Electromagnetic Metasurfaces. Christophe Caloz

Electromagnetic Metasurfaces - Christophe Caloz

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Baseline dot left-parenthesis chi overbar overbar Subscript mm Baseline dot bold upper H plus chi overbar overbar Subscript me Baseline dot bold upper E slash eta 0 right-parenthesis period 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column period right-bracket right-parenthesis dot dot minus minus upper H left-parenthesis right-parenthesis slash slash plus plus dot dot chi bar bar mmH dot dot chi bar bar meE eta 0 asterisk right-parenthesis period EndLayout"/>

      (2.72b)langlerangleIM equals one fourth Re left-bracket j omega mu 0 left-parenthesis bold upper H Superscript asterisk Baseline dot left-parenthesis chi overbar overbar Subscript mm Baseline minus chi overbar overbar Subscript mm Superscript dagger Baseline right-parenthesis dot bold upper H minus 2 bold upper E Superscript asterisk Baseline dot chi overbar overbar Subscript me Superscript dagger Baseline dot bold upper H slash eta 0 right-parenthesis right-bracket comma

      where the superscript Superscript dagger corresponds to the transpose conjugate operation. The final expression of the time-average bianisotropic Poynting theorem for time-harmonic fields is then given by

      which indicates that the amount of loss or gain that an electromagnetic wave experiences in a given volume surrounding a medium is related to the amount of energy passing across the surface delimiting this volume.

      Substituting (2.69) and (2.72) into (2.73) provides the following alternative form of the Poynting theorem:

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