Introduction to Flight Testing. James W. Gregory

Introduction to Flight Testing - James W. Gregory

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      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 The caricature view of flight test is of an individualistic, cowb...Figure 1.2 A more realistic view of the people behind flight testing – a tea...Figure 1.3 Three‐view drawing of the Bell XS‐1.Figure 1.4 The Air Materiel Command XS‐1 flight test team, composed of (from...Figure 1.5 Yeager accelerates in the Bell XS‐1 on his way to breaking the “s...Figure 1.6 Plot of the total and static pressure for the first supersonic fl...Figure 1.7 Inspection of pressure‐sensitive paint on Purdue University's Bee...Figure 1.8 Notre Dame's Dassault Falcon 10.Figure 1.9 Smoke and tuft flow visualization on the NASA F‐18 High Alpha Res...Figure 1.10 Early X‐planes, including the Douglas X‐3 Stiletto (center) and ...Figure 1.11 Sikorsky S‐72 X‐wing testbed aircraft.Figure 1.12 The Ohio State University's Avanti jet unmanned aircraft system....Figure 1.13 Maj Rachael Winiecki, a developmental test pilot with the 461st ...Figure 1.14 Ohio State University students Greg Rhodes and Jennifer Haines f...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The layers of Earth's atmosphere.Figure 2.2 Forces acting on a hydrostatic control volume.Figure 2.3 Standard temperature profile.Figure 2.4 The normalized temperature, pressure, and density distributions i...Figure 2.5 Launch of a high‐altitude weather balloon from the oval of The Oh...Figure 2.6 Comparison of the standard atmosphere with temperature data measu...Figure 2.7 Comparison of the standard atmosphere with pressure data measured...Figure 2.8 Illustration of different altitudes used in aviation.

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Overview of aircraft cockpit instrumentation for traditional “ste...Figure 3.2 Detailed view of the six pack of key instruments in a traditional...Figure 3.3 Examples of the pitot tube (a) and static pressure port (b) on an...Figure 3.4 Schematic of the pitot‐static system.Figure 3.5 Diagram of an aircraft altimeter. The reference pressure is set b...Figure 3.6 Overview of aircraft cockpit instrumentation for a glass panel av...Figure 3.7 Detailed view of the primary flight display (PFD) on a Cirrus SR2...Figure 3.8 Detailed view of the multifunction display (MFD) on a Cirrus SR20...Figure 3.9 Modern flight testing board with built‐in GPS, accelerometers, gy...Figure 3.10 Typical differential GPS architecture.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Sample signal in the time domain.Figure 4.2 Sample signal in the frequency domain.Figure 4.3 Fourier series approximation of a triangle waveform.Figure 4.4 Fourier components of the sine series approximation to a triangle...Figure 4.5 Power spectrum based on the FFT of the triangle waveform.Figure 4.6 Examples of various filtering schemes applied to signals in the t...Figure 4.7 Digital representation of an analog waveform with input range of ...Figure 4.8 Digital representation of the analog waveform with input range of...Figure 4.9 Digital representation of the analog waveform with a sample rate ...Figure 4.10 Digital representation of the analog waveform with a sample rate...Figure 4.11 Digital representation of the analog waveform with a sample rate...Figure 4.12 Illustration of aliasing due to insufficiently high sample rate....

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Illustration of the importance of uncertainty analysis in guiding...Figure 5.2 Illustration of bias error and precision error.Figure 5.3 Illustration of (a) high bias error with low precision error; (b)...Figure 5.4 Linear relationship between the measured and true values, which i...Figure 5.5 The Gaussian distribution and histogram of a series of measuremen...Figure 5.6 Histograms of the input variables: (a) indicated airspeed, (b) ou...Figure 5.7 Histogram of the calculated true airspeed.

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Sample flight test card for an airspeed calibration test.Figure 6.2 Risk assessment matrix.Figure 6.3 XB‐70 (large aircraft, center), flying with four other GE‐powered...Figure 6.4 Sample portion of an FAA chart for navigation under visual flight...Figure 6.5 Aircraft center of gravity limits.Figure 6.6 Example of a CG envelope, showing the forward and aft limits of t...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Force diagram for level flight.Figure 7.2 Induced drag factor for varying aspect ratio and taper ratio wing...Figure 7.3 Power–velocity curve for level flight of a typical general aviati...Figure 7.4 Altitude effects on the power–velocity curve for light aircraft....Figure 7.5 Weight effects on the power–velocity curve for light aircraft.Figure 7.6 Continental IO‐360 engine.Figure 7.7 Side view of the 210‐hp Continental Motors IO‐360‐ES.Figure 7.8 Four‐stroke spark ignition cycle.Figure 7.9 Engine performance charts for the Continental IO‐360‐ES.Figure 7.10 Propeller velocity triangles.Figure 7.11 Side view of Hartzell propeller, illustrating blade twist along ...Figure 7.12 Propeller efficiency for a Hartzell 3‐bladed, 74-in. diameter pr...Figure 7.13 Flight test PIW–VIW data for determining the drag polar of the C...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 The compressibility factor for airspeed correction.Figure 8.2 Correction (in kts) between EAS and CAS for a range of airspeeds ...Figure 8.3 Cutaway diagram of the airspeed indicator, illustrating how the d...Figure 8.4 The pitot‐static probe mounted on an airplane and the surface pre...Figure 8.5 Relationship between altitude error and velocity error as a resul...Figure 8.6 Effect of a wing/body on measurement of the static pressure in th...Figure 8.7 Air data boom (a) diagram and (b) installation on the nose of an ...Figure 8.8 Illustration of airspeed calibration methods of trailing bomb, tr...Figure 8.9 Sample ground track (a “cloverleaf”) for GPS‐based determination ...Figure 8.10 Vector diagram for the GPS ground velocity, true airspeed, and w...Figure 8.11 Airspeed calibration flight test results for the SR20G6, compare...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Forces acting on an aircraft in climb.Figure 9.2 Velocity triangle for an aircraft in a steady climb.Figure 9.3 Drag characteristics of a typical light aircraft.Figure 9.4 Power characteristics of a typical light aircraft. The “back side...Figure 9.5 Power required and power available characteristics for a typical ...Figure 9.6 Rate of climb variation with airspeed and altitude for a typical ...Figure 9.7 Extrapolation of maximum rates of climb to define service and abs...Figure 9.8 Instantaneous time to climb, which asymptotes to infinity at the ...Figure 9.9 Climb hodograph, illustrating the difference between best climb a...Figure 9.10 Airspeeds for best climb angle

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