Anthropology For Dummies. Cameron M. Smith
of Illustrations
1 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: Anthropology as a four-field discipline. FIGURE 3-2: Evolution as the result of replication, variation, and selection. FIGURE 3-3: Author’s rendering of drawings in John Bulwer’s work on gesture in ...
2 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: An early primate. My reconstruction is based on the fossil evidence...FIGURE 4-2: The Primate order. FIGURE 4-3: Sketches of the main varieties of primates. FIGURE 4-4: Comparison of the dental formula of a New World monkey and an Old W...FIGURE 4-5: The main types of locomotion. FIGURE 4-6: Global distribution of primates today.
3 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Archaeologists examining stratigraphy at a site on the lower Columb...FIGURE 5-2: A site grid in use on a burial mound in northern Kenya. FIGURE 5-3: Some of the most common ways to work bone, stone, antler, and wood ...
4 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: The main anatomical features of bipedal locomotion, compared with q...FIGURE 6-2: The main factors involved in early hominin evolution. FIGURE 6-3: The main hominin species’ crania. FIGURE 6-4: Timeline showing the relationships of the early hominins. FIGURE 6-5: My reconstruction of a robust australopithecine. FIGURE 6-6: My reconstruction drawing of specimen WT15000, “Turkana Boy,” an ea...
5 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: A sketch of the “Lion Person” figurine from the Holenstein-Stadel c...FIGURE 7-2: Comparison of typical Neanderthal and modern human anatomical featu...FIGURE 7-3: A reconstruction of a Neanderthal. FIGURE 7-4: A comparison of the Mithen and Donald models of the origins of the ...
6 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Overview of the spread of AMHss after 100,000 years ago. FIGURE 8-2: The size of a modern human and the early peoples of Flores Island, ...FIGURE 8-3: The ice-free corridor and coastal migration hypothesis. FIGURE 8-4: Native Arctic Winter Village reported by Europeans exploring Canada...FIGURE 8-5: A Polynesian voyaging canoe.
7 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: The main centers of early domestication, with some domesticates not...FIGURE 9-2: Egyptian shaduf irrigation tool in modern times. FIGURE 9-3: Typical features of an early farming village.
8 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Sumerian clay tablet, an example of durable record-keeping. FIGURE 10-2: The Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt in an early 19th century engravin...FIGURE 10-3: Timeline of the ancient civilizations. FIGURE 10-4: World map of the ancient civilizations. FIGURE 10-5: Durations and fates of world civilizations to present.
9 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Women of Myanmar wearing traditional clothing and body ornamentati...
10 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: A 19th-century painting of Native Americans by George Catlin.
11 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Gestural or physical communication. FIGURE 13-2: Diagram of human language anatomy. FIGURE 13-3: Diagram of modern languages and their relations.
12 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Worldwide human skin color map. FIGURE 14-2: Genetic relationships between modern human populations, adapted fr...
13 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: Kinship diagram for a simple nuclear family. FIGURE 15-2: Women working in an aircraft factory during World War II, when lar...
14 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: Human life is lived in the overlap between the material and ethere...FIGURE 16-2: A Goldi (native Russian) shaman and assistant in the 19th century....FIGURE 16-3: Modern distribution of world religions.
15 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Kenyah natives of Borneo engaged in a warfare ritual. FIGURE 17-2: Modern military aircraft able to bomb at great distance from its h...
16 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: Human population growth in the last 10,000 years. FIGURE 18-2: Artist’s conception of a civilization-ending space debris impact w...FIGURE 18-3: An artist’s conception of the interior of a space colony from 1977...
17 Chapter 20FIGURE 20-1: Assyrian warfare depiction in bas relief from the 7th century BC.
1 Cover
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