"Born of the Spirit;" or, Gems from the Book of Life. Zenas Osborne

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The results were in these cases they flew off in a tangent, mad. The blacksmith knows about how hot his iron must be to work and weld; precisely so with human hearts; they must be under the direct rays of the Holy Ghost and kept there until made tender, then it can be worked. Glory to God! Brother, don’t try to work cold iron—the iron of cold hearts. It will be in every case a failure. Keep baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. This has been your great need in the past. As you go forth to labor in God’s vineyard, go with the baptism of power, love and the Holy Ghost. On this line, success will come.

      Doubtless some are called to the ministry early in life. Samuel was called to the prophetic office when but a lad. It has been stated by a great many that labored long as embassadors of our Lord Jesus Christ, that very early in life they felt an undefinable impression resting upon them, and at times this impression would be very strong, that some time in the near future, they would have to preach the gospel.

      This was the condition of your humble servant. Early in life he felt that that would be his employment in after years. Of all the innocent amusements of childhood, what he called preaching to other children, to the chairs placed in the order of a congregation, or to a field of pumpkins, (for he would often do that) was to him greater diversion than any other kind of amusement.

      At the age of fifteen I was standing near State street bridge, Albany, N. Y., a couple of officers were conveying a crazy man from the cars to the steamboat, as they were going down the river to Hudson with him. The crazy man caught hold of one of the chains used to draw up a portion of the bridge to let vessels through, screaming and making a great ado. This drew the attention of the people, as many were crossing, it being car time, so that in a moment the draw part of the bridge was literally covered. It was estimated that some three hundred, besides three horses, were on this part of the bridge. I moved along on to the bridge to see what the matter was. No sooner had I reached the highest point on the bridge, than it broke off on both sides, letting this mass of humanity suddenly into the water. I was suddenly hurled into the river with the rest. I had to swim some six to ten rods before I found anything that I could cling to. I came to a small boat into which I climbed, then onto a canal boat and went back where I could see that crowd of people struggling and screaming for life. This was an awful sight. Groups of men, from one to six or more were making a desperate effort for life. Without a moment’s warning they were put in this awful condition, and now, eternity was staring them in the face. Presently the dead and dying were all around me. The thought came: “Why was not I drowned with the rest?” for some forty had passed suddenly into eternity. This answer came to the inquiry, “I have saved you to preach my gospel.”

      After years of wandering in sin, and man’s estate had been reached, with family cares and responsibilities, I erected a family altar, sought and found the pearl of great price; and with this new experience came a strong and an abiding conviction that I must preach the Gospel. In whatever direction I would try to turn my attention, this thought would loom up above all others, “Preach my Gospel.” I had but little conception of the awful responsibility connected with the ministry. And yet I had some idea of the vastness of the work, and in looking at myself it did seem to me that I never could attain unto the ideality of the work as I then viewed it. I was timid, ignorant, culture limited. Can God qualify me for this exalted position? These were serious considerations. The call was as clear to me as the sun at noonday. Notwithstanding the clearness of the call by the Spirit, I was often making bargains with the Lord, as Gideon did. He would ask for a wet fleece, and the fleece would be wet. And then for a dry fleece, and the fleece would be dry.

      In the beginning of my ministry I would say to the Lord something like this: O Lord, if Thou hast called me to preach Thy Word, give me a soul to-day, as evidence that I am called to preach. Asking for evidence of this character continued for several years; and I would say to the glory of God, that on these occasions souls were always saved. Though the enemy would often say: “That is no evidence, for these have been prayed for by these old saints for years. They were saved through the instrumentality of these gray-haired saints.” For the time it would trouble me quite a little, so I would continue to ask for evidences.

      Every one truly called of God to preach His Gospel, understand some of the many obstacles to be overcome before he reaches the holy of holies, where, under a clear sky, with his eye on the Judgment, and the condition of the lost before him, he can proclaim the everlasting Gospel to perishing humanity, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. One of the greatest barriers to my entering upon the ministry, was my dear companion. While she was a dear, good woman, she could not bear the idea of her husband becoming a preacher; and would on all occasions when she thought the subject was going to be introduced, talk discouragement, and say to her husband, “I think that you would make a good class-leader but not a preacher.” I was marvelously attached to my wife, because of her intrinsic merits; hence, her views of his duty to his family, to God and His church were very great obstacles to surmount.

      The time came when, according to my vows, I must leave all and follow Christ, or lose my religion. What could be done! A field was opened, my services were wanted. Wife refuses to go; with light around the cross but a heavy burden on my soul, I took my leave of the dear home; yea, the dearest spot on earth, for there had nothing but love dwelt in that family circle. Parents and children were passionately devoted to each other.

      I found myself very much at home in the work of the ministry. After an absence of six weeks I returned home, hoping that my wife had changed her mind, and would accompany me to my field of labor. In this I was disappointed. She was just as unwilling to go then as at the first. I returned to my circuit with a heavy heart. I felt that I was in God’s order, so I asked the Lord to let my dear companion see it as in the light of eternity. After the elapse of another six weeks I returned for the same purpose, and with the same results as above stated.

      I succeeded in getting her at this second visit home, to go with Brother and Sister Roberts to a camp-meeting which was coming off at Ackron, N. Y., and I returned to my circuit. Eternity alone can tell the soul burden and mental conflict during these days.

      The camp-meeting had not been running many days before a fearful cyclone made its appearance. The sky put on her fearful robes of thunder and lightning, with other sounds of a dismal character. Darkness spread over the encampment. Nature was in strange commotion. Alarm and terror was manifested by nearly all that were at that encampment. As the storm came nearer and nearer, with the awful roar of destruction, suddenly an appearance, like an elephant’s trunk, dropped down from the clouds above and swung around the circle of tents, throwing down seventy-five good-sized trees. Wife and a Baptist sister were washing dishes in the Buffalo tent. They were giving each other their experience. Said the Baptist sister: “If I should die this moment, I’m saved.” No sooner had she said that than a tree nearly two feet in diameter was blown down from the inside of the circle of tents, going directly over the Buffalo tent, crushing it down, and with it the Baptist sister. All that saved the dear wife from the same fate was our little two-year old girl, hearing the noise of the storm, went to the tent door to see what the matter was, the mother going in great haste after her, escaped having the tree fall upon her. It was a narrow escape. There was only a step at that time between her soul and death. The Baptist sister was killed instantly. She had no sooner declared that she was ready to die, than she was ushered into eternity! How important it is to always be ready.

      This awful scene caused many to turn pale with alarm for their future condition. Eternity seemed so near. Every one on the ground felt the importance of being saved, having a clean heart. They did not need much urging to commence the work in right good earnest. Among the many that were made wise by this awful storm and were at the altar seeking, in the very depths of humility, the blessing of perfect love, was my dear wife. She, with others, did not seek in vain. She found the blessing. She went down on the line of confession, and was mightily resurrected to a state of heart purity, by a living faith in the Almighty power of Christ to save. It was stated to me by those that were present, that the whole camp-ground shook when she struck the Rock! Glory to God!

      At this time I was at a camp-meeting in another part of the state helping Bro. William Cooley. Hearing of the great blessing that my wife had received, I concluded that it would not be necessary for me to take another long trip, to go home to see if I could not persuade her to come with me, but that she

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