Introduction to Flight Testing. James W. Gregory

Introduction to Flight Testing - James W. Gregory

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Flight Test Example: Cirrus SR20 References

      21  11 Takeoff and Landing 11.1 Theory 11.2 Measurement Methods 11.3 Flight Testing Procedures 11.4 Flight Test Example: Cessna R182 References Notes

      22  12 Stall Speed 12.1 Theory 12.2 Flight Testing Procedures 12.3 Data Analysis 12.4 Flight Test Example: Cirrus SR20 References

      23  13 Turning Flight 13.1 Theory 13.2 Flight Testing Procedures 13.3 Flight Test Example: Diamond DA40 References

      24  14 Longitudinal Stability 14.1 Static Longitudinal Stability 14.2 Dynamic Longitudinal Stability References

      25  15 Lateral‐Directional Stability 15.1 Static Lateral‐Directional Stability 15.2 Dynamic Lateral‐Directional Stability Nomenclature Acronyms and Abbreviations References

      26  16 UAV Flight Testing1 16.1 Overview of Unmanned Aircraft 16.2 UAV Design Principles and Features 16.3 Flight Regulations 16.4 Flight Testing Principles 16.5 Flight Testing Examples with the Peregrine UAS 16.6 Flight Testing Examples with the Avanti UAS 16.7 Conclusion References Notes

      27  Appendix A: Appendix AStandard Atmosphere Tables

      28  Appendix B: Appendix BUseful Constants and Unit Conversion Factors Reference

      29  Appendix C: Appendix CStability and Control Derivatives for a Notional GA Aircraft Reference

      30  Index

      31  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Airworthiness certification levels defined by part 23.

      2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Definition of temperature lapse rates in various regions of the atm...Table 2.2 Constants used in Sutherland's Law.

      3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 DAQ sensor utility matrix.

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Typical uncertainty values for an airspeed indicator.Table 5.2 Maximum scale error permitted by 14 CFR 43 Appendix E.Table 5.3 Maximum friction error permitted by 14 CFR 43 Appendix E.Table 5.4 Maximum barometric scale error permitted by 14 CFR 43 Appendix E.

      5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Taxonomy for assigning likelihood and severity levels in risk asses...Table 6.2 Sample weight and balance calculations for a typical general aviati...

      6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Overall skin friction coefficients for various aircraft.Table 7.2 Basic flight test data.Table 7.3 Flight data from Cirrus SR20 level flight.Table 7.4 Derived quantities from flight test data.

      7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Speed definitions.Table 8.2 Flight data obtained at a pressure altitude of 3000 ft.Table 8.3 Airspeeds and wind speeds for airspeed calibration at a pressure al...

      8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Flight data from a Cirrus SR20 in climb at a pressure altitude of 3...Table 9.2 Flight data from a Cirrus SR20 in climb at a pressure altitude of 6...Table 9.3 Derived quantities from flight test data at a pressure altitude of ...Table 9.4 Derived quantities from flight test data at a pressure altitude of ...

      9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Flight data from a Cirrus SR20 in glide at a pressure altitude of ...Table 10.2 Derived quantities from flight test data at a pressure altitude of...

      10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Values of runway surface friction coefficient.Table 11.2 Basic parameters of the Cessna R182.

      11 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Summary of long‐period dynamic longitudinal stability results.

      12 Chapter 16Table 16.1 U.S. Department of Defense UAS classifications.Table 16.2 Key characteristics of the Peregrine UAS.Table 16.3 Predicted and measured drag polar for the Peregrine UAS.Table 16.4 Key characteristics of the Avanti UAS.

      13 Appendix ATable A.1 Standard sea‐level properties in English units.Table A.2 Standard Atmosphere in English units.Table A.3 Standard sea‐level properties in SI units.Table A.4 Standard Atmosphere in SI units.

      14 Appendix BTable B.1 Standard, consistent units for the English and SI unit systems.Table B.2 Useful conversion factors.Table B.3 Useful constants in standard, consistent units.Table B.4 SI prefix definitions.

      15 Appendix CTable

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