Mysticism from A to Z. A clear introduction to the deepest and most complex spiritual issues. NGO-MA

Mysticism from A to Z. A clear introduction to the deepest and most complex spiritual issues - NGO-MA

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time to align the mental plane and your perception.

      So, I told you about the four parts of our mental plane, and also pointed out that staying in the Moment of Now turns off, in fact, three of the four parts and leaves only one at work. It has nothing to do with time, first of all – it is connected with turning off the imagination. You turn off the imaginary, those thoughts that produce stories, that unfold a certain time continuum, and you come to the Moment of Now in which this psychosomatic organism is functioning. Now there is quite a lot of speculation that thoughts are also occurring in the Moment of Now, but these are some kind of advanced people that confuse you a little. Of course, thoughts also occur in the Moment of Now, but our “imaginarium” is able to unfold its space-time continuum, and when attention begins to “swim” along this continuum, asking questions: “What is going to happen?” “What has happened?” “What happened when I was a kid?” “Where is it now?” – it is what is called the exit from the “Moment of Now” which is right here and now. Thus, you lose touch with direct experience, and attention is immersed in these stories. So, the Moment of Now, about which Ram Dass once spoke, he called it – “be here now”, and as Eckhart Tolle now says – this is not a profanation. It is practice, the practice of staying in direct experience. It allows you to see how much trouble and suffering your imagination is giving you, and this practice is the cornerstone of all teachings. I have not come across a single teaching that would not give you support for the Moment of Now, which would not talk about disconnecting, stopping internal dialogues, about stopping this imaginary. But you should not stop the working mind, which adequately tells you the names of objects and their purpose. This is superfluous, this mind does not serve the ego structure, the ego structure is served by the imagination, thinking, etc.

      Now I have told you in detail about the mental plane, as we see it in our Free Away teaching, have told you about the practice of the Moment of Now, that is the withdrawal of attention and the best of all is the withdrawal of attention in which you are aware of your body. You can concentrate on breathing, you can concentrate on sensations, you can concentrate on perception, but at the same time, you do not lose the perception of your own body. Because your body is always in the Moment of Now, it is never yesterday, it is never tomorrow. This organism is always fresh, always – today, and, as I like to joke, even with your own breakfast: you have this “fast break” not tomorrow, not yesterday, but right here and now.

      This is where I want to end this chapter. Send your questions to the address at the end of the book, and I’ll be waiting for you on our live streams every two weeks.

      2. Four kinds of experience. Mystical and spiritual experience

      After writing the first chapter of this series, I was very pleasantly surprised by the great attention and received quite a lot of mail with questions about this. Therefore, literally in hot pursuit, I decided to continue and I understood that I had touched on a very important topic – the topic of thinking and the topic of the gradation of this thinking.

      People ask me about a working and parasitic mind or a thinking mind, but this is the terminology of Ramesh Balsekar – “working mind” and “thinking mind.” I think that in our system it will be precisely the “working mind” and “imagination”, respectively, we conditionally divided the mind into 4 parts. I believe that this is the best option for you to be aware of what entering into the Moment of Now means and what is ultimately being cut off there. It is that thinking that is able to unfold the space-time continuum and switch attention from the current immediate experience into a fantasy about this experience, and the distinction of these things is very, very important.

      What questions will we discuss next? I would like to raise an issue that is very closely related to the types of thinking – this is the issue of the types of experience. Today I will give you such a concept as “four types of experience”, and you will add a little bit to the picture. What do the “four experiences” mean? Yesterday we dwelt in some detail on the mediated experience that we receive through our mental plane – that is, it is the ability to receive experience through the imagination. We are told some kind of plot, we receive information, we build all this into a kind of a picture in our imagination, we put an image of ourselves there and just through this we get an indirect experience.

      This experience is very important, and we can call it the experience of the mind, but more important is the direct experience. This is an experience gained in the Moment of Now through our senses. It is then remembered, it is then recorded, but it should never be confused with the experience gained indirectly. You must clearly distinguish – this experience I got directly, for example I learned to ride a bike, and this one – I read about how to ride a bike. You can read a book about a world swimming champion, but that does not mean that you have learned to swim, that is, learning to swim directly, getting direct experience and reading about it, hearing about it – these are different things. In your system of thinking, there should be different folders in your memory, which do not allow you to lie that this is – I received directly, and this I received indirectly. The differentiation and distinction between direct and indirect experience is a very important point.

      The fact is that when we touch mysticism, spirituality (and now we have a very large access to literature), we, of course, have a great temptation to simulate all this and wake up just in our imagination. However, any difficult situation pisses us off and sends us straight to who we really are and what we think of ourselves. Therefore, it is very important not to confuse mediated experience with direct one. It is such a childhood illness to present fantasies as reality and do not have the ability or strength to admit that this is only my mediated experience, that I don’t have it in my direct experience.

      These are the two types of experience. The next type of experience that I am going to give you is an experience of altered states of consciousness. In our Formation, we do not consider this type of experience at all, because we have a very clear attitude to spiritual experiences. Experiments obtained with the help of all kinds of means, no matter what – permitted or prohibited, changing our everyday state of consciousness – are not spiritual. They are psychedelic experiences involving changes in brain chemistry. That is, if you accept something or influence in some way the body – these are altered states of consciousness, and they are not a spiritual experience. I want you to understand this clearly.

      The fourth type of experience is the highest experience available to us – spiritual experience, and I want you to hear now that this experience has nothing to do with imagination, with mediated experience – it has nothing to do with it. It grows out of your direct experience. I also call it the “ultimate expression” of direct experience. That way, first in practice, we move from imagination, where we are stuck and where our attention is stuck for many days – to direct experience, and from direct experience, we, without applying any means, move to spiritual experience. These are very specific experiences, these are very specific practices, and these are very clear states that are testable and repeatable because they are not fantasy. Therefore, there are teachings about spirituality, about mysticism. I want you to understand that these are very precise teachings. I generally call it science, because it meets the criteria that are presented to science, it is repeatable and it is testable. Therefore, spiritual experience is a very clear experience.

      The first such spiritual experience, oddly enough, you will not believe, is Love. That is, Love is not a feeling, it is not a sensation; Love is a spiritual experience. In fact, a loving person is already a spiritual person. The entrance to spirituality is the entrance through Love, if we are talking about the first and most accessible experience. Yes, you should be a rather subtle person with an open mind. What is the soul in this sense? The soul is essentially a counterparty to spiritual experience; the soul is

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