Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier. Claude Angie

Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier - Claude Angie

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my dear. You have nothing to worry about.

      I have already discussed everything with His Majesty the King.

      He, believe me, is just delighted with my gift!

      She blissfully turned her gaze to the ugly painting. She added slowly, in a chant, as if she were singing a song

      Oh, how she suits you!

      Then she started, as if remembering something.

      Oh my god! Honey, it’s time for me to run! She hurried to add.

      So tonight.

      Don’t forget!

      De Tamp tried to say something else, but Diana interrupted her.

      And don’t argue, honey! All is decided! Fun, Diana added.

      You are leaving tonight!

      I, alas, will not come to see you off.

      Business, you know.

      And tomorrow you will have my present at your estate! She said, and after a pause, finished firmly in the affirmative.

      Yes! As if to herself. Still looking in awe at his gift.

      And without waiting for an answer, she swam to the exit, rustling her skirts. She had already left, but the edge of her skirt was still slowly creeping into the doorway after her.

      Like the tail of a huge snake! A thought flashed across de Tampa’s mind. And she collapsed exhausted on the couch that was next to her. Screaming out hopelessly and trembling all over.


      Damn snake!!! And she burst into tears.

      De Tamp was expelled from Paris and removed from the court forever. What happened to Poet’s gift, a painting, is unknown to anyone except de Tamp herself.

      In the evening, having collected all her things, she went to her carriage. Lifting her head to the palace, she suddenly saw Poitiers standing at the window, she was watching her. Stumbling at the foot of the carriage and nearly falling, de Tamp hurried to hide in the shadow of the carriage. Poitiers looked at the carriage leaving, she smiled!

      Heinrich showered his Diana with priceless gifts. To the most enviable crown jewels, he added a huge diamond confiscated from the defeated favorite of the deceased king, the Duchess de Tampa. Diana also got all the castles of the Duchess, as well as the Parisian mansion of her hated rival. Not content with expelling the duchess, Poitiers purged de Tampa’s other supporters. So Pierre Lizet lost his post as prime minister. And Olivier, the chancellor’s office. At the same time, supporters of Poitiers began to receive top government positions. As soon as Henry became king, he remembered his old friends and commanded to entrust Montmorency with the highest state office. Diana did not mind this decision. Since she was supporting the constable. He didn’t give her any fear.

      Diana had an amazing habit. Get up early in the morning, at dawn. When the day, together with the birds, only wakes up and the first rays of the sun color the sky. She got up and felt an unreasonable joy. Her soul was filled with peace and tranquility, perhaps comparable to bliss. At this early hour, when the whole world had not yet woken up completely and the air was especially clean, and the singing of birds filled everything around. Diana went to the stable, where a horse was already being saddled for her, and rode on horseback for about an hour. Enjoying this amazing creation of God and nature, dawn, as well as fast driving and a feeling of complete, absolute freedom. Choking on the wind and driving fast. Then, she would come back and take a cool bath to cool down her body, which was heated up by the fast ride. The coolness of the water was very pleasant to her. Her body calmed down and she felt reborn. And then, she went and went to bed, for a few more hours. This ritual became a part of her life. And not a day passed without her meeting the sun. Sometimes she said so.

      Hello sun! As if greeted a luminary.

      Waking up, after a couple of hours of sleep, she ate breakfast lightly and felt a surge of strength, as if the luminary itself charged her with its light. So her day began. Heinrich sometimes went with her at dawn. But, when he didn’t join her. She quietly crawled out of bed so as not to wake him up, but he always heard her exactly. Then she kissed him gently.

      Speaking. Sleep, I’ll be back soon.

      And when he returned, and if he was still asleep, she would just as quietly climb under the covers to him.

      Heinrich, was married to Catherine de Medici, but had never felt any feelings for to his wife. It was undoubtedly a marriage of convenience. The phenomenon is common, for persons of royal blood. Diana, of course, even at the beginning of their relationship, asked Henry about Catherine. To which, he answered her. That, his heart and his life belong to her only one and it will always be so. And she had to face it. As for Henry. It got to the point that Poitiers practically had to ask him to visit Catherine’s chambers. Diana did not see a rival in the ugly, unprepossessing Catherine.

      Henry, Catherine was not interesting. But if, by the way, Catherine, who, by the way, due to the fact that Henry did not want to, simply, perform marital duty with her, does not have an heir and children. Because of this, a divorce could well have happened. And it is not yet known who could be the next contender for Henry’s wife. Therefore, Poitiers chose, as they say, the lesser of evils, that is, Catherine. Once again, when a conversation came with Heinrich that he needed heirs and he could not ignore Catherine. Henry fell into anger and longing about this. First, because he did not want this woman, who was his wife. Secondly, because the woman he loved simply sent him to bed with another. From what, he became completely unhappy. Going to see Catherine, he became nervous and angry. Swearing with swear words, like the last shoemaker in France.

      I, the King of France! Heinrich spoke.

      Should sleep and please, like the last whore in this kingdom, this woman!

      Diana and you yourself are telling me that?! He spoke, offended.

      Heinrich, dear. You know perfectly well it breaks my heart!

      But we have no control over this!

      You will always be married to someone else! You know.

      You could never marry me. Sadly, answered Poitiers. Knowing exactly that it was just like that and could not be otherwise. Henry grew even sadder.

      I, King Diana!

      I, I can do anything! He grinned sadly.

      Only, I can’t marry the one I love!

      I, would prefer fate, any shoemaker in my country!

      Because any shoemaker is freer than me! He finished bitterly.

      Diana was silent, her eyes downcast. She didn’t know what to say. Realizing that both of them feel, at this moment, unwitting captives of circumstances that they are unable to change. But, nevertheless, Poitiers did not harbor hostility or did not lead to Catherine. Poitiers even felt sorry for Catherine as a woman. She understood that she, too, was the same hostage of circumstances. That she lived with a man who did not love her. And Diana understood that there is no fate sadder for a woman than being for a husband, for someone who does not love you. So yes. She felt sorry for Catherine. Until, one moment! Which happened once and she realized how passionately Catherine hated her!

      Once, Diana asked Catherine de Medici, who was reading a book.

      What, are you reading?

      What, Medici, answered.

      I read the history of France and find undeniable evidence that in this country, harlots have always ruled the affairs of kings.

      The hint was clear! She just called her a whore! Poitiers eyes lit up with yellow fire! But, having an iron endurance, which she demonstrated back in the war with de Tamp. Diana did not raise an eyebrow! A second later, she smiled good-naturedly and broadly at Catherine. Answered.

      Interested in history?

      Really, I wonder?


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