The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly
Assembly concerning. the present dangers of Religion, and especially. the unlawfull engagement in War, against the Kingdom. of England; Together, with many necessary exhortations. and directions to all the Members. of the Kirk of Scotland.
August. 1. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 22.
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 23.
August. 2. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 26.
Answer to the Letter of the Reverend Assembly. of Divines in England.
Eodem die Postmeridiem , Sess. 25.
August 3. 1648. Antemeridiem , Sess. 26.
Act for censuring Ministers for their silence,. and not speaking to the corruptions of the time.
August 4. 1648. Postmeridiem , Sess. 21.
Overtures concerning the education of the Hie-land. Boys in the Province of Argyle.
August 5. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30.
Explanation of the fifth Article of the Overtures. concerning Appeals past in the Assembly, 1643.
Eodem die 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30.
August 7. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 31.
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 32.
Act concerning Presbyteries maintaining of Bursars.
August 9. 1648. Antemeridiem Sess. 25.
Act for dis-joyning the Presbyteries of Zetland, from the Provinciall Synod of Orkney and Cathnes.
Aug. 10. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 38.
Overtures for the Remedies of the grievous. and common Sins of the Land in this. present time.
Act for examining the Paraphrase of the. Psalms and other Scripturall Songs.
Overtures concerning Papists, their children,. and Excommunicate Persons.
Aug. 11. 1648 Antemeridiem, Sess. 39.
Act for prosecuting the Treaty for the Uniformity. in Religion in the Kingdom of England.
Act Renewing the Commission for the publick. Affairs of this Kirk.
August 11. 1643. Postmeridiem, Sess. 40.
Act concerning Collection for the Poor.
Recommendation for securing provisions to. Ministers in Burghs.
Act concerning deposed Ministers.
The Generall Assembly, Holden at Edinburgh,. July 7. 1649.
July 7. 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess 4.
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commissioners. of the Generall Assembly.
July 10. 1649. Antemeridiem, Sess. 6.
Approbation of the Commissioners sent to his. Majesty.