Vegetable Teratology. Maxwell T. Masters

Vegetable Teratology - Maxwell T. Masters

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labellum, dislocation of the parts of the flower, &c.

      Fig. 11.—Gamopetalous flower of Papaver bracteatum.

      Cohesion of the pistils is also of very frequent occurrence in plants, under ordinary circumstances, but is less commonly met with than might have been expected as a teratological phenomenon.


      Further details relating to cohesion of the various parts of the flower are cited in Moquin-Tandon, 'El. Ter. Veg.,' p. 248; 'Weber. Verhandl. Nat. Hist. Vereins f. d. Preuss. Rheinl. und Westphal.,' 1860, p. 332, tabs. 6 et 7.


      A. Monophyllous.

      1. Sarracenia-like pitchers, formed by a single leaf, the edges of which are united for the greater portion of their length, but are disunited near the top, so as to leave an oblique aperture.

       *Brassica oleracea (several of the cultivated varieties)!

       *Tilia europæa!

       Pelargonium inquinans!

       Staphylea pinnata.

       Amorpha fruticosa.

       Pisum sativum!

       Lathyrus tuberosus.

       Vicia sp.

       Gleditschia sp.

       Ceratonia siliqua.

       Trifolium repens!

       Cassia marylandica.

       Mimosa Lophantha.

       Rosa centifolia.gallica.

       Begonia sp.

       Bellis perennis!

       Nicotiana sp.

       Goodenia ovata!

       Antirrhinum majus!

       Vinca rosea.

       Polygonum orientale.

       Aristolochia sipho?

       Codiæum variegatum var.!

       Spinacia oleracea.

       Corylus avellana!

       Polygonatum multiflorum.

       Xanthosoma appendiculatum!

      2. Calyptriform or hood-like pitchers, formed by the complete union of the margins, and falling off by a transverse fissure (as in the calyx of Escholtzia).

       Tulipa Gesneriana.

      B. Polyphyllous.

      1. Diphyllous, formed by the union of two leaves into a single cup, tube, or funnel, &c.

       Pisum sativum (stipules)!

       Crassula arborescens.

       Polygonatum multiflorum.

      2. Triphyllous, formed by the union of three leaves.

       Paris quadrifolia var.

      Besides the above varieties of ascidia formed from the union of one or more leaves, there are others which seem to be the result of a peculiar excrescence or hypertrophy of the leaf. Such are some of the curious pitcher-like structures met with occasionally in the leaves of cabbages, lettuces, Aristolochia, &c. See Hypertrophy, cup-like deformities, &c.

      In addition to other publications previously mentioned, reference may be made to the following treatises on the subject of ascidia:—Bonnet, 'Rech. Us. Feuilles,' p. 216, tab. xxvi, f. 1, Brassica; De Candolle, 'Trans. Hort. Soc.,' t. v, pl. 1, Brassica; Id., 'Org. Veget.,' I, 316; 'Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr.,' I, p. 62, Polygonatum; 'Bull. Acad. Belg.,' 1851, p. 591, Rosa; Hoffmann, 'Tijdschrift v. Natuur. Geschied.,' vol. viii, p. 318, tab. 9, Ceratonia; C. Mulder, 'Tijdschrift, &c.,' vol. vi, p. 106, tab. 5, 6, Trifolium, Mimosa, Staphylea;' Molkenboer,' p. 115, t. 4, Brassica.


       Table of Contents

      [10] See a curious instance of this kind in the branches of Pinus. 'Regel. Garten Flora,' vol. 8, tab. 268.

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