Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier. Claude Angie

Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier - Claude Angie

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      You will be the Duchess!

      Then, my precious relative, there will be no reason to spoil your mood!

      Jumping up for joy, Poitiers literally fluttered into his lap, hugging Heinrich by the neck.


      Will you do it?!

      He smiled.

      Of course, my dear.

      See, you are smiling again!

      Your smile is worth a kingdom!

      She blissfully narrowed her eyes, imagining a face, a bastard! When, he learns that the king, raised her to a higher level! She burst out laughing!

      Why are you laughing? My dear. The king asked her, smiling.

      She exhaled with even greater bliss.

      I see the twisted face of your relative!

      When he finds out the news.

      Heinrich raised an eyebrow and grinned.

      Yes, I think he’ll be furious, now Henry himself laughed.

      She kissed him on both cheeks for a hundred times!

      Heinrich, I adore you! You know!

      He laughed.

      Yes, my dear.

      Oh, how, I adore you! He answered and pulled her closer to him.

      So, they laughed and rejoiced, mocking the arrogance and arrogance of a relative of Henry. Which, apparently, forgot that Henry, the king!

      King, bestowed upon Diana the title of Duchess of Valantinois. The royal relative, as Henry said, was furious at Poitiers’ ascension from countess to duchess. He hated her even more.


      As for the Medici, there is definitely the ascension of Poitiers on the pyramid of the nobility upwards. She accepted, blushing with anger. But, the Medici’s hatred for the Duchess now reached an epic when Henry presented Poitiers with one of the most magnificent castles in all of Europe. Chenonceau Castle on the Cher River.

      Light, country residence was located not far from the city of Tours. It was located near the eponymous village of Chenonceau in the French part of Indre and Laura. The castle was built on the site of an old Renaissance fortress. In the surrounding area, magnificent gardens have been arranged. The castle was confiscated from the family of the royal treasurer Thomas Boyer for debts by King Francis 1 and made part of his property, and now it has been inherited by Henry.

      Decorative windows on the roof gave the building a special elegance. On one side of Chenonceau, there was a magnificent view of the park. On the other hand, to the enchanting expanses of the Cher River. The castle was just fabulously beautiful! Also, because of its location. Only the queen should own it! The courtiers spoke. Catherine hoped that Henry would present her with this gift. When he gave it to Diana. The Medici almost had a blow. And it became completely clear to everyone. Who is the real queen!

      And here Chenonceau appeared before Diana in all his glory. The castle was located by the river, as if hovering over it. It amazed with the abundance of rooms and corridors with splendor and rich decoration inside.

      Diana gasped!

      God! Henry!

      He’s great!

      He smiled at her and answered simply.

      I knew you would like it.

      She walked around as many rooms as she could and looked out the window at the river. She said enthusiastically.

      Heinrich, you know!

      The bridge is missing here!

      He smiled at her. Seeing how happy she is, he said.

      You can build at least a hundred of them, Diana!

      If you are missing a bridge.

      Order it and they will build it for you!

      She clapped her hands like a child with joy. The picture of the bridge that she would like to complete was brightly in front of her eyes.

      It will be magnificent, Heinrich!

      You will see!

      Indeed, Poitiers completed a beautiful arched bridge across the river, which gave the impression that the building was floating on water. It was this missing part of the complete picture that appeared before her eyes that made the castle just a magical palace on the water! And she enveloped the castle in a romantic atmosphere.

      Also Poitiers on the other side of the castle decided to decorate the territory with parks. The park of the Château de Chenonceau and the orchard (one of the most beautiful gardens in France) were redesigned

      Chenonceau impressed with painted ceilings, tiled floors and an art gallery. Expensive tapestries, marble fireplaces and all the incredible luxury and beauty. Chenonceau became their favorite place, where they, together with Henry, arrived as much of the time as possible that the king could afford to be away from Paris.

      Diana stood naked with her back to Henry next to the open door, on a large balcony terrace overlooking their bedroom.

      It was a lovely night. The full moon shone in the sky with its silver light. The night revealed all its beauty.

      Smells and songs of the night filled the world, the warble of a cricket, mingling with the distant cries of an owl and the divine singing of a nightingale.

      The night has filled the world with its mysterious beauty.

      A river rustled somewhere in the distance.

      The scent of a climbing rose that strewn the castle walls, interspersed with the wet scent of water, made my head spin.

      Moonlight illuminated her figure, staining her white skin with a slightly bluish silver light. This gave the impression that he seemed to come from the most standing naked Poitiers. Enveloping her figure in a silver cloud and mixing with a waterfall of black hair, still slightly wet from Henry’s stormy embraces, falling down. Which, like a black waterfall, scattered over white skin, like a black river on white sand? She froze in place, fixing her gaze somewhere into the distance. As if looking beyond one of her guided horizon.

      She stared into the distance, frozen in place, like a silver statue. Heinrich called her by name. She woke up as if she had returned from her fabulous country. She turned her head slightly towards him and looked at him with a slight smile. He was simply bewitched by this picture!

      His heart skipped a beat.

      He lay naked on a bearskin, one of his trophies, which lay on the floor by the fireplace and was still lit at night as the nights were still chilly. The fire was dying out in the fireplace, reflecting on his slightly dark skin in gold. He spoke as if spellbound, not taking his eyes off her.

      Admit it, Diana. Heinrich said.

      Are you the immortal moon goddess Artemis?

      Tell me Diana. Where do you hide your crescent tiara?

      Admit it; did you come down from Olympus?

      See how we mortals live here?

      I promise to keep your secret!

      What are you among mortals! He continued.

      Looking at her hair whipping up in magical waves from the warm wind suddenly flowing from the open window. His heart sank and beat so hard that he thought he would suffocate and it would jump out of his chest. She turned to him, smiling tenderly, answered.

      Don’t say that to Henry.

      Goddesses are jealous, you know.

      Artemis will hear you speak and be angry with me. She sang in her own voice.

      I’m just a woman.

      She added,

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