Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics. Patrick Muldowney
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
5 Reading this BooknotesSet Note
Part I: Stochastic Calculus
Chapter 1: Stochastic Integration
Chapter 2: Random Variation
2.1 What is Random Variation?
2.2 Probability and Riemann Sums
2.3 A Basic Stochastic Integral
2.4 Choosing a Sample Space
2.5 More on Basic Stochastic Integral
Chapter 3: Integration and Probability
3.1 ‐Complete Integration
3.2 Burkill‐complete Stochastic Integral
3.3 The Henstock Integral
3.4 Riemann Approach to Random Variation
3.5 Riemann Approach to Stochastic Integrals
Chapter 4: Stochastic Processes
4.1 From
Part II: Field Theory
Chapter 7: Gauges for Product Spaces
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Three‐dimensional Brownian Motion
7.3 A Structured Cartesian Product Space
7.4 Gauges for Product Spaces
7.5 Gauges for Infinite‐dimensional Spaces
7.6 Higher‐dimensional Brownian Motion
7.7 Infinite Products of Infinite Products
Chapter 8: Quantum Field Theory
8.1 Overview of Feynman Integrals
8.2 Path Integral for Particle Motion
8.3 Action Waves
8.4 Interpretation of Action Waves
8.5 Calculus of Variations
8.6 Integration Issues
8.7 Numerical Estimate of Path Integral