Railway Construction. William Hemingway Mills
the brakes of as many suitable waggons. These incline brakesmen, after going down, can return to the summit by the next ascending train, their small weight being a mere nothing as compared with that of special or extra brake-vans.
On some European lines it is the custom to sprag some of the goods waggon wheels when going down exceptionally steep inclines, as well as applying the brakes on the ordinary and extra brake-vans. The sprag is a piece of wood, circular in section, about 2 feet 6 inches long, and 5 to 6 inches thick in the middle, tapering off to about 2 inches thick at the ends. When the waggon-wheel is just beginning to move, the sprag is inserted between the spokes, and being caught against the waggon framework, the wheel is held fast, and being unable to revolve, remains fixed, and acts like a skid upon the rails. The skidding of the wheels upon the rails wears flat places on the wheel tyres, and it is needless to mention that the practice is only resorted to in very extreme cases. Although a very primitive means for checking the speed of a descending train, or for maintaining vehicles stationary on an incline, there have been many instances where lives have been saved and accidents prevented by the prompt use of a few sprags. Solid or close wheels cannot be spragged, only wheels which have spokes or openings, and for this reason alone it would be very desirable that in every passenger and goods train there should be some spoke or open wheels which could be spragged as a last resource, in the event of a sudden emergency of brakes failing or train becoming divided on an incline.
On ascending gradients there is always the risk of a coupling breaking, and the train becoming divided. If the detached portion left behind be provided with ample brake-power, hand-brakes, or otherwise, no harm may take place beyond a little delay; but if the brake-power be insufficient or defective, and if all the wheels are solid wheels incapable of admitting a few timely sprags, then the vehicles cannot be held, but must slide back, and running unchecked would soon attain such a velocity as would cause them either to leave the rails or dash into another train standing at the last station. Many lamentable accidents have taken place arising from portions of trains breaking away and running back, and the sad experience of those casualties should call forth every effort to avert a recurrence in the future. It may not always be possible to detect a hidden flaw in a coupling, or a defect in the brake-gearing until the actual failure occurs; but it is quite possible to guard against disastrous results from such failure, by providing means to hold the vehicles, and prevent them sliding back.
For some years the writer had the entire charge of an important railway abroad on which the gradients were very exceptional, and where it was absolutely necessary that he should organize the most complete precautions to prevent the possibility of trains, or portions of trains, running back down inclines. Starting from sea-level, the line, which was laid to the 4 feet 8½ inch gauge, rose to a summit of over 8000 feet, and on the mountain division there were many long gradients of 1 in 40, 1 in 33, and in one place a continuous gradient of 1 in 25 for 12 miles. The specially powerful engines reserved for these heavy inclines were each supplied with an ordinary hand-brake, a steam-brake, and a Westinghouse continuous brake. The passenger carriages, which were of considerable length, and carried on a four-wheeled bogie-truck at each end, were all fitted up with the Westinghouse brake, and in addition each carriage had its own hand-wheel brake with the pawl and ratchet gearing. All the goods waggons, which were of the American type, were fitted with hand-wheel brakes similar to those on the carriages. Special gangs of trained brakesmen took charge of the trains on these inclines, a brakesman to every carriage or waggon, and were always in readiness in case of the breakage of a coupling, or the failure in the Westinghouse brake or brakes on engine. The immunity from accidents justified the combined precautions adopted, and proved the possibility of working such severe gradients with perfect safety.
The long-continued application of the brakes on heavy inclines naturally leads to the question as to the description of wheel to be adopted for the work. Not only are the wheels subjected to very severe torsional strains, but the temperature at the circumference is raised very high in consequence of the friction. Perhaps, theoretically, the safest wheel would be one made out of a solid piece of metal, similar to the chilled cast-iron wheels of the United States, or the steel disc wheels used on some lines in Europe, in either of which holes can be left for sprags. Wheels of this description can withstand very heavy wear and tear, they are not affected by increased temperature, and they certainly have the minimum of parts to work loose. Of the built-up wheels, the strong forged-iron-spoke wheel with steel tyres shows excellent results, and always gives due warning of loosening by indications at the tyre rivets. The suddenness with which the solid wooden centre wheels sometimes break up and fall to pieces does not commend them for a service where there must be a long-sustained application of the brakes. The increased temperature which expands the tyre, contracts the wood, and must loosen and weaken the entire wheel.
On all steep gradients the road-bed should be of the most substantial character, and the permanent way of a strong description, and maintained in perfect order, as the engines for working the traffic must necessarily be of a heavy type. The rails will be severely tested by the pounding and slipping of the engines on the ascending journey, and by the action of the brakes on the descending journey.
In the early days of the railway system, rope-haulage was adopted on some of the main lines for working the trains on steep inclines near the principal terminal stations. A powerful stationary engine, located at the highest point, was employed to work an endless rope which passed round large drums at the top and bottom of the incline, and was supported on sheaves or pulleys fixed between the rails. The connection between the carriages and endless rope was effected by means of a short piece of rope called the messenger, which was coiled round the main rope in such a manner as to be readily detached when the train reached the summit. There are many persons who will remember the time when the passenger trains were hauled by an endless rope up the 1 in 66 incline from Euston to Camden Town, a distance of about a mile and a half, and up the 1 in 48 incline from Lime Street, Liverpool, to Edge Hill, a distance of about a mile and a quarter, and several others. The rapid strides made in locomotive construction, and the increased pressure used in the boilers, enabled much more powerful engines to be built, until one by one the rope-haulage machinery has disappeared from nearly all the inclines where for years it had been considered indispensable. Rope-haulage on inclines is now very rarely met with, except at collieries and ironworks, where occasionally the rope may be seen so arranged that the loaded waggons descending pull up the empty waggons on the opposite or parallel line.
Curves.—The degree of curvature of a railway curve is generally expressed by giving the radius in feet, chains, metres, or other national standard measure.
When laying out a line of railway, the natural features of the country will necessitate the introduction of curves, and the question for consideration will be whether they are to be made of small or large radius. In some cases sharp curves are inevitable, except by incurring enormous works which would not appear to offer any corresponding prospective recompense. In others the curves may be made of easy radius, at a comparative moderate extra outlay, if the character of the line and description of traffic to be accommodated will warrant the expenditure. For main through lines, with heavy, high-speed traffic, it is advisable to have the curves of large radius, so as to avoid the necessity of reducing speed when passing round them. Although a high-class fast train may be allowed to run round an 80 chain (5280 feet) curve at almost unrestricted speed, safety demands that there should be a reduction of speed on curves of 40 or 30 chains radius, and a very much greater reduction for curves of 20 chains radius and under. A sharp curve will in some places form a greater check to fast trains than a length of moderately steep gradient on a straight line. In the former the trains running in either direction must slow down for some distance before reaching the curve, round which they should pass at greatly reduced speed, and then some distance must be run before they can attain their full speed again. On the other hand, with a rising gradient, on a fairly straight line, the acquired momentum of the train will materially assist in ascending the incline, and although the speed may be slackened as the train advances, there may not be any very great diminution in the running before the gradient is passed, and average level line reached again. A reduced rate of running must be maintained round curves of small radius, for, however substantial the works and permanent way, and however well devised and constructed the rolling-stock, there is an element of danger ever present when passing round sharp curves at anything more than moderate speed. In the