 9. 1641.

       Act against unlawfull Bands.

       Sess. 18. August 9. 1641. a meridie.

       A Letter from some Ministers in England to the Assemblie.

       The Assemblies Answer to the English Ministers Letter.

       The Assemblies Answer to the Kings Majesties Letter.

       Act anent the Kirk of Campheir.

       The Generall Assembly, Conveened at S. Andrews, July 27. 1642.

       Act Sess. 1. July 27. 1642.

       The Kings Letter to the Generall Assembly, presented by His Majesties Commissioner, the Earle of Dumfermling, July 27. 1642.

       Act Sess 3. July 29. 1642.

       Act for bringing in of the Synode Books yeerly to the General Assemblies.

       Act Sess 5. August 1. 1642.

       Act anent the choosing of Kirk Sessions.

       Sess 6. August 2. 1642.

       The Report of the Interpretation of the Act at Edinburgh, anent tryal of Ministers.

       Act Sess. 7. August 3. 1642.

       Act anent the order for making Lists to His Majestie, and other Patrons for Presentations; The order of tryal of Expectants, and for trying the quality of Kirks.

       Act anent Lists for the Kirks in the High-lands.

       Overtures against Papists, non-Communicants, and profaners of the Sabbath.

       Act anent the joyning of the Presbyterie of Sky to the Synode of Argyle.

       Sess. 8. August 3. post Meridiem.

       The Supplication of this Assembly to the KINGS MAJESTIE.

       The Declaration of the Parliament of England, sent to the Assembly.

       The Assemblies answer to the Declaration of the Parliament of England.

       Act Sess. 8. Aug. 3. 1642.

       Act Sess. 11. Edinb. August 5. 1642.

       Sess. 11. August 5. 1642.

       Act anent contrary Oaths.

       Overtures anent Family Exercises, Catechising, keeping of Synods and Presbyteries, and restraint of Adulteries, Witch-crafts, and other grosse sins.

       Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642.

       Act against Petitions, Declarations, & suchlike in name of Ministers, without their knowledge and consents.

       Sess 11. Aug. 5. 1642.

       Act anent the Assemblies desires to the Lords of Counsell, and Conservators of Peace.

       Sess. 11. Aug 5. 1642.

       The Assemblies humble desire to the Kings Majestie for the Signator of 500 l. Sterling and recommendation thereof to the Kings Commissioner.

       Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642.

       The Assemblies Letter to the Commissioners of this Kingdom at London.

       A Letter from some Ministers of England.

       Answer to the Ministers Letter.

       Act for the Lord Maitlands presenting the Assemblies Supplication to His Majestie, and for going to the Commissioners at London, with the Answer to the Parliament of Englands Declaration.

       Sess. 11. August 5. post meridiem.

       Commission for publike affairs of this Kirk, and for prosecuting the desires of this Assembly to His Majestie, and the Parliament of England.

       Sess. 13. Aug. 6. 1642.

       A Petition from some distressed Professors in Ireland.

       Commission to some Ministers to go to Ireland.

       Sess. 13. August 6. 1642.

       Act against slandering of Ministers.

       Act anent ordering of the Assembly House.

       Act for remembring in publike Prayers the desires of the Assembly to the King and Parliament, and indiction of a publike Fast.

       Reference from the Presbyterie of Kirkcaldie.

       Reference frrom the Synode of Fyffe.

       Overtures to be advised by Presbyteries against the next Assembly.

       The Generall Assembly at Edinburgh

       Sess. 1. August 2. 1643.

       The Kings Letter to the General Assembly.

       Sess. 2. August 3. 1643.

       Overtures anent Bills, References, and Appeales.


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