Gauge Integral Structures for Stochastic Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics. Patrick Muldowney
8.9 From Particle to Field 8.10 Simple Harmonic Oscillator 8.11 A Finite Number of Particles 8.12 Continuous Mass Field Notes Chapter 9: Quantum Electrodynamics 9.1 Electromagnetic Field Interaction 9.2 Constructing the Field Interaction Integral 9.3 ‐Complete Integral Over Histories 9.4 Review of Point‐Cell Structure 9.5 Calculating Integral Over Histories 9.6 Integration of a Step Function 9.7 Regular Partition Calculation 9.8 Integrand for Integral over Histories 9.9 Action Wave Amplitudes 9.10 Probability and Wave Functions Notes
9 Part III: Appendices Chapter 10: Appendix 1: Integration 10.1 Monstrous Functions 10.2 A Non‐monstrous Function 10.3 Riemann‐complete Integration 10.4 Convergence Criteria 10.5 “I would not care to fly in that plane” Notes Chapter 11: Appendix 2: Theorem 63 11.1 Fresnel's Integral 11.2 Theorem 188 of [MTRV] 11.3 Some Consequences of Theorem 63 Fallacy Notes Chapter 12: Appendix 3: Option Pricing 12.1 American Options 12.2 Asian Options Notes Chapter 13: Appendix 4: Listings 13.1 Theorems 13.2 Examples 13.3 Definitions 13.4 Symbols
10 Bibliography
11 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Distribution of payouts.Table 2.2 Relative frequency table of distribution of weights.Table 2.3 Calculation of mean and standard deviation.Table 2.4 UD sample paths for processes
2 Chapter 8Table 8.1 List of four cells forming a regular partition
3 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Elements of calculation of Riemann sum over a regular partition.
4 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Glanbia share prices, 3 August 1991 to 3 September 2011.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 10Figure 10.1
2 Chapter 12Figure 12.1
1 Cover