Anthropology For Dummies. Cameron M. Smith
Classify Their Finds Chapter 6: Bones of Contention: The Fossil Evidence for Early Human Evolution Great Africa: The Earliest Hominins Stand and Deliver: The Riddles of Bipedalism All the Same from the Neck Down: The Australopithecines The Cracked Mirror: Early Homo The Traveler: The Accomplishments of Homo erectus Chapter 7: It’s Good to Be Home: Homo sapiens sapiens, Our Biological Species Distinguishing Modern Homo sapiens sapiens (That’s You!) Africa: The Cradle of Humanity Out of Africa: An Epic Dispersal The Origins of Language: The Social Grooming Theory The Origins of the Modern Mind Chapter 8: Hunting, Fishing, Sailing, and Sledding: The Dispersal of Humanity Worldwide Dispersal and Survival: The Decoupling of Behavior from Biology The Earliest Settlement of Australasia Another Grand Exploration: The Colonization of the New World Igloos, Dogs, and Whalebone Knives: The Colonization of the Arctic The Voyage of Ru and Hina: The Colonization of the Pacific High Altitude People: Early Settlement of the Tibetan Plateau Big-River People: Early Settlement of the Amazon and Congo Basins Desert People: Early Settlement of the Sahara Chapter 9: Old, Old McDonald: The Origins of Farming The Principle of Domestication Principles of Horticulture Principles of Farming Looking Back on the Origins of Farming The Early Farming Village The Making of Man’s Best Friend: the Early Domestication of Dogs Chapter 10: The Development of Civilization Human Subsistence and Social Organization The Characteristics of Civilization Charting the Rise and Fall of the First Civilizations Civilization Today: Will It Fall, Too?
Part 3: Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics
Chapter 11: The Spice of Life: Human Culture
Demystifying the Definition of Culture
What Culture Is and What Culture Isn’t
Cultural Universals
Having an Out-of-Body Experience
Opening Your Human Behavior Owner’s Manual
Getting Your Cultural Education
From Mop-Tops to Mötley Crüe: What Is Cultural Change?
Cultural Evolution
Chapter 12: From Kalahari to Minneapolis: How Cultural Anthropologists Work
Watching Cultural Anthropology Grow Up
A More Personal Approach: Emic Research
Considering Recent Developments
Striving for Accuracy
Going into the Field: Getting Prepared for Less-Than-Ideal Conditions
Chapter 13: Can We Talk? Communication, Symbols, and Language
Exploring the Complexity of Human Language
Ready to Swear: How the Human Mind Is Hard-Wired for Language
Watching Human Language Evolve
Chapter 14: Types of Types: Race and Ethnicity
The Kinds of Humanity: Human Physical Variation
Why Is Everyone Different? Human Cultural Variation
Chapter 15: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Identity, Family, Kinship, and Gender
Am I “Cameron” or “a Smith”? The Scales of Human Identity
A Family Affair
Sex and Gender
Kinship and Gender Worldwide and through Time
Age and Stage of Life
Chapter 16: Not at the Dinner Table! Religion and Politics
What Is Religion?
The Material and Supernatural Worlds
Ritual and Religion
The Organization of Supernatural Knowledge
The Origins of Religion