Railway Construction. William Hemingway Mills
with the motions balanced. They should, as a rule, be run chimney in front.
6. Records should be carefully kept of the work performed by the wearing parts of the rolling stock, to afford practical information in regard to them, and to prevent them from being retained in use longer than is desirable.
7. In addition to the block-telegraph instruments, it is desirable that there should be speaking-instruments, or telephones, for communication between signalmen, and books for recording the running of the trains.
8. When drovers or other persons are permitted to travel with goods or cattle trains, suitable vehicles should be provided for their accommodation.
9. It is considered that, in fixed signals, the front lights should show—
Green, for all right;
Red, for danger;
and that back lights, visible only when the signals are at danger, should show white.
10. Refuge sidings should be provided at all main-line stations where slow trains are liable to be shunted for fast trains to pass them. If at such stations it is impossible to provide refuge sidings, and slow trains have to be shunted from one main line to the other to allow of fast trains passing them, some simple arrangements should be supplied in the signal cabins to help to remind the signalman of the shunted train.
11. Efficient means should be adopted to prevent the accidental opening of the doors of passenger trains.
To carry out the undertaking, the engineer has to prepare working plans and sections to a somewhat larger scale than that adopted for the Government or Parliamentary plans, and on which must be marked the exact positions of the commencement of the curves, straight lines, and gradients. The sites of all the over and under bridges must be shown, and their angles of crossing noted. All road, river, or stream diversions must be indicated, so that the work in connection with them may be laid out on the ground. All culverts and drains must be marked, and their size, depth, and direction described. Public road level-crossings, and farm or occupation-road crossings, must be shown in their proper positions.
The face-lines of the ends of all tunnels should be marked on the working plan and section, and the position of any shafts, which may be intended either for use in carrying on the work or for future ventilation.
A considerable amount of investigation and negotiation will have to be entered into before the locating of the above works can be finally decided. The desire to meet the wishes and convenience of all parties interested must of necessity be controlled by the physical circumstances of each case; very little alteration can be made in the level of the rails, although some variation may be made in their position.
When fixing the depths of culverts and drains, attention must be paid to any probable improvement in the drainage of the district, which might at some future time necessitate the deepening of such of the main culverts where the inverts had been laid too high.
Unless all these details are determined, and shown on the working-plans before the works are commenced, there is the risk that embankments may have to be opened out to admit of bridges and culverts, and cuttings changed to permit of road diversions.
The entire centre-line of railway must be carefully staked out by driving strong wooden pegs into the ground at the end of every chain length, and along the course of these pegs the longitudinal section must be taken. Three pegs, one on each side of the centre peg, are generally placed at the commencement and termination of the curves. When the longitudinal section has been plotted to scale, and the course of the gradients and level portions worked out and drawn on, then the heights of the ground level and formation level can be marked at each chain, and from them the depths of the cutting and the heights of the embankments can be ascertained and marked at each chain. In addition to the longitudinal section, it will be necessary to take a large number of transverse or cross sections at those pegs, or intermediate points, where the ground is at all side-lying or irregular. These cross-sections are necessary to determine the side-widths, or distances to outer edge of slopes in cuttings or embankments, and also to calculate the actual quantity of earthwork to be executed. For convenience in taking out the quantities, these cross-sections are generally plotted to a natural scale, that is to say, to the same scale horizontal as vertical, as shown in the example of cross-sections, Figs. 15 to 24. It is also necessary to obtain information, by boring or otherwise, as to the material of which the cuttings are composed, whether clay, gravel, or rock.
In laying out lines through fairly level plains and populous districts, the absence of great natural obstacles will allow the engineer to carefully consider how far it may be prudent to diverge to the right or to the left, to accommodate towns and places which would be excluded by a more direct through route. There will be ample range for selection, and it will be rather the question of policy than compulsion which will guide him in the route to be taken.
When, however, the locating passes from the lower ground, away up amongst the hills and mountain ranges, it becomes an intricate study whether it will be possible to lay out any line at all which may possess gradients and curves practicable for railway working. The question of property, population, or convenience of access, is here no longer the controlling influence, but in its stead there are the far more formidable natural difficulties to be overcome in working out a trackway to the inevitable summit level. The chief endeavour will be to gain length, and so reduce as much as possible the steepness of the gradients which at the best must necessarily be severe. In some of the earlier mountain lines constructed abroad the system of zigzags was introduced, as shown in Fig. 25. These zigzags were laid out on ruling gradients, one above the other, on the sides of the mountain slopes with pieces of level at the apices, A, B, and C, on which the engine could be changed from one end of the train to the other. Although feasible in principle, the system entailed considerable loss of time in train-working, and was not unattended with risk.
The more modern and simple method of working out the same idea is to connect the main zigzag lines by curves or spirals, thus rendering the route continuous and unbroken. By this arrangement the heavy work and delay in starting or stopping the train at the apices, A, B, and C, as shown on Fig. 25, is avoided, and the train can proceed continuously on its circuitous journey. Fig. 26 shows an instance of the zigzags and spirals, as carried out on an important railway abroad. To have made a direct line from D to E, the most difficult part of the route, would have involved a gradient of 1 in 11; but by constructing the spiral course, as shown, the length was more than trebled, and the gradient reduced to 1 in 35.
Fig. 27 is another example of spiral zigzags in which advantage was taken to cut a short tunnel through a high narrow neck of rock at G, and then by skirting round the hill the line was taken over the top of the tunnel and along the side of the mountain to the summit tunnel at H. By this means the line from F to H was laid out to an average gradient of 1 in 42.
Fig. 28 shows the Cumbres inclines on the Mexican Railway. The route had to be located through one of the rugged passes of the great Chain of the Andes, whose mountain-sides rise most abruptly from the lower plains, to the great upper-land plateau, some eight thousand feet above sea-level. The ground to be traversed was so steep and difficult that, even with the best available detours and greatest length that could be obtained, the result was an average continuous gradient of 1 in 25 for 12 miles.