Electromagnetic Metasurfaces. Christophe Caloz
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2.5 Poynting Theorem
This section derives the time-average bianisotropic Poynting theorem [16, 81, 140], which provides the general conditions for gain and loss in terms of susceptibility tensors.
The time-domain Maxwell–Faraday and Maxwell–Ampère equations, assuming the presence of electric current sources,
with the bianisotropic constitutive relations (2.4) defined by
Pre-multiplying (2.53a) by
The left-hand side of (2.55) may be simplified using the vectorial identity
where the cross product
We shall now simplify the last two terms of this relation to provide the final form of the bianisotropic Poynting theorem. We show the derivations only for
Splitting the two terms of the right-hand side into two equal parts transforms this relation into
Manipulating the terms in the right-hand side of this new relation, adding the extra null term