Comportamiento social de la fauna nativa de Chile. Luis A. Ebensperger

Comportamiento social de la fauna nativa de Chile - Luis A. Ebensperger

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      Ebensperger LA, Veloso C, Wallem PK (2002). Do female degus communally nest and nurse their pups? Journal of Ethology 20:143-146.

      Ebensperger LA, Hurtado MJ, Soto-Gamboa M, Lacey EA, Chang AT (2004). Communal nesting and kinship among degus (Octodon degus). Naturwissenschaften 91:391-395.

      Ebensperger LA, Hurtado MJ (2005). On the relationship between herbaceous cover and vigilance activity of degus (Octodon degus). Ethology 111:593-608.

      Ebensperger LA, Hurtado MJ, Ramos-Jiliberto R (2006a). Vigilance and collective detection of predators in degus (Octodon degus). Ethology 112:879-887.

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      Ebensperger LA, Hurtado MJ, Valdivia I (2006c). Lactating females do not discriminate between their own young and unrelated pups in the communally breeding rodent, Octodon degus. Ethology 112:921-929.

      Ebensperger LA, Hurtado MJ, León C (2007). An experimental examination of the consequences of communal versus solitary breeding on maternal condition and the early post-natal growth and survival of degu, Octodon degus, pups. Animal Behaviour 73:185-194.

      Ebensperger LA, Chesh AS, Castro RA, Ortiz Tolhuysen L, Quirici V, Burger JR, Sobrero R, Hayes LD (2011). Burrow limitations and group living in the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Journal of Mammalogy 92:21-30.

      Ebensperger LA, Sobrero R, Vargas F, Castro RA, Ortiz Tolhuysen L, Quirici V, Burger JR, Quispe R, Villavicencio CP, Vásquez RA, Hayes LD (2012). Ecological drivers of group living in two populations of the communally rearing rodent, Octodon degus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66:261-274.

      Ebensperger LA, Villegas A, Abades S, Hayes LD (2014). Mean ecological conditions modulate the effects of group-living and communal rearing on offspring production and survival. Behavioral Ecology 25:862-870.

      Ebensperger LA, Pérez de Arce F, Abades S, Hayes LD (2016a). Limited and fitness-neutral effects of resource heterogeneity on sociality in a communally rearing rodent. Journal of Mammalogy 97:1125-1135.

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