A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Mishi´minâ´bo. See cider.
To approach, v. Piezha.
Approacher, s. Puhizhad.
April, s. Paibokâidagiming Gizis.
Archer, s. Ainuhaid.
Ardent spirits. See Brandy.
To arise from lying posture, Onish´ka.
To arise from a sitting posture, Puzzigwi.
Arm, of the body, Onik´.
Arms, weapons, Oshwi´winun. Plu.
Armband, s. Gitchi´waibizzoon.
Around, ad. Kiwitâ´jei.
To arrive, by land, Tak´wishin.
To arrive, by water, Miz´hugâ.
Arrow, blunt headed, Bik´wuk.
Arrow, spear pointed, Ussowân´.
Art, thou art, Ki Dyâ.
Artichoke, s. Ushkibwâ´.
Ash tree, s. Wisugâk´. Bitterwood.
Ashes, s. Pingwi´. This word is without number.
Ashamed, a. Agudji.
To ascend, v. Ukwan´dowai.
Ashore, put ashore, Kikubâ.
Ashore, near the shore, Chigâ´bik.
To ask, v. Kugwai dwai.
Asker, s. Kai´gwaidwaid.
Aspect, of things animate, Aizhinâ´goozzi.
Aspect, of things inanimate, Aizhinâ´gwuk.
Aspen, s. Aizâ´di.
Assassin, s. Naizhiwaid.
Assemblage, s. Mamawiedding.
Assent, s. Nuh koodum.
To assent, v. E kido.
To assist, v. Widôkâ´zoo.
Assistant, s. Waidokâ´zood.
At, prep. Cheeg.
Atmosphere, s, Gi´zhig.
Atom, s. Bâpish.
To attack, v. Mow´inai.
To attain, v. Gushkiai´wizzi.
Attainment, s. ——win.
Attire, s. See apparel.
Avaricious, a. Suzzai gizzi.
Avarice, s. —— win.
To avenge, v. Azhitow´iewai.
Avenger, s. Iazhitowiewaid.
August, s. Monô´mini, Gizis. Rice Moon.
Aunt, uncle’s wife, or father’s sister, Nizhigwoos´.
Aunt, mother’s sister. Ninwishai´.
Aurora borealis, Jiby nimi iddiwug. Dancing ghosts.
Autumn, s. Tagwâ gi.
Next autumn, Tagwâgig´.
Last autumn, Tagwâgoong´.
To authorize, v. Inugimâ´.
Authority, s. ——win.
Awake, a. Gooshkooz´zi.
Away, ad. Ningood´ji.
Awkward, a. Namu´nji.
Awl, s. Migôs´.
—— s. dim. —— ais.
—— s. der. —— ish.
—— s. local, —— ing.
—— s. dim. & der. —— aisish.
—— s. dim. der. & loc. —— aisishing.
Axe, s. Wagâ´kwut.
—— s. dim. —— ais.
—— s. der. —— ish.
—— s. local, —— ing.
—— s. dim. & der. —— aisish.
—— s. dim. der. & loc. —— aisishing.
To babble, v. Ozâmidôn, or Kâgidooshkai.
Babble, s. Ozâmidôniwin, or Kâgidooshkaiwin.
Babbler, s. Kâgidooshkid.
Babe, baby, Abbinôji.
This is the term for child. A male child is usually denominated Pinai´shi, (bird,) during its infancy.
Bachelor, s. Pizhishigôwizzi.
This term being in the animate form, is not indicative of sex, and strictly indicates an unmarried, (or uncoupled) person.
Back, s. Opik´wun.
Backbone, s. Tuttagâ´gwun.
Backwards, ad. Uzhai.
To step backwards, v. Uzhaigâ´bôwi.
Bacon, s. Kôkôsh Wiôs. Hog flesh.
Bad, a. animate, Mud ji.
— a. inanimate, Monâ´dud.
Badger, s. Missukâkud´jish.
Bag, s. Mush´kimoot.
— s. dim, —— ais.
— s. dim & der, —— aisish.
— s. local, —— ong. Implying in the bag.
Bait, for animals, Mijimikunjigun.
Balance, s. Tibâbishkôjigun.
A compound derivative from the words equal, cord, and instrument.
Baldheaded, Wâshkain´dibai.
Bald Eagle, Wabizhuk´wai.
Ball, metallic, Unwi´.
— wooden, Pikwâ´kwut.
Balsam of fire tree, Shingooban´dug.
Balsam, s. Pigiuan´dug.
Band, s. Pizoon´.
Banner, s. Kikiwai´aoon.
Bank of earth, Ishpakum´iga.
Bandy legged, Wawushkigâ´dai.
To baptise, v. Siginun´dowâ.
Bare, (in body,) a. Pingwashâ´giddi.
Barge, or boat, s. Millig´ôchiman, or Nabug´ôchiman.
Any vessel intermediate in size and mode of construction, between a bark canoe and a ship. The first term is a derivative from tree and canoe, the second, from plank or board, and canoe.
To bark, v. Migih´.
This is a generic word for barking. The eagle derives its name from this word.
Bark, of the birch tree, Wig´wos.
Bark, of the bass, Wigood.
Bark, of any other species, Wunagaik´.
Bark dish, s. Onâ´gon.
Applied to crockery.
Bark sap dish, Nimibâ´gun.
Bark box, s. Mukkuk´.
Applied to any box, trunk, barrel, &c. also with a prefix, to a coffin.
Bashful, a. Bakâdizzi.