Terra Incognita. Alain Corbin

Terra Incognita - Alain Corbin

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freeing the waters of the ‘great deep’.

      Likewise, Buffon’s two books quoted previously discussed the earth’s interior, drawing on recent geological discoveries to develop his theory. Following Descartes and Leibniz, particularly the latter’s Theodicy, he hypothesized that the globe began as a molten mass, seeing it as akin to a cooler version of the sun. Like Kant, he underlined how much he and his contemporaries did not know, writing in 1749, ‘There are many parts of the surface of the globe with which we are entirely unacquainted, and have but partial ideas of the bottom of the sea, which in many places we have not been able to fathom.’ Men had only been able to explore ‘the mantle of the earth’ since ‘the greatest caverns and the deepest mines do not descend above the eight thousandth part of its diameter’.5

      For a period of nearly eighty years, from 1750 to 1830, the main focus of early geologists was developing mineralogy to further their knowledge of the nature of rocks and observing stratigraphy and mineral fossils to identify the successive geological eras that left their mark on the surface of the globe. At this point, it is useful to take a brief look back at a scholar whose work proved far-sighted, though it received little notice in his lifetime. Nicolaus Steno was the founding father of stratigraphy and tectonics and identified the organic origin of fossils, realizing that they were the remains of species now extinct. Decades ahead of his time, he pointed out that strata, or layers of sediment, built up as a result of successive deposits in a liquid environment. He hypothesized that the order of deposits must reflect the order of episodes of global history and that where strata were no longer horizontal, it must mean the earth’s crust had moved vertically at some point. Steno founded modern geology a century before other thinkers caught up, but his writings drew little attention and his ideas had little impact on the history of knowledge – and of ignorance.

      Part I of my book will focus solely on the rise of geology through ever more detailed studies of the earth’s surface and visible morphology, collecting evidence for the ‘constitution and conditions of the depths’.6 The debate on representations of the earth in the closing years of the eighteenth century and first half of the nineteenth turned on two main questions. The first was whether tilted strata of sedimentary rocks arose from the way the deposits formed as they were laid down, or whether they bore the traces of fractures from vertical and horizontal tectonic movements, as argued by those who had studied mountain ranges closely. The second, much more heated debate pitted the Neptunists, led by Abraham Gottlob Werner, against the Plutonists, who followed James Hutton. The two scholars studied rocks with a view to ‘identifying, differentiating, and giving precise descriptions of the various minerals and rocks that make up the Earth’s surface’.7 Their ambition was to ‘describe the visible surface of the Earth as objectively as possible and to identify its principal components’.8

      In 1778, however, Déodat de Dolomieu concluded from his study of basaltic lava that it could only come from the interior of the earth as a viscous flow, contradicting Werner’s Neptunism. This led to a lively scholarly argument. In 1785, James Hutton joined in the attack on Neptunism, making the case that the earth’s inner core was still burning. The heat rising from the subterranean regions was what forced rocks upwards as the cycle of sedimentation continued. This Plutonist theory accounted better than Werner’s Neptunism for the very long timescales of the geological past, which many scholars now believed in. Plutonism also had the advantage of accounting for something that was obvious to even the most casual observer: the interior of the earth was still full of fiery matter.

      Neptunism dominated scholarly debate until around 1795. Vincent Deparis records a swift change of opinion between 1802 and 1804, at the very end of the period, when studies of the volcanoes of the Auvergne swayed the debate towards Plutonism.

      How, then, did early-nineteenth-century Europeans building on Enlightenment science picture the earth, understand its surface and its reliefs and imagine its past? It is difficult to give hard and fast answers, but we can put forward some hypotheses.

      Yet the stratification of ignorance was already beginning to grow more complex: amateurs with a passion for science were starting to gather in academies in the provinces, Paris and London, and reading accounts of

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