Pollutants and Water Management. Группа авторов
GRS: Ganga river sediments; GDS: Ganga delta sediment; UCC: upper continental crust; MoE: Ministry of Environment; USEPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency.
a Singh et al. (2003).
b Datta and Subramanian (1998).
c McLennan (2001).
d McDonald et al. (2000).
Table 2.5 Heavy metal content in various species of the Kanwar wetland.
Species | Cr (mg/kg) | Mn (mg/kg) | Cu (mg/kg) | Zn (mg/kg) | Pb (mg/kg) | Cd (mg/kg) |
Hydrilla | 111–164 | 116–148 | 38.5–55 | 9.6–12.85 | 133–158 | 0.89–0.98 |
Eichhornia | 172–224 | 72–88 | 48–72 | 8.0–18 | 212–252 | 1.8–2.8 |
Lotus | 28–46 | 26–42 | 12–31 | 6.0–22 | 114–163 | 1.02–1.8 |
Fish | 22–36 | 12.0–26 | 5.3–21.5 | 6.24–20 | 146–172 | 0.97–1 |
Sorghum | 58–92 | 12.6–23 | 22.5–52 | 4.0–15 | 217–264 | 1.01–1.26 |
Wheat | 38.3–42 | 24–25.7 | 27.2–39 | 8.52–9.63 | 95.9–101 | 0.98–1.25 |
Maize | 32–34.41 | 16.5–19 | 15.2–16.9 | 7.15–8.27 | 89–111 | 0.97–1.1 |
Rice | 42–46.63 | 8.14–8.93 | 23–25.44 | 5.5–6.2 | 101–105 | 0.9–1.15 |
Permissible limit | 1a | 1b | 30b | 50b | 5c | 0.3c |
Indian Standardd | 20 | NA | 30 | 50 | 2.5 | 1.5 |
NA: not available.
a GB2762 (2012).
b CODEX (2001).
c FAO/WHO (2011).
d Awashthi (2000).
Figure 2.10 Health risk index of heavy metals via cultivated crop