Railway Construction. William Hemingway Mills

Railway Construction - William Hemingway Mills

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the central pivot and swivelling motion supply all the freedom that is requisite; but for locomotives it is necessary to provide for lateral as well as for swivelling movement. The driving and trailing wheels—and sometimes one or two other pairs of wheels—work rigidly in the frames, and as the normal position of the centre of the bogie truck must be in the centre line of the engine for the straight line, it is evident that some appliance must be introduced to allow the truck to move laterally when the engine has to traverse the curves.

      Figs. 43, 44, and 45 give sketch elevation, plan, and transverse section of a swing-link bogie truck as applied to an ordinary American locomotive. Its recommendations are its simplicity, its efficiency, and its accessibility for inspection and lubrication. The swing-links, which provide for the lateral movement, are direct acting, and do not require any side springs of steel or indiarubber. All the principal parts of the bogie are visible and not mysteriously cased in with plate-iron boxwork.

      In the sketches several minor details are purposely omitted and only sufficient particulars shown to explain the method of working. The under side of the upper centre plate which carries the cylinder castings and smoke-box end of boiler is cup-shaped, and fits into an annular groove or channel in the lower centre plate, which is suspended from the framework of the truck by the four swinging links. Practically the entire carrying and swivelling work of the bogie truck is effected by the annular-groove casting moving round the cup-shaped casting, and the centre pin is merely passed down through each to guard against the risk of the one lifting out of the other from sudden shock or derailment.

      The lateral movement of the truck is obtained by means of the four swing-links. When the engine is on the straight road the centre line of the bogie is on the centre line of the engine, and the links hang in the positions shown on the sketch, inclined towards the centre; but upon entering a curve they come into play, and allow the truck to move out sideways to the right or left, according to the direction of the curve, the one pair of links assuming a flatter angle, while the other pair approach nearer to the vertical, the extent of side movement depending on the amount of the curvature. When the engine enters the straight line again, the bogie truck resumes its central position.

      The Bissell truck consists of one pair of wheels connected to a triangular framework, as shown in Fig. 46. The axle-boxes are attached to the side of the triangle which lies parallel to the axle, the other two sides terminate in a circular ring which works round a centre pin fixed to the engine. These two sides are practically the radii of a given circle, and permit a large amount of lateral movement, which can be controlled by placing suitable stop-pieces to limit the side play to the extent desired.

      Radial axle-boxes have been tried on the engines of some railways. In the best types the opposite boxes are braced together by a diaphragm, or plate-iron framework, to ensure that both boxes work together. The curved faces of the horn-blocks, in which the radial axle-boxes slide, are struck from a centre taken at some point to the rear of the normal centre line of the axle, and stops are placed at proper distances to control the extent of lateral movement. Although the advocates of radial axle-boxes may urge some points in their favour, there are few engineers, if any, amongst those who have had practical experience of both systems, who would for a moment claim for the radial axle-box anything but a modicum of the many advantages obtained by the four-wheeled bogie truck.

      As one of the principal functions of a four-wheeled bogie truck for an engine is to act as a path-finder, or guide, to the other wheels which constitute the fixed or rigid wheel-base portion of the machine, it follows, therefore, that the full benefit of the bogie truck can only be obtained when it is placed at the leading, or front, end of the engine. In this position the bogie, with its swivelling arrangement and smaller weights, is the first to pass over the rails, and in doing so shapes the course and prepares the way for the easy running of the heavier wheel weights which have to follow. When the bogie truck is placed at the rear end of the engine, its action is restricted to affording lateral movement only, and the driving and coupled wheels have to force or pound themselves round the curves in a jerky, irregular manner, as compared to their smooth running when following the leading or guiding influence of a bogie truck in front.

      The wheel-base of a four-wheeled bogie truck for an engine should always be greater than the gauge of the line over which the bogie has to travel On the 4 feet 8½ inch gauge some of the best results have been obtained with bogies having wheel-bases varying from 6 feet to 7 feet. Where the wheel-centres have been less than 6 feet, the running has been found to be much less steady than with the wider spacing; and where the wheel-base is not more than the gauge, there is a tendency for the bogie to catch, or lock, when passing round sharp curves.

      back to form [Transcriber's Note: Searchable text of form]

      Estimate of the Proposed (Railway).

      Line No.

      Length of Line:

      Miles. F. Chs.

      Whether single or double.

      Cubic yards. Price per yard.


      Cuttings—Rock Soft soil Roads Total

      Embankments, including roads, __ cubic yards

      Bridges, public roads—number

      Accommodation bridges and works


      Culverts and drains

      Metallings of roads and level crossings

      Gatekeepers’ houses at level crossings

      Permanent way, including fencing:

      Miles. F. Chs. at

      Cost per mile.

      Permanent way for sidings, and cost of junctions


      Contingencies __ per cent.

      Land and buildings

      Total £

      Dated this day of 18__



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