Внутренний голос. Почему мы говорим с собой и как это на нас влияет. Итан Кросс

Внутренний голос. Почему мы говорим с собой и как это на нас влияет - Итан Кросс

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Michael C. Corballis. “The Evolution of Foresight: What Is Mental Time Travel, and Is It Unique to Humans?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2007): 299–351.


      Ирвинг отметил, что, хотя участники эксперимента думали о разных вещах, количество негативных мыслей – например, об экономической нестабильности или терроризме – было поразительным. Brownstone. “For ‘New York Stories,’ Anthropologist Tracked 100 New Yorkers’ Inner Monologues Across the City.”


      Eric Klinger, Ernst H. W. Koster and Igor Marchetti. “Spontaneous Thought and Goal Pursuit: From Functions Such as Planning to Dysfunctions Such as Rumination,” in Christoff and Fox, Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought, 215–232; Arnaud D’Argembeau. “Mind-Wandering and Self-Referential Thought,” там же 181–192; и A. Morin, B. Uttl and B. Hamper. “Self-Reported Frequency, Content, and Functions of Inner Speech,” Procedia: Social and Behavioral Journal 30 (2011): 1714–1718.


      См. раздел «Пассивный режим» в Предисловии.


      Michael L. Anderson. “Neural Reuse: A Fundamental Principle of the Brain,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2010): 245–313.


      Alan Baddeley. “Working Memory,” Science 255 (1992): 556–559. Также см. Alan Baddeley and Vivien Lewis. “Inner Active Processes in Reading: The Inner Voice, the Inner Ear, and the Inner Eye,” in Interactive Processes in Reading, ed. A. M. Lesgold и C. A. Perfetti (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1981), 107–129; Alan D. Baddeley and Graham J. Hitch. “The Phonological Loop as a Buffer Store: An Update,” Cortex 112 (2019): 91–106; и Antonio Chella and Arianna Pipitone. “A Cognitive Architecture for Inner Speech,” Cognitive Systems Research 59 (2020): 287–292.


      Nivedita Mani and Kim Plunkett. “In the Infant’s Mind’s Ear: Evidence for Implicit Naming in 18-Month-Olds,” Psychological Science 21 (2010): 908–913. Более подробную информацию см. в статье Ben Alderson-Day and Charles Fernyhough “Inner Speech: Development, Cognitive Functions, Phenomenology, and Neurobiology,” Psychological Bulletin 141 (2015); и Perrone-Bertolotti et al. “What Is That Little Voice Inside My Head?”


      Выготский Л. Мышление и речь – Национальное образование, 2016. Также см.: Alderson-Day and Fernyhough. “Inner Speech”; и Perrone-Bertolotti et al. “What Is That Little Voice Inside My Head?”.


      Исследования, подчеркивающие сложную роль родителей в процессе социализации. См. W. Andrew Collins et al. “Contemporary Research on Parenting: The Case for Nature and Nurture,” American Psychologist 55 (2000): 218–232. Последние сведения о том, какую роль играют родители в эмоциональной жизни детей, почерпнуты из обширного метаанализа, который обнаружил явную взаимосвязь между поведением родителей и некоторыми приемами эмоционального приспособления. См. Michael M. Barger et al. “The Relation Between Parents’ Involvement in Children’s Schooling and Children’s Adjustment: A Meta-analysis,” Psychological Bulletin 145 (2019): 855–890.


      Более подробную информацию о том, какую роль играет речь в распространении культурных идей, см. в материалах Susan A. Gelman and Steven O. Roberts. “How Language Shapes the Cultural Inheritance of Categories,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (2017): 7900–7907; и статье Roy Baumeister and E. J. C. Masicampo. “Conscious Thought Is for Facilitating Social and Cultural Interactions,” Psychological Review 117 (2010): 945–971.


      Hazel R. Markus and Shinobu Kitayama. “Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation,” Psychological Review 98 (1991): 224–253.


      Adam B. Cohen. “Many Forms of Culture,” American Psychologist 64 (2009): 194–204.


      Laura E. Berk and Ruth A. Garvin. “Development of Private Speech Among Low-Income Appalachian Children,” Developmental Psychology 20 (1984): 271–286; Laura E. Berk. “Children’s Private Speech: An Overview of Theory and the Status of Research,” in Private Speech: From Social Interaction to Self-Regulation, eds. Rafael M. Diaz and Laura E. Berk (New York: Psychology Press, 1992), 17–54.


      Paige E. Davis, Elizabeth Meins and Charles Fernyhough. “Individual Differences in Children’s Private Speech: The Role of Imaginary Companions,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 116 (2013): 561–571.


      Amanda Grenell and Stephanie M. Carlson. “Pretense,” in The Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education, ed. D. Couchenour and J. K. Chrisman (New York: Sage, 2016), 1075–1077.


      В качестве показательных исследований см.: Arnaud D’Argembeau, Olivier Renaud and Martial Van der Linden. “Frequency, Characteristics, and Functions of Future-Oriented Thoughts in Daily Life,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (2011): 96–103; Alain Morin, Christina Duhnych and Famira Racy. “Self-Reported Inner Speech Use in University Students,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 32 (2018): 376–382; и Akira Miyake et al. “Inner Speech as a Retrieval Aid for Task Goals: The Effects of Cue Type in the Random Task Cuing Paradigm,” Acta Psychologica 115 (2004): 123–142. Также см.: Adam Winsler. “Still Talking to Ourselves After All These Years: A Review of Current Research on Private Speech,” in Private Speech, Executive Functioning, and the Development of Verbal Self-Regulation, ed. A. Winsler, C. Fernyhough and I. Montero (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 3–41.


      D’Argembeau, Renaud and Van der Linden. “Frequency, Characteristics, and Functions of Future-Oriented Thoughts in Daily Life”; D’Argembeau. “Mind-Wandering and Self-Referential Thought”; и Morin, Duhnych and Racy. “Self-Reported Inner Speech Use in University Students.”


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