"Born of the Spirit;" or, Gems from the Book of Life. Zenas Osborne

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other and the Lord, during her brief stay on earth after this occurrence. In less than two years she peacefully passed away to be forever with the Lord.

      I relate this circumstance to show what things we have to overcome sometimes, in order to enter the ministry. And then, how strangely God manages to bring us where our eyes may be opened to see just what he wants us to see. It is well expressed by the poet:

      “God moves in a mysterious way,

      His wonders to perform,

      He plants his footsteps in the sea,

      And rides upon the storm.”

      More than a quarter of a century has passed into eternity since most of the events narrated occurred; and in looking over the past, and the way in which God led us into the ministry, the trials, conflicts, victories, and the many times in which He has marvelously delivered us out of the hands of all our enemies, and brought to our aid reinforcements, and just the help needed, and just at the right time, our heart goes out in wonder, love and praise.

      The promise of the Lord to me was: “For as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” O, how comforting that Scripture has been to me. When on hard fields of labor, and when it seemed as though very little if anything, accomplished, the above word of the Lord would come to my heart with such an assurance, and in such sweetness that I have been made to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord to me.

      We are often placed in a position, allowing the world to judge, would call it a tremendous defeat. But in obeying the voice of God there is no defeat. We may not always see just what we have done, the good accomplished. Perhaps it is best we should not. Spiritual pride might find way into our heart and destroy us.

      The command is, “Go forward.” We are not to stop to analyze results, in order to get at exact accomplishments, but move on, laboring with all our might, and leaving results with God. In that day, and under the light of judgment fires, it will appear in all the grandeur of eternal blessedness. “Your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” What precious opportunities God has given us of laying up our treasures on high. Look out in what direction you may, the fields are white already to harvest. Golden opportunities for doing good, and getting good, are constantly placed within our reach, and to be like our divine Lord and Master, who went about doing good, so must we, looking mainly for our reward in that day when He shall come to make up His jewels. O how blessed to hear in that day, “Well done!” Notwithstanding the glittering crown that often seems so nigh to the Christian soldier, he feels as expressed in the following lines:

      “Let me stay; I fain would labor

      In the vineyard of the Lord;

      For the fields are ready whitening,

      Jesus says so in His word.

      Let me thrust the Spirit’s cycle,

      In the fields already white;

      Let me blow the Gospel trumpet;

      Let me do with all my might.

      Let me stay and wear the armor

      That my Father doth supply;

      Let me cheer the broken hearted,

      Help the pilgrim on his way.

      Let me point the poor and needy

      To a boundless store of grace,

      To a mansion in the heavens,

      Where the weary are at rest.

      Let me stay and warn poor sinners

      Of the danger they are in,

      While by Christ they’re unprotected,

      Foes without and fears within;

      Let me tell how Jesus loved them

      When he died upon the tree,

      When he cried in grief and anguish,

      ‘Why hast Thou forsaken me?’

      Let me stay a little longer,

      Gathering for the garner great,

      Golden sheaves, oh, precious jewels,

      Stars in Jesus’ crown complete.

      Let me finish all my labor,

      Then my armor I’ll lay down,

      And with Jesus Christ, my Saviour,

      Ever wear a starry crown.

      Then I’ll range the fields of heaven,

      And with angels ever sing:

      Hallelujah! glory! glory!

      Hallelujah to my King!

      Then with white-robed seraphs worship

      Round the Father’s great white throne;

      Always crying, Thou art worthy!

      Oh my God, and Thou alone.”

      I apprehend that the richest spot in heaven will be given to those that have lived the nearest to Christ while on earth; that have been instrumental in turning many from darkness to light; that have been one with Him in the great work of human redemption; that have borne the cross, labored incessantly to bring souls to Christ and build up His kingdom on earth. It may have been in poverty, amidst great suffering, of physical ailments, in persecution; but the joy to such on earth exceeds that of all others; and in the world to come, “They shall shine as the brightness of the firmament forever and ever.”

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