A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft - Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

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a. Sôngidaiai.

      Bread, s. Bukwai´zhigun. That, that is cut.

      Bread, s. dim. Bukwai´zhigons. Biscuit, cake.

      To break, v. a. Pigoobizh. To break him.

      To break, v. in. Pigoobidôn. To break it.

      Breast, s. Tôtôsh. Plural in un.

      Breast liquor. Tôtôshâ´bô.

      Breast bone, Odusinakai.

      To breath, v. Naisai.

      Breath, s. Naisaiwin.

      Breechcloth, A´ziân.

      Breeze. Nowoi´a.

      Brethren, s. Nikâ´nisidoog. A general term.

      Bride, s. Nân´gunikwai´.

      Applied also to daughter-in-law.

      Brier, s. Agâ´wuzh.

      Bright light, Wassaiâ.

      Bright metal, Washkaiâ.

      Brimstone, Ozâ´wussin.

      Brindled, a. Kidugizzi.

      Brisk. See Active.

      Brittle, a. Kâ´pun.

      Brittle axe, Kápá´bikud.

      Brittle ice, Kâpizzigwai.

      Brittle stone, Kâpâ´bik.

      Bristle, s. Obi´wy.

      Broad, a. an. Mungudaizi.

      —— a. inan. Mungudaiâ.

      Broadcloth, s. Monidowâi´gin. Spirit cloth, or skin.

      To bring, v. an. Pizh. To bring him.

      —— v. inan. Pidôn´. To bring it.

      Brooch, s. Sugâkwuhoon.

      Brook, s. Sibins.

      Diminutive of river.

      Brook trout, Mâzhimâg´woos.

      Broom, s. Jishud´yigun.

      Jishudyigai, To broom, to sweep.

      Broth, s. Nâbôb´.

      Brother, s. Osyai´emâ.

      My elder brother, Nisyai´.

      My younger brother or sister, Nishimai´.

      Brush, s. Shôshkwy´igun.

      Brute, s. Awai´si.

      Buckskin, s. Iâbiwai´gin.

      Bucket, s. Nimibâgun.

      Buckle, s. See brooch.

      Bud, s. Wunamik.

      Buffalo, s. See bison.

      Buffalo robe, Pizhihiwai´gin.

      Bug, s. Monitôs´.

      To build, (a house or fort,) Wakyi´gai.

      Builder, (of a house, &c.) Waiakyigaid.

      Building, s. Wakyigun.

      To build, (a lodge, &c.) Ozhigai´.

      Builder, &c. s. Waizhigaid.

      Bugle, s. Mudwaiwai´chigun.

      Bullet, s. Unai´.

      Bullrush, s. Onâ´gonushk.

      Bullfrog, s. Dain´dai.

      Bundle, s. Ningoodwupidai.

      Buoy, (of a net) Kundi´kund.

      Bur, s. Wazhuskwai´do.

      Burthen, s. Obim´iwunân.

      To burn, v. n. Châ´gi.

      To burn, v. an. Châ´gizoo.

      To burn, v. inan. Châ´gidai.

      Burner, s. an. Chyâgizzoowaid.

      Burner, s. inan. Chyâgidaid.

      Burrow, s. Wâzh.

      To Bury, v. Niugwâ´.

      Bury him, Ningwuh.

      Bury it, Ningwâun.

      Bush, s. Sugikobâ´.

      Bustard, s. Mississai´.

      But, conj. Unishâ´.

      Butter, s. Pimmidai´.

      Butterfly, s. Mâimai´ngwâ.

      Butterfly, s. dim. Mainiaingwâs.

      To buy, v. an. Gish´pinudôn.

      To buy, v. in. Gish´pinuzh.

      Buzzard, s. Winon´gai.

      By, prep. Chig. Cheeg.

      By (the) tree, Chigâ´tig.

      By (the) rock, Chigâ´bik.

      By and by, Pâ´nimâ´.

      [Circumstances prevent the insertion of the remainder of this vocabulary.]


       Table of Contents


      Letter to E. Herring, announcing the return of expedition.

      Letter to Gov. Porter, subject of Sauc disturbances.

      Letter to E. Herring, transmitting report on vaccination.

      Letter to E. Herring, transmitting report on population and trade.

      Statistical tables of population, &c.

      Report on the political state of the Indians on the U. Mississippi.

      Dr. Houghton’s report on vaccination.


      Letter to the Dept., transmitting plan and estimates for the Expedition of 1832.


      Letter to Gen. Street, Indian Agent at Prairie du Chien.

      Report of the previous Expedition of 1831, as laid before Congress.

      Speech of six Chippewa chiefs on the Sioux war.

      [In the arrangement of the above reports and letters, the order of dates is observed.]



      Office Indian Agency,

       Sault Ste. Marie, August 15th, 1832.

      Elbert Herring, Esq.,

       Office of Indian Affairs, Washington.

      Sir: I hasten to inform you that I yesterday returned from my expedition to the northwest. On reaching the Mississippi I found the state of the water favorable for ascending. No difficulty was experienced in reaching the highest point, to which this stream has hitherto been explored. At this point, I procured canoes of the smallest class, and ascended, with Indian guides, to its actual source in Itasca Lake.

      Upwards of two thousand Chippewas have been met in council, in their villages, or in detached parties on the way. At every point, vaccinations have been made, under the authority of the act of the last session of Congress. No opportunity has been omitted to enforce the objects of the instructions respecting their hostilities with each other, and to point out and make clear to their comprehension, their true relation to the United States. The efforts made to procure the assent of the Chippewas to the advice given them on this head,

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