Becoming a Data Head. Alex J. Gutman

Becoming a Data Head - Alex J. Gutman

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      Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Deep Learning … It can be buzzword bingo, but make no mistake, everything is becoming “datafied” and an understanding of data problems and the data science toolset is becoming a requirement for every business person. Alex and Jordan have put together a must read whether you are just starting your journey or already in the thick of it. They made this complex space simple by breaking down the “data process” into understandable patterns and using everyday examples and events over our history to make the concepts relatable.

      —Milen Mahadevan, President of 84.51°

      What I love about this book is its remarkable breadth of topics covered, while maintaining a healthy depth in the content presented for each topic. I believe in the pedagogical concept of “Talking the Walk,” which means being able to explain the hard stuff in terms that broad audiences can grasp. Too many data science books are either too specialized in taking you down the deep paths of mathematics and coding (“Walking the Walk”) or too shallow in over-hyping the content with a plethora of shallow buzzwords (“Talking the Talk”). You can take a great walk down the pathways of the data field in Alex and Jordan's without fear of falling off the path. The journey and destination are well worth the trip, and the talk.

      —Kirk Borne, Data Scientist, Top Worldwide Influencer in Data Science

      The most clear, concise, and practical characterization of working in corporate analytics that I've seen. If you want to be a killer analyst and ask the right questions, this is for you.

      —Kristen Kehrer, Data Moves Me, LLC, LinkedIn Top Voices in Data Science & Analytics

      THE book that business and technology leaders need to read to fully understand the potential, power, AND limitations of data science.

      —Jennifer L. L. Morgan, PhD, Analytical Chemist at Procter and Gamble

      You've heard it before: “We need to be doing more machine learning. Why aren't we doing more sophisticated data science work?” Data science isn't the magic unicorn that will solve all of your company's problems. Data Head brings this idea to life by highlighting when data science is (and isn't) the right approach and the common pitfalls to watch out for, explaining it all in a way that a data novice can understand. This book will be my new “pocket reference” when communicating complicated concepts to non-technically trained leaders.

      —Sandy Steiger, Director, Center for Analytics and Data Science at Miami University

      Individuals and organizations want to be data driven. They say they are data driven. Becoming a Data Head shows them how to actually become data driven, without the assumption of a statistics or data background. This book is for anyone, or any organization, asking how to bring a data mindset to the whole company, not just those trained in the space.

      —Eric Weber, Head of Experimentation & Metrics Research, Yelp

      —Jeffrey D. Camm, PhD, Center for Analytics Impact, Wake Forest University

      Becoming a Data Head raises the level of education and knowledge in an industry desperate for clarity in thinking. A must read for those working with and within the growing field of data science and analytics.

      —Dr. Stephen Chambal, VP for Corporate Growth at Perduco (DoD Analytics Company)

      Gutman and Goldmeier filter through much of the noise to break down complex data and statistical concepts we hear today into basic examples and analogies that stick. Becoming a Data Head has enabled me to translate my team's data needs into more tangible business requirements that make sense for our organization. A great read if you want to communicate your data more effectively to drive your business and data science team forward!

      —Justin Maurer, Engineering and Data Science Manager at Google

      As an aerospace engineer with nearly 15 years experience, Becoming a Data Head made me aware of not only what I personally want to learn about data science, but also what I need to know professionally to operate in a data-rich environment. This book further discusses how to filter through often overused terms like artificial intelligence. This is a book for every mid-level program manager learning how to navigate the inevitable future of data science.

      —Josh Keener, Aerospace Engineer and Program Manager

      A must read for an in-depth understanding of data science for senior executives.

      —Cade Saie, PhD, Chief Data Officer

      Gutman and Goldmeier offer practical advice for asking the right questions, challenging assumptions, and avoiding common pitfalls. They strike a nice balance between thoroughly explaining concepts of data science while not getting lost in the weeds. This book is a useful addition to the toolbox of any analyst, data scientist, manager, executive, or anyone else who wants to become more comfortable with data science.

      —Jeff Bialac, Senior Supply Chain Analyst at Kroger

      Gutman and Goldmeier have written a book that is as useful for applied statisticians and data scientists as it is for business leaders and technical professionals. In demystifying these complex statistical topics, they have also created a common language that bridges the longstanding communication divide that has — until now — separated data work from business value.

      —Kathleen Maley, Chief Analytics Officer at datazuum

      How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning



      Published simultaneously in Canada

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